diy solar

diy solar

Mac-friendly inverter?

Yes, Macs don't have anything special hardware wise ( intel based ), VM's work with most USB devices

Macs no longer use Intel chips. Apple uses their own silicon chips, the M1 and M2 which are ARM based as used in the iOS devices.
Macs no longer use Intel chips. Apple uses their own silicon chips, the M1 and M2 which are ARM based as used in the iOS devices.

Virtualbox now works with M1/M2

I'm about to invest in a new solar setup. I was planning to use the EG4 6500ex, but found out that it requires Windows to run firmware updates. I haven't touched a Windows computer in almost 20 years...
Are there any good inverters whose firmware can be managed/updated via MacOS? Or any other way around this issue of having to use Windows?
Doesn’t MAC have some type of VM client that can run a virtual Windows for updates or some type of emulator?

diy solar

diy solar