diy solar

diy solar

Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

The evil government is lying to me, the media is lying to me, the universities are lying, the pharmaceutical companies are lying, and my own doctor is lying..

Actually yes! They are lying to you! And have been lying to you for as long as you can probably remember! Even your doctor, who has been threatened by organizations such as the AMA that they will pull his licenses if he tells you that Ivermectin is more effective then untested genetic slurry!

"It is much harder to get people to admit they have been fooled than it is to fool them"

Seriously dude, open your eyes and your mind and start following the threads instead of following the herd. The herd will stump upon you at the first available opportunity.
LOL.. Ah yes.. The evil government is lying to me, the media is lying to me, the universities are lying, the pharmaceutical companies are lying, and my own doctor is lying..

They are all lying to me!

Actually... they are.
Well, your doctor may not be, but he's being lied to.
Hard to accept when you're used to trusting these groups (I used to). But after looking at the evidence and data, there's just simply no other explanation.

ETA: I'm not Catholic.
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LOL.. Ah yes.. The evil government is lying to me, the media is lying to me, the universities are lying, the pharmaceutical companies are lying, and my own doctor is lying..

They are all lying to me!

But the Catholic Church who tells you magical invisible sky fairies are real, molests your children, and needs your money and support.. that's the one truthful source...

I don't hand these out often, but you've earned it... Congratulations.. you get the laughing duck award.

Damn are people F*ing stupid.
Wouldn’t know I’m not Catholic.
Hey Genius,
The pastor at the front refers to himself as a Shepherd (Sheep herder) and he refers to you as his Flock (Flock of sheep).

Sometimes it's right in front of you and you can't see it.
Hey “know it all” bull$&t walks and you’re about as wrong as possible. Just to prove your genius:

A real legend in your own mind aren’t you? I’m sure these sources are wrong too.
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This fits too so take your pick
How about some of the East Palestine water. Government says it’s perfectly safe. Maybe you should order a case you know the government never lies.
How about some of the East Palestine water. Government says it’s perfectly safe. Maybe you should order a case you know the government never lies.
NS Railroad use to drink the bottled water from Flint MI.

Obama had slow response helping them As remember it mostly democrats made the decisions that contaminated the water there but the Republican Gov got the blame. Do you remember that?

Obama drinking out of that facet water glass was funny. hahaha he almost choked when swallowing. hahaha I think he just touched it to his lips. hahaha

That guy just pulls crap out his butt and expects us to take it for gospel. Free thinkers just aren’t built that way.
Biden thinks Ukraine is more important then East Palestine in OHIO

That is because for those who manipulate him it is more important. (comon, lets me honest, Biden is lucky if he can change his pants himself :))
War in Ukraine serves a very important purpose for the Great Reset and the neo feudal technocracy that they are trying to build. All politicians at the top (and most certainly lower) are just puppets to the special interest (lets just call it that for the time being). Xi, Putin, Zelensky, Biden - they all take orders from the same people. The so called rivalry is just theater, sold to the pupulace. All real deals take place behind closed door, and you never ever hear a peep about it. We can only deduce from the action that follows (And this is where critical thinking is important - watch what they do, not what they say)

This article is a good introduction into this rabbit's hole.

People of Ukraine, people of Russia and western way of life (Such as driving a private vehicle and being able to heat your house properly) are first casualties of this, and that is very intentional.
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Let’s get to the heart of the matter. Stir it up a little. One word do your own research ADRENOCHROME. The life elixir of the elites.
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You know, i used to think that the whole adrenochrome story is complete bs, but after the last 3 years, i am not so sure anymore. I wont rule out anything with the psychopaths and sociopaths we have in hi power...

same with chemtrails.... but if you use the "magic words" and instead of chemtrails you search for "stratospheric aerosole injection" interesting things to indeed come up, from "official science" sources to boot...
You know, i used to think that the whole adrenochrome story is complete bs, but after the last 3 years, i am not so sure anymore. I wont rule out anything with the psychopaths and sociopaths we have in hi power...

same with chemtrails.... but if you use the "magic words" and instead of chemtrails you search for "stratospheric aerosole injection" interesting things to indeed come up, from "official science" sources to boot...
I was the same way but that chemical is in fact real and it is used heavily by the elites because it’s extremely expensive. The disturbing part is how it’s manufactured. IMO this is a big reason Ukraine is as it is. The last three years have been an eye opener. I would never ever have believed what is really going on in the world. It almost drove me crazy for a time. The world is nothing as it seems. I sort of sympathize with the normies. Ignorance is bliss and it’s never been a “leave it to beaver” world. Where does it end? Who knows but one thing for sure absolutely nothing is as it was taught to us.
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Assuming that its true, they dont need Ukraine for that. There are thousands of kids who disappear around the world never to be found.
Ukraine has a very very clear goal - destruction of the EU and US middle classes (whats left of them). And at that its doing exactly as desired.
Interesting there is a wiki page.... as well as several links from search engine.

So maybe this is where all the references to vampires came from for fiction.
weird movie scene

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas​

guy reminds me of Johnny Depp with a bald head

I think we have no business in Ukraine unless they have $31 trillion dollars we can take to pay our debt. The USA needs to act like thugs until we get every penny back we have spent on any foreigners. Take it. Enrich our country not the hidden elite that profit from our deaths
Assuming that its true, they dont need Ukraine for that. There are thousands of kids who disappear around the world never to be found.
Ukraine has a very very clear goal - destruction of the EU and US middle classes (whats left of them). And at that its doing exactly as desired.
Ukraine is at the center of this and a major manufacturer.
The pastor at the front refers to himself as a Shepherd (Sheep herder) and he refers to you as his Flock (Flock of sheep).
Yes, sometimes it right in front of you, yet you instinctively follow the herd. This is incredibly effective against educated "specialists".

But more likely in your case it is a Milgram experiment in real time. As the renowned Anthony Fauci said "I am the science!"
Yes, sometimes it right in front of you, yet you instinctively follow the herd. This is incredibly effective against educated "specialists".

But more likely in your case it is a Milgram experiment in real time. As the renowned Anthony Fauci said "I am the science!"

What, specifically, makes you think I follow the herd? I can't wait to hear this..

Lets examine my herd following behavior shall we?

Raise your hand if you own enough property to land an airplane and it's paid off..
Raise your hand if you have 5 years of food, medicine, and other associated prepper supplies.
Raise your hand if you have NOT watched television in your home for almost 20 years.
Raise your hand if you own a Barret M107 or something equivalent. (can't wait to see how many raise their hands on this one)
Raise your hand if you own thermal scopes
Raise your hand if your hobby involves a level of science and physics most have no clue about..
Raise your hand if your home is entirely powered by solar.. (hmm. this is a solar forum so maybe that's a silly one)
Raise your hand if you have zero financial debt..
Raise your hand if you have a chemistry lab in your basement that would make a cop's eyes bulge out.
Raise your hand if you are capable of powering your home with FIVE different backup power sources.
Raise your hand if you read 30 to 50 books a year (romance novels and comic books do not count)
Raise your hand if you raise and butcher your own farm animals.
Raise your hand if you even butcher your own deer..

Now lets examine your herd behavior:
Raise your hand if you think magical invisible sky fairies are real.

When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

By the way.. one other note of interest.. Only a completely uneducated dope smoking, god praying moron who barely graduated public school would ever mutter a sentence demeaning someone who worked to get a professional education.

It's like holding up your own signage that says "I'm an idiot" Congrats on that by the way.
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What, specifically, makes you think I follow the herd? I can't wait to hear this..
The likelihood of herd mentality is around 80% for people in general. We are a social/herd species. The 20% outliers tend to be more questioning of the narrative, whatever it may be, and put in effort to research opposing views. Many of your replies in this thread plant you firmly in that 80%. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. It just makes you average. But as I mentioned above, You are more in the Milgram camp. The "experts" say...
I am, however, open to evidence to the contrary and I find your knowledge in things electrical top-notch impressive and downright educational.
What, specifically, makes you think I follow the herd? I can't wait to hear this..

Lets examine my herd following behavior shall we?

Raise your hand if you own enough property to land an airplane and it's paid off..
Raise your hand if you have 5 years of food, medicine, and other associated prepper supplies.
Raise your hand if you have NOT watched television in your home for almost 20 years.
Raise your hand if you own a Barret M107 or something equivalent. (can't wait to see how many raise their hands on this one)
Raise your hand if you own thermal scopes
Raise your hand if your hobby involves a level of science and physics most have no clue about..
Raise your hand if your home is entirely powered by solar.. (hmm. this is a solar forum so maybe that's a silly one)
Raise your hand if you have zero financial debt..
Raise your hand if you have a chemistry lab in your basement that would make a cop's eyes bulge out.
Raise your hand if you are capable of powering your home with FIVE different backup power sources.
Raise your hand if you read 30 to 50 books a year (romance novels and comic books do not count)
Raise your hand if you raise and butcher your own farm animals.
Raise your hand if you even butcher your own deer..

Now lets examine your herd behavior:
Raise your hand if you think magical invisible sky fairies are real.

When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

By the way.. one other note of interest.. Only a completely uneducated dope smoking, god praying moron who barely graduated public school would ever mutter a sentence demeaning someone who worked to get a professional education.

It's like holding up your own signage that says "I'm an idiot" Congrats on that by the way.
Damn. You edited your comment and got all butthurt and feminine while I was giving you a compliment. That's okay, I'll leave it there. You seem to have some aggressive tendencies toward people of faith and quite a few non-fact based assumptions of your own. Very interesting.
The likelihood of herd mentality is around 80% for people in general. We are a social/herd species.
The herd is correct and has the best solution 80% of the time.. this is why crowdsourcing has been so successful (with some big exceptions) The 20% of the time when the herd is wrong has two important attributes. 1) Its usually something big and 2) as science marches on, most of the herd doesn't understand or comprehend the technical stuff.
With most of our society moving in a technological direction, that 80% is falling.. probably attributed to Dunning Kruger syndrome.

The 20% outliers tend to be more questioning of the narrative, whatever it may be, and put in effort to research opposing views.
The 20% of outliers tend to be conspiracy morons these days.. That's not "more questioning of the narrative". How is a person without an education in medicine is going to question the medical science they don't understand in the first place?
That's a bit like a 5 year old questioning your tax returns.... and that's a pretty good analogy on this level.

Some moron who doesn't know the difference between a covalent bond and an ionic bond is going to "question" the scientific findings of some of the best minds in the country and we're supposed to view such thing as legitimate?

There's a big difference between a qualified and educated professional questioning the conclusions within his own circles of research and some uneducated moron who thinks the evil government is out to get them and make a profit.

One is legitimate, the other is a mental health issue.

Many of your replies in this thread plant you firmly in that 80%. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. It just makes you average. But as I mentioned above, You are more in the Milgram camp. The "experts" say...
The fact is, my replies might go with the herd 80% of the time BECAUSE the herd is correct 80% of the time.. its that other 20% that we must be concerned about. Regardless, I don't follow the crowd or the herd.. In fact, nothing in my life would paint me as a follower. Even as a child, when the other kids were playing sports, I was building and flying RC airplanes, boats, and helicopters, launching rockets, and making black powder. As an adult, my only exposure to herd behavior was my military service, in which I had no choice in the matter. (I don't think school counts either way) And after that, I was an employer, not an employee.

One of the problems we have today is that people are identifying themselves and classifying themselves within parameters others have provided for them.. I'm a consevative, I'm a liberal, I'm a republican, I'm a democrat, etc etc.. Hence the "when they want your opinion, they'll give it to you" comments. The problem is that even if the other guy, the polar political opposite of one's own opinions, is correct, people will still go the other way if they're on the other side of the fence.

If one of the political parties said a space rock was going to impact the earth in five years, the other party would claim it won't. Seriously, that's how bad it has gotten today.

I am, however, open to evidence to the contrary and I find your knowledge in things electrical top-notch impressive and downright educational.
Thank you.. Don't mean to be a dick, but the two other morons posting before you have said things so outlandishly stupid it makes me wonder how the hell they survived puberty.. or maybe they haven't survived it yet.
Lot's of entertaining discussion in this thread. I wish we could all get together around a campfire to drink beer, smoke cigars / cigar wrappers ? and solve the world's problems.
For the record I see @MurphyGuy being a wolf in sheep's clothing (that's a compliment) ... No need to go against the grain and draw unnecessary attention to one's self unless absolutely necessary...

diy solar

diy solar