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diy solar

This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

Are you saying that black lives don't matter?
I doubt many ppl of any color will say Floyd deserved to die.... at the hands of cop, district attorney, judge, jury, and murderer all in one....Robocop or Judge Dredd.

Leo, are you saying jewish lives don't matter. .... Fauci was not worried about any lives but his own. At his age have to wonder why. Then again have to wonder why Mao Zedong, Lenin, and Stalin decided so many ppl's lives don't matter. The problem with racism is it's racist.

Do you think it is okay for the blm to kneel on the neck of a white child as a form of black lives matter? He, blm was finally arrested and charged as was the mother for child abuse and endangerment. Child services took the child and gave him to the grandparents. The problem with racism is it's racist.

"Are you saying that black lives don't matter?"
Not if it is aimed to the elimination or extreme detriment of another race such as shown in the picture. If you approve of that then volunteer for them to murder you at the next riot..... don't worry given what you have stated: "atheist, extreme leftist, blm, child pedo advocator" then you won't be considered a loss. ????❄️?☃️ Do it before the fauci vaccine gives you a heart attack. Feel that tightness in your chest? Clutch it. Hahaha Sacrifice yourself for the blm. The problem with racism is it's racist.

Notice the white child's face and it crying screaming. If you think that is okay you need to be touched.... in a way that only the creator can judge.
You have just shown what kind of person you are here. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The problem with racism is it's racist.

thanks for showing your true colors and you have stated: "atheist, extreme leftist, radical racist blm, child pedo advocator enabler, and EUA drug pusher"
what country are you?


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I doubt many ppl of any color....
My question was simple "Are you saying that black lives don't matter?" why don't you answer it with a simple yes or no and if you want, explain your reasoning.
My question was simple "Are you saying that black lives don't matter?" why don't you answer it with a simple yes or no and if you want, explain your reasoning.
I doubt many ppl of any color will say Floyd deserved to die.... at the hands of cop, district attorney, judge, jury, and murderer all in one....Robocop or Judge Dredd.

Leo, are you saying jewish lives don't matter. .... Fauci was not worried about any lives but his own. At his age have to wonder why. Then again have to wonder why Mao Zedong, Lenin, and Stalin decided so many ppl's lives don't matter. The problem with racism is it's racist.

Do you think it is okay for the blm to kneel on the neck of a white child as a form of black lives matter? He, blm was finally arrested and charged as was the mother for child abuse and endangerment. Child services took the child and gave him to the grandparents. The problem with racism is it's racist.

"Are you saying that black lives don't matter?"
Not if it is aimed to the elimination or extreme detriment of another race such as shown in the picture. If you approve of that then volunteer for them to murder you at the next riot..... don't worry given what you have stated: "atheist, extreme leftist, blm, child pedo advocator" then you won't be considered a loss. ????❄️?☃️ Do it before the fauci vaccine gives you a heart attack. Feel that tightness in your chest? Clutch it. Hahaha Sacrifice yourself for the blm. The problem with racism is it's racist.

Notice the white child's face and it crying screaming. If you think that is okay you need to be touched.... in a way that only the creator can judge.
You have just shown what kind of person you are here. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The problem with racism is it's racist.

thanks for showing your true colors and you have stated: "atheist, extreme leftist, radical racist blm, child pedo advocator enabler, and EUA drug pusher"
what country are you?


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There is plenty of evidence. But it requires critical thinking skills to come up to conclusions. Or did people become so accustomed for experts to not only bite and chew, but also swallow for them?

You mean after Covid, where tens of thousands of scientists, doctors and various other pundits totally discredited themselves in eyes of anyone with critical thinking skills? 6 feet rule? Cloth masks? Between Bites? Unproved genetic slurry ready in a few months "safe and effective"? Seriously? Science? And you think this could not have happened with 9/11 along similar lines? I guess in that time people still believed what the govt tells them? (And btw gov't since the beginnings of time has been just a mechanism of special interest to rule over people).

What makes you think that even if they did, they would tell you anything? And FBI? After the latest fiascos, it has been proven to anyone (Again anyone using their brain) that FBI is hardly a benevolent organization, and in the case of "honorable rank and file blowing the whistle" - it has been proven time and again that such people will be cancelled, ridiculed and generally "made disappear" from the public profile. (and ofcourse labeled Conspiracy Theorists - establishment favorite tactic when you are right over the target)

You mean like all the Covid Vaxx deaths that they are attempting to swap under the rug?

You clearly did not watch all 3 videos. You cherry picked some information without trying to listen to the greater narrative (along with hyperlinks often to official media among others).

You most definitely wont convince me. There are too many establishment deep staters that directly benefited from this event. If the shoe fits, wear it. 9/11 has served a major purpose - it established a precedent where the constitution (checks and balances) and rule of law can essentially be abandoned via the "Rule by Emergency" method, where govt can essentially do whatever they want. This was beta tested again during Covid times, and i think to this day, most of the world is in some sort of "Emergency" (and they are always creating one as soon as populace gets tired for the old "emergency").

I think it has been proven time and again that official media (anywhere in the world) will never ever tell you the truth. Media at this point (and likely since beginning of times) has always been paid for to sell a particular narrative, and that who pays orders the music.

I am guessing you are hardly familiar with threats to family members? And with something this big, this most definitely came into play. To give you the most recent examples, look what happened to whistleblowers such as Seth Rich, Snowden and Assange just to take the cherry picks. A reminder to what happens to you if you are REALLY dangerous to the establishment.
Until you people come up with a comprehensive alternative hypothesy, the 9/11 truth movement will remain the joke that it is.
Who did it and where is your evidence.
How did the towers collapse and where is your evidence.
Threats to family members? You have evidence of this happening?

These questions are fully answered in the official report. Expressing doubt in it is not an alternative hypothesy.

As for the FBI, you are proposing that 7,000 Americans, knowingly, and willingly, are participants to this day, of conspiring to cover up the mass murder of almost 3000 of their fellow Americans. And when approached to do so not a single one refused and went public about it.

All of that rubble is still buried at fresh kills. Why hasnt your little group filed a warrant to exhume some of it and show us the explosives?

You actually wouldnt have to because if such a controlled demolition happened forensic evidence would have blown around for weeks. Blasting caps everywhere.

Delusional is the only explanation for 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

You believe 10s of thousands would commit mass murder and participate in the coverup, for what reason? Some vague implied "threats to family" that never happened. Fear of being "cancelled"?

And not one had enough conscience to speak on their death bed.

You however are a brave patriot shouting out to the world the truth...

And your family wasnt threatened were they. You werent cancelled were you. You arent hiding in Russia.

Strange isnt it. Almost like you arent subjected to the same fantasy you imply everyone else lives in.

If youd like to prepare a report detailing your theory and evidence, go for it.

when ppl in building demo will often say "pull it" end of video explains it ?

Commissioners from the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District, located near Queens, New York, unanimously passed a historic resolution on July 24 that calls for a new investigation into all aspects of 9/11 and which cites “overwhelming evidence” that explosives were planted in all three towers prior to 9/11. The resolution states that the district’s Board of Fire Commissioners “fully supports a comprehensive federal grand jury investigation and prosecution of every crime related to the attacks of September 11…”

“It was a mass murder,” Commissioner Christopher Gioia said in an interview. “Three thousand people were murdered in cold blood.” Gioia, who wrote and introduced the resolution, says the toll on his department from the events of that day has been devastating. Members Thomas J. Hetzel and Robert Evans died at Ground Zero on 9/11. Others, including commissioners Philip Malloy and Joseph Torregrossa, have become ill from exposure to the toxic air during rescue and recovery operations.

“We’re not leaving our brothers behind,” Gioia said. “We’re not forgetting about them. They deserve justice, and we’re going to see that justice is done.”

Ever since a friend alerted him several years ago to the seemingly inexplicable collapse of Building 7, Gioia has poured his passion and time into researching the subject. He found that despite there being only small and isolated fires on just a few floors, the 47-storey building came down symmetrically, into its own footprint, in just under seven seconds on 9/11.

The official investigation into the collapse was conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) — an agency under the U.S. Department of Commerce — which somehow concluded that normal office fires were responsible for the failure of the structure. But the findings of independent 9/11 researchers working with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) later forced NIST to admit that the building came down at free-fall for at least one-third of its seven-second fall. This is something that could only happen if all the supporting columns failed virtually simultaneously. Despite this admission, NIST sticks to its original conclusion.""

If you do nothing else watch the video above.
See you admit the truth as shown for covid open your eyes and ears and consider whatI have taken my time to show you.

If I am wasting my time then say so. Say you are convinced and nothing will ever make you review your decisions to consider anything else. Therefore will know am wasting my time. Matter of fact just don't do another follow up. Let that be your answer. ????

Edit added the only thing disagree with Gioia video is the American Ppl are to fat dumb happy comfortable to do anything.
Lol, that whole morning was recorded on video and audio by literally hundreds if not thousands of sources.
Is that why his claim about sounds of explosives is based solely on a dead eyewitness?
Why are you so gullible?
There are no explosive sounds that morning.

This clown has a job why? Funny I can only find this on conspiracy sites.

He didnt offer a shred of evidence.
This is the kind of dumb arguments twoofers offer.

They call a random receptionist at an unnamed building demolition agency and she has to ask someone else what pull it means.

As its relevent, but a better piece of evidence would be to ask for their senior engineer and ask if he thinks the towers were brought down by controlled demolition.
We know the answer.
I wish I could find a working link for the original "loose change". ... I wish I did alot more archiving back then.
@D71 gets it.
... Follow the money (dump truck loads of gold in this case)
Yeah we would follow the money but theres no trail.
Who specifically did this? "The gubmint" isnt enoigh
I personally think planes brought the towers down and that building 7 was collateral damage.

Yet that still doesn't mean 911 was or wasn't an inside job.

It stands to reason the us has to take a punch every once in awhile from the middle-easterners who hate us being over there.
Osama Bin Laden issued a fatwa in 1996, it was redrafted in 1998 and some of Al Qaedas top figures were signatory.
Number one grievance was our sanctions which killed more than one million iraqis.
Second our air force in saudi arabia. Using it to attack Arab muslims in iraq.
Lastly our partnership with israel. Continuing the sanctions would ha
Until you people come up with a comprehensive alternative hypothesy, the 9/11 truth movement will remain the joke that it is.
Who did it and where is your evidence.
How did the towers collapse and where is your evidence.
Threats to family members? You have evidence of this happening?
As I said, start using common sense. Or do you expect "government experts" to bite, chew and swallow this for you on TV?

These questions are fully answered in the official report. Expressing doubt in it is not an alternative hypothesy.

Offical Report. There is your problem.
The government investigated itself and found out they did nothing wrong

As for the FBI, you are proposing that 7,000 Americans, knowingly, and willingly, are participants to this day, of conspiring to cover up the mass murder of almost 3000 of their fellow Americans. And when approached to do so not a single one refused and went public about it.

They knowingly and willingly injected 40% of the world, give or take, knowing full well of the consequences.

All of that rubble is still buried at fresh kills. Why hasnt your little group filed a warrant to exhume some of it and show us the explosives?

You actually wouldnt have to because if such a controlled demolition happened forensic evidence would have blown around for weeks. Blasting caps everywhere.

Delusional is the only explanation for 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

You believe 10s of thousands would commit mass murder and participate in the coverup, for what reason? Some vague implied "threats to family" that never happened. Fear of being "cancelled"?

And not one had enough conscience to speak on their death bed.

You however are a brave patriot shouting out to the world the truth...

And your family wasnt threatened were they. You werent cancelled were you. You arent hiding in Russia.

Strange isnt it. Almost like you arent subjected to the same fantasy you imply everyone else lives in.

If youd like to prepare a report detailing your theory and evidence, go for it.
You are being either very naive, very childish, or just plain ignorant. Stop focusing so much on the detail of how the buildings went down. That does not really matter. What matters are the events leading to this, and events that have happened afterwards all the way to current day. Start asking questions who benefited, and start analyzing all the nuances in this context. Apply critical thinking skills, and remember that you will never hear the truth from official sources. You may hear half truths, and truth-bs mixup in various quantities, depending on whether they want you to believe the bs (in which case they mix it with some truths, making you believe the overall bs narrative), or when you are over the target, they mix the truth with elements of BS, forcing the gullible ones to discredit the entire thing.
This strategy has been in use by intelligence community (aka spooks) forever.
Yeah we would follow the money but theres no trail.
Who specifically did this? "The gubmint" isnt enoigh

You obviously did not watch all the 9/11 documentaries on Corbett that I linked. Those questions are very well answered there. Spoiler alert: The "gubmint" is a puppet to special interest.
You obviously did not watch all the 9/11 documentaries on Corbett that I linked. Those questions are very well answered there. Spoiler alert: The "gubmint" is a puppet to special interest.
Why don't comment to ppl like that most of the time. They rarely look at the info or your post. It is a waste of time.
Yeah we would follow the money but theres no trail.
Who specifically did this? "The gubmint" isnt enoigh
I don't know why I'm even trying. Your mind is already made up. Of course there is no trail.

The towers were brought down by planes and ensuing fires.

Yes of course our politicians used this as an excuse to erode civil liberties and double down on meddling.

Of course coronavirus was made in a lab and either accidentally or purposefully released by China or by an antagonist from the U.S. Lots to speculate about there.

Of course government used something that was it's own fault to erode our civil liberties.

Funny that.
I guess for me the real tragedy isn't the crimes themselves but the fact that the perpetrators get rewarded instead of punished.

It's a narcissists wet dream. You get to hurt innocent people and get paid for doing it.
I guess for me the real tragedy isn't the crimes themselves but the fact that the perpetrators get rewarded instead of punished.

It's a narcissists wet dream. You get to hurt innocent people and get paid for doing it.
Obama got to claim he killed Bin Laden. Joe Biden was claimed by some in military as one that fingered the exact Seals that got ambushed for doing it. Obama sent Iraq billions of dollars in the middle of the night on planes to which am not sure weren’t flown by our air force. No clearance no approval no questions

our cia boy turned rogue on us….. hmmmmm I don’t buy it
You obviously did not watch all the 9/11 documentaries on Corbett that I linked. Those questions are very well answered there. Spoiler alert: The "gubmint" is a puppet to special interest.
It was a simple question but you sent me on a wild goose chase to find your argument for you.
None of those links specifically state who they believe did this, its always vague shadowy villains in the "government".
Which falls to pieces when they attempt to name names.
Why don't comment to ppl like that most of the time. They rarely look at the info or your post. It is a waste of time.
Thats a bizarre statement considering his reply to my question "why not dig up the debris at fresh kills".
I dont think he has addressed a single point. He just launches into conspiratorial rants.
I don't know why I'm even trying. Your mind is already made up. Of course there is no trail.

Three pointless links.
As I said, start using common sense. Or do you expect "government experts" to bite, chew and swallow this for you on TV?

Offical Report. There is your problem.
The government investigated itself and found out they did nothing wrong

They knowingly and willingly injected 40% of the world, give or take, knowing full well of the consequences.

You are being either very naive, very childish, or just plain ignorant. Stop focusing so much on the detail of how the buildings went down. That does not really matter. What matters are the events leading to this, and events that have happened afterwards all the way to current day. Start asking questions who benefited, and start analyzing all the nuances in this context. Apply critical thinking skills, and remember that you will never hear the truth from official sources. You may hear half truths, and truth-bs mixup in various quantities, depending on whether they want you to believe the bs (in which case they mix it with some truths, making you believe the overall bs narrative), or when you are over the target, they mix the truth with elements of BS, forcing the gullible ones to discredit the entire thing.
This strategy has been in use by intelligence community (aka spooks) forever.
Stop focusing on the details of how the buildings went down? Huh?
So youre saying you agree thay hijacked airplanes and fires brought the buildings down.

AND the government did it too?
Like I said in my opening statement.
How about explaining what point that was trying to be introduced?

I looked at all three of them.

So three links with zero substance are offered, and the reason for that is I dont have an open mind.

Theres nothing there.

Gold in the basement that was documented and well known.

The gold was removed and returned to its rightful owners.

OMG stop the presses. Its a conspiracy.

Terrorist passports the best paper documents ever made

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diy solar