diy solar

diy solar

MPP Solar 12v 1KvA


New Member
Nov 15, 2019
Would like to know from people using this system....specs on panels used to run this system
thank you
I think the panels portion is fairly flexible with this SCC. The question for which panels to get should be determined by what batteries (and how many AH) you have. The batteries are determined by how much power you use and in particular, need to store.

So i recommend:
1) Do a power audit. How AH you use each day. Bonus points for distinguishing between daytime and evening (from battery) usage.
2) Turn this usage amount into a search for a battery technology (lead acid, LiFePO4, ...) a size and form (prepackaged solution or DIY cells and BMS).

Then you should be asking about panels. And the answer will likely be to find some inexpensive ones on craigslist or online. Then do the math and see which ones fit your SCC and overall power needs.

Here is someone else's quest for similar MPP:
I have this system with only 2 100w solar panels. If you want to get the max watt of solar panels I suggest you buy 3 160w solar panels and connect them in series for a total of 480w since 200W is not enough depending on your needs, for me, 200W is enough when is not cloudy, but when it's cloudy I will get like 40w from the solar panels and battery will start to discharge.

I'm planning to buy 2 more 100w solar panels, was not sure if I could add it in series because I will get near the Voc max voltage, but @GREYCAT has just told that he did that, so I suppose it can handle a max of 4 100w solar panels in series.
Greycat, what size fuse did you wire between the 812LV unit and the battery?
I have an 80A fuse for my system between the battery and the unit, I lost a lot of hours figuring out that lol, the typical amperage is 66A for this unit and the max is 109A as Greycat says, you don't want to exceed that voltage but you will have to protect your cable as well, so, you need a fuse between 66 - 109A not too near of those limits, I ended up with an 80A fuse based on Will's formula on a youtube video and some charts that you can find online for fusing cables depending on the cable thickness and size.
I went with a 100 amp fuse and 2 gauge wire. But then again....I will never be pulling even 80 amps out of the batteries unless I experience a dead short.

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diy solar