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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

I think Leo has exceeded his beverage limit today .... or maybe he purchased some harder stuff in Chicago.
If I knew I'd get shot trying to breach it ....permanently.
People still breached the Berlin wall. It all depends how desperate you are..

Just like Hungry did to the Muslims breaching their fence two years ago...they shot them. worked great. And, to be clear we've never said just a wall it was part of the overall approach but a vitally important first part. We also need surveillance. But none of this or anything else works without our sovereignty upheld by law enforcement and elected officials.
Shooting unarmed people... Really, that is your solution?

This is why they do what they want to do. We are all slaves pitted against one another to do as they say and command. It has been like this since early 1900’s. Before American Revolution we were subjects…. We have been made slaves….. with generational damage done.
Most ppl will die a slave. The movie Matrix made fun of the condition. The ppl making movies and such often have fun like that.

I went to college and learned we are programmed to repeat and act certain ways like training an animal. Most ppl never get it. Most likely ppl like Murphy was on a huge grading curve in school - college or would never have passed. His mama probably told him that he was special…. then she buckled his helmet so wouldn’t hit his head while playing alone in his own back yard. Strange how a prepper with stated supplies to last a decade calls other ppl “nutters”

about like leo and murphy rolled in a 69 position To make a semi-human.

ever wonder why Leo thinks ppl should be force vax injected?
ever wonder why Leo thinks ppl should be force vax injected?
I never said that, it is just another one of your weird fantasies.

If you want to refuse any or all of the vaccines that is fine with me. I do ask that during a pandemic if and when hospitals need to prioritize, you will give up your spot to some one who did try to help themselves and the community. Just take your ivermectin, shine a light up into your insides or drink bleach.
More information about the bad batches being exposed.
I never said that, it is just another one of your weird fantasies.

If you want to refuse any or all of the vaccines that is fine with me. I do ask that during a pandemic if and when hospitals need to prioritize, you will give up your spot to some one who did try to help themselves and the community. Just take your ivermectin, shine a light up into your insides or drink bleach.
Why give up my spot if you are vaccinated. Why are you trying to get in a hospital if you have been vaccinated. Didn’t the vaccine work? Are you in the primary age or medical group that needs to worry?

if your vaccine works don’t worry about the hospitals
Why give up my spot if you are vaccinated. Why are you trying to get in a hospital if you have been vaccinated. Didn’t the vaccine work? Are you in the primary age or medical group that needs to worry?

if your vaccine works don’t worry about the hospitals
Leo is in the group that would block transplants to people who refuse Covid vaccinations ...... Leo .... the pandemic is over .... Biden said so.
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Pfizer wants to start messing with our DNA ..... maybe they already did. They are also working on technology to verify compliance.

Did anybody here hack DTV back in the day..remember the DTV cat and mouse game between hackers and programing the cards? Read about DTV black Sunday. A quick summery: Hackers would program the card to open up channels, DTV would detect this with their program and wipe the foreign program. Hackers eventually were able to program the card then firewall the card preventing DTV from accessing it. After years of this DTV had a genius idea...they started putting requirements in the actual stream that required the card to have certain code on it or it would not work at all. So, hackers noticed this and were forced to put the code on the card; they did this because it didn't make any sense to them as dangerous. The code came in tidbits over a year...pieces here and there that didn't mean anything or do anything on their own. Then finally, on Superbowl Sunday they released the final piece that once accepted tied all the other little pieces together into a dynamic program and destroyed the card. I know I'll be called nutters here but just in theory what if it's possible for them to do that with these MRNA shots..little bits and pieces then tie something together latter?
Why give up my spot if you are vaccinated. Why are you trying to get in a hospital if you have been vaccinated. Didn’t the vaccine work? Are you in the primary age or medical group that needs to worry?
Why would you even seek medical help when you don't trust the medical profession?

if your vaccine works don’t worry about the hospitals
We know that the vaccines for covid are not perfect in part because the virus rapidly mutates, we also know that those who are vaccinated run a far lower risk of needing hospital care if they do get infected. If you are not willing to help yourself, why should you take up a spot of some one who did?
Did anybody here hack DTV back in the day..remember the DTV cat and mouse game between hackers and programing the cards? Read about DTV black Sunday. A quick summery: Hackers would program the card to open up channels, DTV would detect this with their program and wipe the foreign program. Hackers eventually were able to program the card then firewall the card preventing DTV from accessing it. After years of this DTV had a genius idea...they started putting requirements in the actual stream that required the card to have certain code on it or it would not work at all. So, hackers noticed this and were forced to put the code on the card; they did this because it didn't make any sense to them as dangerous. The code came in tidbits over a year...pieces here and there that didn't mean anything or do anything on their own. Then finally, on Superbowl Sunday they released the final piece that once accepted tied all the other little pieces together into a dynamic program and destroyed the card. I know I'll be called nutters here but just in theory what if it's possible for them to do that with these MRNA shots..little bits and pieces then tie something together latter?
Anything they do to mess with our DNA is a bad thing that will undoubtedly have horrendous results.

Most of these people are atheists and see themselves as God ..... They think they can invent a new way of growing meat that is better. They want to vaccinate us thru the food we eat ..... they want to unleash no conscience AI on the world. They will get things so mucked up it will be irrecoverable .... the best we can do is slow it down a little.

Part of my job was to write code to control almost all aspects of facilities and groups of facilities.
When a new problem popped up, the first thing I wanted to know was what changed. Over and over again I would get the response .... well, we changes this little thing over here .... but it couldn't possible cause that. Well, most of the time it did.
These systems seemed complex, but compared to the human system, they were simple. They have no idea how changing one little thing is going to affect the system.
Why would you even seek medical help when you don't trust the medical profession?

We know that the vaccines for covid are not perfect in part because the virus rapidly mutates, we also know that those who are vaccinated run a far lower risk of needing hospital care if they do get infected. If you are not willing to help yourself, why should you take up a spot of some one who did?
You do know they were forced to come out and state they knew beforehand that the vaccine didn't prevent contacting or spreading covid? They as the CDC / Phizer and Moderna. It's coming out now as we get more info from FOI requests that they also knew it was causing.. clots, abortions, cancers,stokes,infertility,rare blood disorders, neurological damage etc and didn't say shit other than it's safe and effective. They then forced us to take it or loose you Job, not be able to go to the store etc. The current data from Naomi and others that are peer researching this, link above, shows that it's the vaccinated not the un-vaccinated that are more prone to ending up in the hospital and dying from covid. In any rate I had two family members die after taking that shit was my cousin a mid 30's female who was healthy before then just died in her sleep. Seems to be a lot of that lately. My grandfather who was also healthy, avid golfer, developed Leukemia confirmed by multiple test. Interesting though..he was put on a schedule to start treatment within a few months and it went away on its on. There's other reports of people getting Leukemia after getting the shot. Other research by Naomi and Peter McCullough showed that folks vaccinated seemed to catch covid over and over again unlike un-vaccinated people. You can't vaccinate against a Corona Virus and they knew it from decades of trying it. You also can't vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic when it's mutating because it causes the virus to adapt. They knew this to and was warned from top virologist to not do it. The mere fact they striped top tier doctors, with thousands of published research papers and long careers where they were awarded "best in the field", of their medical licenses and banned them from talking about what they were finding out is a huge red flag that should not be ignored. It's medical tyranny.
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No I don't ..... But, glad to hear there are more and more ways to get to the truth. I'll check him out.

It's live M-F 9am-11am and in the evening 4pm - 6pm CST.
TIP, the evening show will have to be refreshed after the first slot after a few minuets to pick up the new feed from a different network. You can review a lot of the recorded videos above.

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diy solar