diy solar

diy solar

Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

Guess they got repurposed from installing satellite dishes and loft insulation when solar became the next big thing ?⚒️
Probably. I do know that they moved a bit of the insulation to one side when installing my batteries in my loft, but left a hefty layer directly under the batteries. I'm going to move that next time I go up there so a little heat from the house will keep the batteries warm in winter and there will be more airflow under the batteries in summer.

I haven't been caught by a temperature related charge limit so far, but I haven't been charging my batteries at anywhere near full rate overnight so it doesn't hit that limit. 12A per unit is enough to get an almost full charge in 4 hours. Tonight I'm going to charge them at 3A for 4 hours which will give me plenty until the sun comes out to fill them up fully.

diy solar

diy solar