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diy solar

Enphase Battery Owner Question


New Member
Dec 13, 2022
Enphase Battery Owners:

Hi Peeps,

My IQ10T battery charging is averaging about 1.5 kilowatts per day while the battery is in the full backup mode.

Is this normal? The app shows a daily charge rate of 1.5 kwh, while the discharge rate (per day) is usually .1 kwh. Where is this 1400 watts going each day? I've included an app screenshot for reference.Screen Shot 2023-01-29 at 07.22.03.png


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Mine aren't in full-backup and I have the older original model, but the delta between charged and discharged is about 83 Wh/day charging per kWh of battery. So, with a 10 kWh battery, that would be 10 x 0.083 = 0.83 KWh. If you have two IQ10ts, at 1.5 kWh/d you'd be doing better than me.

...Where is this 1400 watts going each day?
I'm assuming it is the self-consumption (power consumed keeping the device in stand-by, blinking lights, running the communications, etc.).
83 Wh per day is a 3.45W/kWh draw, which is pretty amazing. Your rate is about double that.

Inverters with fans are way worse. A Victron Quattro 48/10k (a good brand) has about an 80W draw with no loads.