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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Name a single entity in the USA that is NOT motivated by profit. Even the police "police for profit". We live in a capitalistic country, if you have a problem with that, perhaps North Korea would suit you better?

Just because profit is involved, does not mean a product is fraudulent. Ever have a loved one have a heart attack? Survive cancer? Organ transplant? Maybe someone you love got an infection and needed antibiotics? How the hell do you think all that shit was developed? It certainly wasn't prayer genius.

Pharmaceutical companies spend billions developing the drugs that keep your sorry ass alive and healthy. Unfortunately, there is still no cure for stupid.
Whats your point, that pharmaceutical companies are 100% honest and transparant with the public, and couldnt possibly dismiss a therapy they cant make money from?
What are you, some kind of fucking pollyanna? How benevolent were your hallowed pharmaceutical companies when they rushed thalidomide onto the market?
No, they cant fix stupid, if they could your mother wouldnt exist.
Whats your point, that pharmaceutical companies are 100% honest and transparant with the public, and couldnt possibly dismiss a therapy they cant make money from?
You are arguing that just because a company makes a profit and workers get paid, they are dishonest. That logic (if that is what you want to call it) is flawed, Will makes money from his video's and he goes to great length to disclose where and how he gets the equipment he tests and even the money he makes from affiliate programs for equipment he recommends.

What are you, some kind of fucking pollyanna? How benevolent were your hallowed pharmaceutical companies when they rushed thalidomide onto the market?
Money corrupts, but you can fix that with proper oversight and instead of each individual replicating the research, which would be prohibitively expensive, we have tasked government run agencies, funded by taxes, to do that. That doesn't mean they are perfect, those agencies are underfunded and rely on cooperation with other countries and universities in order to keep up.

No, they cant fix stupid, if they could your mother wouldnt exist.
Really, you are calling some one else stupid?

Studies show Ivermectin does not work, but pharmaceutical companies are happy to sell it to you, for a profit of course.
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There is batshit again posting at O dark thirty ...needs to take your meds bud!
4 drops per gallon of pH-Up should bring him close to neutral again but wait a few minutes between drops so he don't overshoot and go all acidic on us. The idea is to ease back to normal thought and avoid the wide mood swings.
Whats your point, that pharmaceutical companies are 100% honest and transparant with the public, and couldnt possibly dismiss a therapy they cant make money from?
What are you, some kind of fucking pollyanna? How benevolent were your hallowed pharmaceutical companies when they rushed thalidomide onto the market?
No, they cant fix stupid, if they could your mother wouldnt exist.
I read your manifesto, please seek mental help.
Get any people walking in front of your house with stripped down micro wave ovens this Thanksgiving weekend?
Pretty sure they had better things to do.

Looked like a potentially interesting article, as I would like to know the cause. I was disappointed and it is another example of why we need to go to the source. (the report uses the word "plausible" instead of "probable" that is used in the article)

But were they gang stalking them?

Geez you are a nut job!
Define gang stalking. Because I havent seen it, seems like a lot of nutters trying to convince others to believe their paranoia is normal.
Despite all your attempts to portray me as crazy, I havent posted any conspiracy theories or anything I couldnt support as factual in this forum.
Deflection and personal attacks are all you have when your topical arguments fail.
Pretty sure they had better things to do. still thing there are people with direct energy weapons aimed at other people including yourself.

Out of curiosity, why do you think people were chasing after you with these weapons. Why were you so special?
Define gang stalking. Because I havent seen it, seems like a lot of nutters trying to convince others to believe their paranoia is normal.
Despite all your attempts to portray me as crazy, I havent posted any conspiracy theories or anything I couldnt support as factual in this forum.
Deflection and personal attacks are all you have when your topical arguments fail. were the one saying people were gang stalking you. You tell us!

1670994426356.png still thing there are people with direct energy weapons aimed at other people including yourself.

Out of curiosity, why do you think people were chasing after you with these weapons. Why were you so special?
I provided a reputable source saying EXPERTS believe directed energy weapons, which are well documented to exist, were being used.
What I believe is irrelevent and I did not state anything was "aimed" at me.
When it comes to crackpots, Magical Invisible Sky Fairies are always involved somehow.
Youre the one who now introduced "magical invisible sky fairies" to the discussion, and you have the audacity to suggest others are crackpots. People like you post a red herring or strawman when you have nothing coherent or intelligent to contribute. were the one saying people were gang stalking you. You tell us!

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Thats very interesting you keep posting this. Is there a reason you never have anything more intelligent to discuss than things about other users? Its amusing you would keep coming to this site with the sole purpose of talking about ME. You must have dozens of posts about ME. Are you obsessed? Do you wake up in a cold sweat after having nightmares about ME, and rush to the computer to post about ME?
Trying to figure out the twisted mind of an internet stalker.
Youre the one who now introduced "magical invisible sky fairies" to the discussion, and you have the audacity to suggest others are crackpots. People like you post a red herring or strawman when you have nothing coherent or intelligent to contribute.
Thats very interesting you keep posting this. Is there a reason you never have anything more intelligent to discuss than things about other users? Its amusing you would keep coming to this site with the sole purpose of talking about ME. You must have dozens of posts about ME. Are you obsessed? Do you wake up in a cold sweat after having nightmares about ME, and rush to the computer to post about ME?
Trying to figure out the twisted mind of an internet stalker.
I just like pointing out that you are a crazy SOB! All the stuff you post is crazy!

Who was gangstalking you with direct energy weapons? Were they in front of your house? Who are these secret police?

You need to take your meds.
Thats very interesting you keep posting this. Is there a reason you never have anything more intelligent to discuss than things about other users? Its amusing you would keep coming to this site with the sole purpose of talking about ME. You must have dozens of posts about ME. Are you obsessed? Do you wake up in a cold sweat after having nightmares about ME, and rush to the computer to post about ME?
Trying to figure out the twisted mind of an internet stalker.
You going to buy some of the Trump trading cards he came out with today?
I already stated about a half dozen times I WAS WRONG and mislead by information I saw on the internet. You are simply deflecting the discussion to ad hominem because you got called out for your lies. You really think I care about what you think of me? Youre a liar. You voted for Biden, worst president since Carter. I could care less about you.
I just like pointing out that you are a crazy SOB! All the stuff you post is crazy!

Who was gangstalking you with direct energy weapons? Were they in front of your house? Who are these secret police?

You need to take your meds.
So you admit you like to talk about ME. Thats incredibly petty and small of you. Most people like to get on the internet and read about interesting things. Discuss matters of a global or international scope. Not you. You have what, dozens, maybe a hundred posts now, all about some guy you dont know and will never meet? And you keep coming back for more? And you call ME crazy?
Look at that you just put up THREE posts. About ME. You must walk around all day thinking about ME, hoping I post something for you to reply to.
Every time you post about ME I own you. Like youre my little puppy dog I bought and put on a leash. All I gotta do is come here and post something, and just like Pavlovs dog, on command, youre gonna be my little bitch and reply. You cant look away.

diy solar

diy solar