diy solar

diy solar

This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

Here is a report with diagrams of damage to bldg 7.

I have read it was described as a "chunk of the SW corner as if it were scooped 1/4 of the way into the building".
One of the dams built to generate power has to be inspected to state whether it is structurally sound. seem to remember the inspection is every 2 years. Concrete deteriorates and is coming apart because the re-bar is highly corroded inside the concrete. Some Engineers say yes to structurally sound so they get hired to do the inspections. Some engineers say no to structure is sound so they do not get hired to do the inspections.
I personally know some of these engineers.

I would strongly suggest not working or living on the flood side of that dam. …. just a tidbit.
That is how it works for climate warming too. Each side hires who will say what they want to hear or not hear.
Some ppl want all dams removed:

There is a bridge in town that has severe structural damage…. It was completely shutdown. They found some engineers to sign off that it is good to go. It had some more damage develop. They got some more engineers to sign off it was good but restrict big trucks from using it. I was the one that called it in for a visual of defect. I am not a civil engineer. Anyone except stevie wonder could see the damage. I don’t drive over that bridge - I go around…… a few engineers signed off on it. Nothing will happen to those engineers until it collapses.

my excuse is need a drink been about the same for me. Alcohol is a waste of money. The hang over is to painful. When got out of military stopped smoking used the money to buy a new dodge truck. Drinking and smoking often go together. Both nasty habits. In bad times both are worth more then gold to ppl that part take. Alcohol also makes excellent disinfectant. The reason they stopped using it in medicine is account doctors - nurses became alcoholics. Now they are just drug addicts….. and drug pushers. I found it funny doctors sued big Pharma for drugs like opiates after the police arrested them for over prescribing. Are you on meds… zipper?
oh yeah when a dedicated group of 3000 architects and engineers doubt something then might listen to them.

If you question why there were 5 Israeli caught filming and dancing over the 9-11 event on that day then the reports of their van having traces of wmd aka explosives in it then you know why they went after the leader of over 3000 engineers and such denying 9-11 especially bldg 7. All steel removed from bldg 7 so no structural steel testing done…. study just computer models.

his biggest boot came for denying COVID…. READ THE ADL SLANT yes the ADL slants things in their reporting favor …Adl say it has been rebuked that explosives were used whereas other side says bs…. tack on the label antisemite for bringing up dancing Israeli. Hahaha explosive traces in van and FBI will not release the reports to this day about the dancing israeli. Sounds almost like the fbi with hunter’s laptop and mountains of evidence about all kinds of things. A group sued the fbi for the information in their reports about the israeli caught. Why did it have to go there?

if you get in the way back machine the bbc reported via our govt that neither tower had a single thing to do with bldg 7
The controversy around Iraq was the fact that bunk intelligence was produced to lie us into war after 911 yet we let the Saudis who actually did the attack, off Scott free.

To summarize my views:

Iraq was a lie.

Planes and fires brought the towers down.

Covid escaped from a lab where Fauci funded banned in the u.s. gain of function research as well as providing them with intelligence on how to manipulate the germs.

Fauci lied to cover his tracks.

The MRNA vaccines are deadly and ineffective and government is hiding the data showing as such until pfizer is satisfied with the amount of cash they made.

Global Warming is a hoax. The planet is warming as it always has between glaciations.

Also, anybody remember Orville Redenbacher?
Youd better tell OBL about these "Saudis that were let off scot free".
He and his ghost never got the memo.
Meanwhile the Saudis that mattered, meaning the Royal Family, have been vital for all of Americas prosperity for FIFTY YEARS now, why on earth would we do anything to them.
The war in Iraq was to secure continued PETRODOLLAR hegemony, WMD was used to sell it to an ignorant public. Why do you think the only european country onboard was the UK? Why else was France so pissed off? They had the most to gain as the dollar slid against a rising euro.
Saddam switched his oil sales under oil for food to the Euro in 2000, which rose 20% against the dollar in 2 years. Other OPEC countries were eyeing this and looking to break from the dollar.
Hans Blix was getting close to declaring Iraq free of WMD, which would free up the largest light sweet crude oilfields still under pressure, to be tapped in unlimited quantities by the combined assets of Russia, France, and China, and dumped on the world petroleum markets in Euros.
The dollars crash would be swift and deep. We werent going to let that happen.

Just google PETRODOLLARS and kick yourself in the ass for complaining about it.

Why dont you people know about this shit?

"We were lied to".

Your knowledge and approval were irrelevent. Not required. Not like Bush can just tell the UN we are just continuing a scam thats resulted in the US controlling half the worlds wealth.

Americans should get on their knees and thank Cheney and Bush for ruining their legacies to save our economy and way of life.

People in other countries, not so much.
One of the dams built to generate power has to be inspected to state whether it is structurally sound. seem to remember the inspection is every 2 years. Concrete deteriorates and is coming apart because the re-bar is highly corroded inside the concrete. Some Engineers say yes to structurally sound so they get hired to do the inspections. Some engineers say no to structure is sound so they do not get hired to do the inspections.
I personally know some of these engineers.

I would strongly suggest not working or living on the flood side of that dam. …. just a tidbit.
That is how it works for climate warming too. Each side hires who will say what they want to hear or not hear.
Some ppl want all dams removed:

There is a bridge in town that has severe structural damage…. It was completely shutdown. They found some engineers to sign off that it is good to go. It had some more damage develop. They got some more engineers to sign off it was good but restrict big trucks from using it. I was the one that called it in for a visual of defect. I am not a civil engineer. Anyone except stevie wonder could see the damage. I don’t drive over that bridge - I go around…… a few engineers signed off on it. Nothing will happen to those engineers until it collapses.

my excuse is need a drink been about the same for me. Alcohol is a waste of money. The hang over is to painful. When got out of military stopped smoking used the money to buy a new dodge truck. Drinking and smoking often go together. Both nasty habits. In bad times both are worth more then gold to ppl that part take. Alcohol also makes excellent disinfectant. The reason they stopped using it in medicine is account doctors - nurses became alcoholics. Now they are just drug addicts….. and drug pushers. I found it funny doctors sued big Pharma for drugs like opiates after the police arrested them for over prescribing. Are you on meds… zipper?
oh yeah when a dedicated group of 3000 architects and engineers doubt something then might listen to them.

If you question why there were 5 Israeli caught filming and dancing over the 9-11 event on that day then the reports of their van having traces of wmd aka explosives in it then you know why they went after the leader of over 3000 engineers and such denying 9-11 especially bldg 7. All steel removed from bldg 7 so no structural steel testing done…. study just computer models.

his biggest boot came for denying COVID…. READ THE ADL SLANT yes the ADL slants things in their reporting favor …Adl say it has been rebuked that explosives were used whereas other side says bs…. tack on the label antisemite for bringing up dancing Israeli. Hahaha explosive traces in van and FBI will not release the reports to this day about the dancing israeli. Sounds almost like the fbi with hunter’s laptop and mountains of evidence about all kinds of things. A group sued the fbi for the information in their reports about the israeli caught. Why did it have to go there?

if you get in the way back machine the bbc reported via our govt that neither tower had a single thing to do with bldg 7

Not one of those 3000 "architects and engineers" have any experience with designing skyscrapers, or failure analysis of same.
The bulk of them are electrical and computer engineers and people who work for architect firms.
Less than 50 even have civil engineering degrees.
Gage was kicked out of his professional society.
In all, the 3000 represent about .001% of the world pool of degreed engineers. A figure easily explained by mental illness.
Moreover, not one of those kooks has offered a comprehensive hypotheses of any alternative means for the towers collapse.
This group was a laughingstock 10 years ago.

Did you just wake up and think these talking points were new?

Nobody gives a fuck. There is nothing there. About 2% of the population still believes, you wont be reasoned with. When you leave the room everyone is laughing.
Conspiracy theory is a cool term the powers that be invented to marginalize and ridicule you when you are right over the target.
In the last 3 years, it seems every "conspiracy theory" has quickly become admitted fact.

Whats the difference between conspiracy theory and reality? About 12 months.

Just a few recent ones:

  • The World Economic Forum really does exercise a creepy influence over world leaders and it really does want “A Great Reset” whereby we’ll collectively move to living in low-energy, high-density, and low-privacy environments, having less physical wealth and, yes, eating insects for protein instead of meat.
  • The FBI really did spy on Donald Trump’s campaign, run brief-and-leak operations, and spread misinformation about the extent of Russian election interference in ways that led nearly all of the media, media platforms, and Democrats to believe that Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake and anyone who talked about it is a conspiracy theorist, and in a way that may have constituted election interference.
  • Facebook and Twitter really did censor accurate covid information at the behest of the White House and Twitter, and operate secret blacklists to censor and deplatform disfavored voices and opinions, even when their own internal teams said the people being censored had not actually broken any of the platform’s rules.
The people who allege that the above were, and remain, “conspiracy theories,” say that World Economic Forum is just a gabfest, the FBI was simply doing what bipartisan majorities in Congress and the President agreed was necessary after Russian election interference on the 2016 elections, and government officials and social media executives were doing the best they could with the information they had during a fast-moving pandemic where millions of lives were at stake.

But if the World Economic Forum is a gabfest, it is also, including in its own opinion, enormously powerful, with its founder, Klaus Schwab, playing a mysteriously large role within the G-20 organization of world leaders.

Russian influence over the 2016 election was massively overstated, and the FBI went far beyond what Congress and the President asked and appears to have carried out an orchestrated campaign to deliberately misinform the media and social media platforms about the Hunter Biden laptop, which it had in its possession.

And while Monday morning quarterbacking on covid often goes too far, it’s also the case that Twitter and Facebook censored qualified people who were expressing a reasonable point of view about the vaccines and suppressed factually-accurate vaccine information.

What’s more, all of the above raise significant concerns about the current state of Western democracy.
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As for your stupid 15 year old link...
Umm, no.

BBC denies conspiracy theory.
Nothing there except to show what bbc did… “lost the tapes.” They described the WTC7 going down before it went down. Not me. I watched them report it as they broadcast it. ….. It was live with a slight required delay …. The bbc stated “bldg 7 had nothing to do with it going down 1-2”

the wtc 7 was only modeled by computer. That is it. Took them an awful long time. Very long time. They offer it as theory not as 100% fact. Very few things are 100% fact other then am chatting with you over 9-11. How many years ago was that? We have fought endless profit driven war after war every since. Are we safer and richer for it? I don’t think so.

I won’t allow anyone in my immediate family to join the military. Let your family go. You can Jump on a plane and attack ukraine. Stop adding national debt…. We are at ~$30 trillion dollars. That is not helping us no more then giving $15 to burger flippers. If they want more money then they need education to earn it. They need to chose their education wisely. We have enough highly educated Antifa now. They were imported to Atlanta mostly white kids of privilege. They should be in uniform fighting for this country not trying to install communism and the great reset.

stop being stoopid easy way for that is quit breathing


  • 828439E7-CAFE-43DF-AC1F-E56922FAC4DE.png
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Nothing there except to show what bbc did… “lost the tapes.”

And a link to your source...

Fullfact was the source for D71's screenshot lol.
That posted screen shot came from battevette‘s link stay away from anymore shots. They use to put mercury in the old shots - Caused your retardation. Bye


  • 03E3AD30-9E65-41E9-BBE8-8589A764FA04.jpeg
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Conspiracy theory is a cool term the powers that be invented to marginalize and ridicule you when you are right over the target.
In the last 3 years, it seems every "conspiracy theory" has quickly become admitted fact.

Whats the difference between conspiracy theory and reality? About 12 months.

Just a few recent ones:

  • The World Economic Forum really does exercise a creepy influence over world leaders and it really does want “A Great Reset” whereby we’ll collectively move to living in low-energy, high-density, and low-privacy environments, having less physical wealth and, yes, eating insects for protein instead of meat.
  • The FBI really did spy on Donald Trump’s campaign, run brief-and-leak operations, and spread misinformation about the extent of Russian election interference in ways that led nearly all of the media, media platforms, and Democrats to believe that Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake and anyone who talked about it is a conspiracy theorist, and in a way that may have constituted election interference.
  • Facebook and Twitter really did censor accurate covid information at the behest of the White House and Twitter, and operate secret blacklists to censor and deplatform disfavored voices and opinions, even when their own internal teams said the people being censored had not actually broken any of the platform’s rules.
The people who allege that the above were, and remain, “conspiracy theories,” say that World Economic Forum is just a gabfest, the FBI was simply doing what bipartisan majorities in Congress and the President agreed was necessary after Russian election interference on the 2016 elections, and government officials and social media executives were doing the best they could with the information they had during a fast-moving pandemic where millions of lives were at stake.

But if the World Economic Forum is a gabfest, it is also, including in its own opinion, enormously powerful, with its founder, Klaus Schwab, playing a mysteriously large role within the G-20 organization of world leaders.

Russian influence over the 2016 election was massively overstated, and the FBI went far beyond what Congress and the President asked and appears to have carried out an orchestrated campaign to deliberately misinform the media and social media platforms about the Hunter Biden laptop, which it had in its possession.

And while Monday morning quarterbacking on covid often goes too far, it’s also the case that Twitter and Facebook censored qualified people who were expressing a reasonable point of view about the vaccines and suppressed factually-accurate vaccine information.

What’s more, all of the above raise significant concerns about the current state of Western democracy.
Whats funny is that I have asked democrats who claim russia got trump elected, "so can you produce one person who says they were going to vote for hillary, then read some stuff on facebook then voted for trump instead?" All i get is crickets.
That posted screen shot came from battevette‘s link stay away from anymore shots. They use to put mercury in the old shots - Caused your retardation. Bye
WTF are you smoking, I have nothing to do with that screenshot.
Not expecting reason from you, you and countless other people watched hijackers fly planes into buildings at maximum speed, full of fuel, fires burn uncontrolled, the buildings fell down...
Wow. The logic escapes me.
WTF are you smoking, I have nothing to do with that screenshot.
Not expecting reason from you, you and countless other people watched hijackers fly planes into buildings at maximum speed, full of fuel, fires burn uncontrolled, the buildings fell down...
Wow. The logic escapes me.
The screen shot leo went nuts over came from your previous provided link.

just something to dispute talk about deny or …. Whatever …. Have fun
I think this one is the original I watched many years ago, it was pulled off YouTube but re-uploaded with background noise so the algorithms don't catch it...

Around 40 minutes in to this one there is talk of the detonations.

Follow the money on the inside job.
  • Like
Reactions: D71
I think this one is the original I watched many years ago, it was pulled off YouTube but re-uploaded with background noise so the algorithms don't catch it...

Around 40 minutes in to this one there is talk of the detonations.

Follow the money on the inside job.

Could have been an inside job but it was still planes and fires that brought the buildings down.
That posted screen shot came from battevette‘s link stay away from anymore shots. They use to put mercury in the old shots - Caused your retardation. Bye

It caused issues.

Hear me out though. There were lots of birth defects before vaccines ever came out according to my Granny.

I think the world went through an especially bad time as worldwide travel began to take hold in the mid 1800's. Lots of different germs being spread to folks who had never been exposed to them before. People used to have litters of children so that at least a couple would live to puberty.
It caused issues.

Hear me out though. There were lots of birth defects before vaccines ever came out according to my Granny.

I think the world went through an especially bad time as worldwide travel began to take hold in the mid 1800's. Lots of different germs being spread to folks who had never been exposed to them before. People used to have litters of children so that at least a couple would live to puberty.
I’ve not always been anti vaccine. There was a time when the left were anti vaccine and the right was for vaccines….. way back in time. 1960’s- 1970s era. There were laws passed and mandates: no vaccine - scar no public school… we had to show our mark of the beast vaccine scar. Or get sent home. The parents back then were put in jail for truancy…. If we missed to many days from school. So…. ppl were forced to vaccine. Home school was almost non-existent. Discouraged and failed by the govt. …. We had test every year end of year…. If failed did not go to next grade. You had to earn a passing grade. Encyclopedia and news papers libraries were source of knowledge tv and radio were limited short news except watergate. It was over and over like JFK ….. ask your self why was the murder of the kennedy’s hushed and sealed for almost 60 years.
There was a time when the left were anti vaccine and the right was for vaccines
I have seen conspiracy nutters reject vaccines on the left as well. One guy refused all vaccines because of the "Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male" scared that his government will allow (or do) something as evil as that again.

His fear is real. I have no issue with that, (it is misplaced as the fast majority of the population is vaccinated) I have an issue with the nonsense that is spouted here especially the calls for hanging virologists, doctors, nurses, scientist, etc.
just something to dispute talk about deny or …. Whatever …. Have fun

Do you realize how easy it is to insert those flashes into that low res video?

Here's an unretouched video of the collapse... notice, no flashes.

Do you realize how easy it is to insert those flashes into that low res video?

Here's an unretouched video of the collapse... notice, no flashes.

The building sides are supposedly reversed as it was supposed to be taken from opposite side of the building. Yes most anything can be engineered altered… I can’t alter it nor would I want to. That kind of thing should be criminal as in destroying or altering evidence. Again not my video so is the video you posted your video? Were you the one that filmed it? I did not film the one I posted nor know the source other then back on youtube before it gets deleted again. .

my explanation is fairly clear for what you quoted.
”. just something to dispute talk about deny or …. Whatever …. Have fun”

the problem with sharing what is available to ppl like you ….. often want to attack ppl like me. You can’t attack anyone else. Right? Well you did imply or say ““it could be a fake as in “do you realize how easy it is to insert those flashes into that lo res video””

there were not many high res video recorders back then to do the recording at a moments notice. Most were 360 or 480 for resolution back then and storage was very limited … unless it was film. I don’t even know what was used to record it.… in that early era of 9-11….for my source. Obviously low res.

there were some dancing israeli caught recording things that 9-11 day…arrested by police and investigated by fbi per reports.. go find them and ask them. Matter fact ask the fbi why it still refuses to release those reports from their, Israeli arrest and deportations due to immigration violations after 9-11. Reports also stated there were trace of explosives. There were news reports on tv that day of ppl stopped ina van and explosives…. It was on tv news back then GO Find it now.

when the govt denies and refuses to be upfront and honest with citizens that pay the taxes that gives them a check then something is seriously wrong. Let me be clear: I did not make the video just linked either but it has been deleted so many times that a person has to wonder deletion by who and why? It is what it is and the real story to this like other things is known by Our Own Govt to which keeps everything a secret. There should be no secrets from who AND why we were attacked on 9-11. NONE. that means ppl that made money should be exposed too. Bush said “follow the money but he never did” did you see anyone exposed for immediate profits from 9-11?

Ask the govt to be honest or better yet DEMAND IT. THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO WORK FOR YOU AND I.
the problem with sharing what is available to ppl like you ….. often want to attack ppl like me

Sorry you took it as an attack and yeah, in my opinion it was either fake or the flashes are the result of something other than explosives. Maybe some day I will be proven wrong, but that day hasn't come yet and I doubt that it ever will.
The building sides are supposedly reversed as it was supposed to be taken from opposite side of the building. Yes most anything can be engineered altered… I can’t alter it nor would I want to. That kind of thing should be criminal as in destroying or altering evidence. Again not my video so is the video you posted your video? Were you the one that filmed it? I did not film the one I posted nor know the source other then back on youtube before it gets deleted again. .

my explanation is fairly clear for what you quoted.
”. just something to dispute talk about deny or …. Whatever …. Have fun”

the problem with sharing what is available to ppl like you ….. often want to attack ppl like me. You can’t attack anyone else. Right? Well you did imply or say ““it could be a fake as in “do you realize how easy it is to insert those flashes into that lo res video””

there were not many high res video recorders back then to do the recording at a moments notice. Most were 360 or 480 for resolution back then and storage was very limited … unless it was film. I don’t even know what was used to record it.… in that early era of 9-11….for my source. Obviously low res.

there were some dancing israeli caught recording things that 9-11 day…arrested by police and investigated by fbi per reports.. go find them and ask them. Matter fact ask the fbi why it still refuses to release those reports from their, Israeli arrest and deportations due to immigration violations after 9-11. Reports also stated there were trace of explosives. There were news reports on tv that day of ppl stopped ina van and explosives…. It was on tv news back then GO Find it now.

when the govt denies and refuses to be upfront and honest with citizens that pay the taxes that gives them a check then something is seriously wrong. Let me be clear: I did not make the video just linked either but it has been deleted so many times that a person has to wonder deletion by who and why? It is what it is and the real story to this like other things is known by Our Own Govt to which keeps everything a secret. There should be no secrets from who AND why we were attacked on 9-11. NONE. that means ppl that made money should be exposed too. Bush said “follow the money but he never did” did you see anyone exposed for immediate profits from 9-11?

Ask the govt to be honest or better yet DEMAND IT. THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO WORK FOR YOU AND I.

If you think those are shape charges to blow colums, why wouldn't several windows in the area break and not just scattered individual panes?
Just imagine if start posting the U.S.S Liberty and can find the audio tapes where it was known as a U.S. Military ship positive id prior to the attack. …. told to attack anyway. Source - you go find it I read it years ago…. And someone posted audio that got deleted

‘‘1 Israeli pilot was reported as return to base - refused to fire on the U.S.S. Liberty from his jet.” Source - you go find it. I read it years ago and it got deleted for govt transcripts. Somebody was doing snowden before snowden was born releasing govt documents

here is what wiki says,

On the afternoon of 8 June 1967, while in international waters off the northern coast of the Sinai Peninsula, Liberty was attacked and damaged by aircraft of the Israeli Air Force and motor torpedo boats of the Israeli Navy; 34 American crewmen were killed and 174 wounded.[5]: 2  Though Liberty was severely damaged, with a 39-by-24-foot (11.9 m × 7.3 m) hole amidships and a twisted keel, her crew kept her afloat, and she was able to leave the area under her own power. Later, Israel apologized for the attack, stating it had mistaken Liberty for an Egyptian ship, as the incident occurred during the Six-Day War. In total, Israel gave close to $13 million (about $65 million in 2017) to the U.S. in compensation for the incident. This includes compensation to the families of those killed and wounded, and to cover damage of the ship.[9]

The incident has become a subject of controversy and debate, with many books written on the topic.[10]

As a result of the crew's heroic response to the Israeli attack, Liberty is the US Navy's "most highly decorated ship ... for a single action".[11]: 82  For the action with Israeli forces, she was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon (8-9 June 1967) and the Presidential Unit Citation (8 June 1967).[2][8] Although President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Presidential Unit Citation in 1968, it was not formally presented to the crew until June 1991.[12]President George H. W. Bush declined to attend the 1991 White House ceremony, instead merely waving at the crew while passing by.[12]

Commander (later Captain) William McGonagle, Liberty's commanding officer, received the Medal of Honor.[2] Numerous members of the crew were decorated, including 11 members of the crew who were awarded Silver Stars, 20 with Bronze Stars, and over 200 who received Purple Hearts.[13] The unidentified remains of six of Liberty's crew are buried under a single headstone in a mass grave in Arlington National Cemetery.[5]: 1 “ wiki
are you mad at me now or at what happened. Go find it for yourself or accept what you were have and always will be fed…… just what your govt wants.
if you don’t like that then don’t look up the Scorpion submarine that some say Russia took out. While others say we did it with failed attempt to disarm a torpedo…. Others say something else. Navy requested to investigate 2012

“The Navy has extensively investigated the loss of Scorpion through the initial court of inquiry and the 1970 and 1987 reviews by the Structural Analysis Group. Nothing in those investigations caused the Navy to change its conclusion that an unexplained catastrophic event occurred.”​

‘’Call for inquiry: 2012[edit]​

In November 2012, the U.S. Submarine Veterans, an organization with over 13,800 members, asked the U.S. Navy to reopen the investigation on the sinking of USS Scorpion. The Navy rejected the request. A private group including family members of the lost submariners stated they would investigate the wreckage on their own, since it was located in international waters. However, tampering with sunken military vessels is illegal because they are considered military graveyards.[21]” wiki

with all the trillions of dollars the military waste ….. they can’t do a modern updated investigation Into the Scorpion. Some say Johnson about had a heart attack over it. Same with U.S.S Liberty. He was only a 1 term president. “Will not seek re-election”
If you think those are shape charges to blow colums, why wouldn't several windows in the area break and not just scattered individual panes?
have we had this discussion before? Do you think it will change now for the results? Get the Navy to reinvestigate the Scorpion first. ? fair enough? Better yet get the govt to release the information that the fbi has obtained and with held. Maybe get the fbi to reveal the bomber that reportedly placed at both republican and democrat bases in Washington on 6 jan 2021. Get those things done. See what the fbi says for 9-11 first.
Go ask to see Dr Fauci tax records for 2021 and 2022….reported he made 1.7 million in 2020

diy solar

diy solar