diy solar

diy solar

WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

Electrical rates throughout the country should be based on 100 kWh blocks.. the more blocks you use in a month, the more each block costs.

Meter charges should be the same for everyone.
That doesn't take into account differences in regional costs though.

And why charge more per block if you're using more blocks? You're already paying more by using more. Why get hit twice?

Same kinda nonsense as graduated income tax. You pay more already for making more, but then you increase the rate too, so double whammy. Why...
Electrical rates throughout the country should be based on 100 kWh blocks.. the more blocks you use in a month, the more each block costs.

Meter charges should be the same for everyone.
So a progressive cost, a punishment for using what you need or want? When did this country start thinking so dam communist?
That doesn't take into account differences in regional costs though.

And why charge more per block if you're using more blocks? You're already paying more by using more. Why get hit twice?

Same kinda nonsense as graduated income tax. You pay more already for making more, but then you increase the rate too, so double whammy. Why...
Because good men stood down and did nothing and socialism crept in via bleeding heart its seeds are germinating and blooming into full blown Marxism. Took decades but they boiled the fog successfully. Now what are we going to do about it is another question that has come up in history before.
That doesn't take into account differences in regional costs though.

And why charge more per block if you're using more blocks? You're already paying more by using more. Why get hit twice?
It encourages people to conserve energy instead of wasting it.
Same kinda nonsense as graduated income tax. You pay more already for making more, but then you increase the rate too, so double whammy. Why...
I'm not a tax expert so can't give you an opinion on that.

So a progressive cost, a punishment for using what you need or want? When did this country start thinking so dam communist?
It encourages people to conserve energy instead of wasting it.

Communist? It's free market, you have no constitutional rights concerning the delivery of electrical power. In fact, with the exception of pollution controls and other factors, the energy companies should be deregulated and be allowed to charge anyone any price they want for their product(s).

Once again, you have no constitutional rights to products or services offered by others.
It encourages people to conserve energy instead of wasting it.

I'm not a tax expert so can't give you an opinion on that.

It encourages people to conserve energy instead of wasting it.

Communist? It's free market, you have no constitutional rights concerning the delivery of electrical power. In fact, with the exception of pollution controls and other factors, the energy companies should be deregulated and be allowed to charge anyone any price they want for their product(s).

Once again, you have no constitutional rights to products or services offered by others.
You're right about it being a capitalist market or was...and guess what I don't need the government encouraging me to do anything via punishment that is exactly what communism is. If I want to run the heater in the summer time and can pay for it then the gov can stuff it. Just charge everybody a flat fee regardless of what they use. Before you're liberalism kicks in ..I'm being hyperbolic about running a heater in the summer but stand behind the context of the premise. We don't need the government firing people to "encourage" them to take vaccines or implement some sort of social score telling us we can't have more than two steaks a month. Our anti federalist founders were correct in their vision and should have never bent the knee of compromise. And yes we do have protection against extortion which is exactly what this is.

Blackmail or Extortion Penalties. Blackmail or extortion under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 873 is a federal crime punishable by: up to one year in federal prison, a fine, or both imprisonment and a fine.

If not extortion, feels like it, it's most defiantly discrimination.
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You're right about it being a capitalist market or was...and guess what I don't need the government encouraging me to do anything via punishment that is exactly what communism is.
That is not even remotely close to what communism is, (or isn't for that matter). My wife is Russian, during the Soviet era, her parents paid for electricity exactly like we do.
Also, from a slightly different perspective, if you don't like communism, why are you wearing all those communist clothes, typing on a communist phone or keyboard, sitting in a communist chair, using a communist microwave, communist laundry machines, communist stove, and staying warm with communist bed sheets at night? (you get the idea)
It doesn't seem rational to me for one to dismiss a type of political theory while supporting and encouraging it at the same time.

If I want to run the heater in the summer time and can pay for it then the gov can stuff it. Just charge everybody a flat fee regardless of what they use. Before you're liberalism kicks in ..I'm being hyperbolic about running a heater in the summer but stand behind the context of the premise. We don't need the government firing people to "encourage" them to take vaccines or implement some sort of social score telling us we can't have more than two steaks a month. Our anti federalist founders were correct in their vision and should have never bent the knee of compromise. And yes we do have protection against extortion which is exactly what this is.
So if I'm walking around with Tuberculosis, or if I just came back from an Ebola infected area in Africa, then should also be free to work with you at your workplace? I shouldn't be required to make sure I am healthy before infecting others?

Vaccines save lives.. without them, you probably wouldn't be here espousing your opinion about them.

Blackmail or Extortion Penalties. Blackmail or extortion under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 873 is a federal crime punishable by: up to one year in federal prison, a fine, or both imprisonment and a fine.

If not extortion, feels like it, it's most defiantly discrimination.
That is not blackmail, but I can understand how one might feel like it is when they are required to do something they don't want to do.

Back to the subject at hand.
The reason I suggested a system of increasing expense with increased use, is because of diminishing resources. As more and more people occupy this planet, there are fewer and fewer resources available. But it was just a suggestion, not some irrational policy belief I subscribe to.
That is not even remotely close to what communism is, (or isn't for that matter). My wife is Russian, during the Soviet era, her parents paid for electricity exactly like we do.
Also, from a slightly different perspective, if you don't like communism, why are you wearing all those communist clothes, typing on a communist phone or keyboard, sitting in a communist chair, using a communist microwave, communist laundry machines, communist stove, and staying warm with communist bed sheets at night? (you get the idea)
It doesn't seem rational to me for one to dismiss a type of political theory while supporting and encouraging it at the same time.

So if I'm walking around with Tuberculosis, or if I just came back from an Ebola infected area in Africa, then should also be free to work with you at your workplace? I shouldn't be required to make sure I am healthy before infecting others?

Vaccines save lives.. without them, you probably wouldn't be here espousing your opinion about them.

That is not blackmail, but I can understand how one might feel like it is when they are required to do something they don't want to do.

Back to the subject at hand.
The reason I suggested a system of increasing expense with increased use, is because of diminishing resources. As more and more people occupy this planet, there are fewer and fewer resources available. But it was just a suggestion, not some irrational policy belief I subscribe to.
Resources are not diminishing like your liberal deranged cult wants everybody to think. We have more than enough oil and gas right here in America alone to power our needs for thousands of years according to some scientist; we also have nuclear which goes beyond this and completely disrupts the whole climate change cult bullshit. And, new science is showing that oil is renewable and the earth replenishes it..might want to read up on that. The only reason we have resource issues is because liberal tards decided to get rid of clean coal, NG and nuclear for windmills and solar panels. Wind and solar are not a viable option to power civilizations base loads.. period. Then you genius decide to force everybody to all electric houses and all electric cars and cry about resources when the grid shits itself. Even here in Texas the liberal retards in Austin decided to shut down our clean coal and some NG plants for windmills..that shit caught up to us and caused billions of dollars of property damage three winters ago. We don't have a resources issue we have a liberal Marxist cult issue. The rest of your shit was so inept, you take something logical and rational and distort it fully and completely. If there's dead bodies stacking up and people are walking around bleeding out their eyes and assholes then we can look into persuading them to quarantine but I'd wager people would do it voluntary with sound evidence. Vaccines saving lives is highly debatable at this point and lots of research is showing it's caused more harm then benefit. The covid vaccine isn't a vaccine nor does it work and they knew it.
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Resources are not diminishing like your liberal deranged cult wants everybody to think. We have more than enough oil and gas right here in America alone to power our needs for thousands of years according to some scientist; we also have nuclear which goes beyond this and completely disrupts the whole climate change cult bullshit. And, new science is showing that oil is renewable and the earth replenishes it..might want to read up on that. The only reason we have resource issues is because liberal tards decided to get rid clean coal, NG and nuclear for windmills and solar panels. Wind and solar are not a viable option to power civilizations base loads period. Then you genius decide to force everybody to all electric houses and all electric cars and cry about resources when the grid shits itself. Even here in Texas the liberal retards in Austin decided to shut down our clean coal and some NG plants for windmills..that shit caught up to us and caused billions of dollars of property damage three winters ago. We don't have a resources issue we have a liberal Marxist cult issue. The rest of your shit was so inept, you take something logical and rational and distort it fully and completely. If there's dead bodies stacking up and people are walking around bleeding out their eyes and assholes then we can look into persuading them to quarantine but I'd wager people would do it voluntary with sound evidence. Vaccines saving lives is highly debatable at this point and lots of research is showing it's caused more harm then benefit. The covid vaccine isn't a vaccine nor does it work and they knew it.

Let me guess.. the election was stolen, 911 was an inside job, we never landed on the moon, the Earth is flat, and the magical invisible sky fairy is real...

How many did I get right?
Let me guess.. the election was stolen, 911 was an inside job, we never landed on the moon, the Earth is flat, and the magical invisible sky fairy is real...

How many did I get right?
Exactly..that's the jump to for you liberals. Don't agree.. it's a conspiracy theory. The difference between a conspiracy theory and facts today is about a year! I bet you're just itching to call to call me a insurrectionist and white supremacist.
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Exactly..that's the jump to for you liberals. Don't agree it's a conspiracy theory. The difference between a conspiracy theory and facts today is about a year! I bet you're just itching to call to call me a insurrectionist and white supremacist.

Let me guess.. the election was stolen, 911 was an inside job, we never landed on the moon, the Earth is flat, and the magical invisible sky fairy is real...

How many did I get right?
Yes it was stolen (how does anyone remotely think a guy who hid in his basement, who couldn't fill a small auditorium with a few dozen circles, who lost all but one bellwether, somehow got a record vote count, for real? Plus I could fill an entire page of all crap thatvwent on that is totally illegal, impossible, or both)
911 not so sure on, I lean no but the govt has been proven to NOT be our "friend"
We did land on the moon
Earth is absolutely not flat
There is no "magic sky fairy" but there is a a God.

So... you're waaaay off the mark overall.
Yes it was stolen (how does anyone remotely think a guy who hid in his basement, who couldn't fill a small auditorium with a few dozen circles, who lost all but one bellwether, somehow got a record vote count, for real? Plus I could fill an entire page of all crap thatvwent on that is totally illegal, impossible, or both)
911 not so sure on, I lean no but the govt has been proven to NOT be our "friend"
We did land on the moon
Earth is absolutely not flat
There is no "magic sky fairy" but there is a a God.

So... you're waaaay off the mark overall.
Murph will get into the cattle car without hesitation cause the man said he was with with the gov and here to help; it was for his own good and it was safe and effective.
My electric bill is $45 a month if use nothing. Association fee. My electric provider buys the electric from another State where it is produced.

In Some States electric is a Right or it is discrimination. The electricity can’t be shut off in extreme weather for non-payment. The property is condemned if no utility services by the health department. For those ppl financing their homes - the mortgage company can by fine print call the note. So services in some States and or Counties is not optional. Nothing finer then driving by the projects in dead of winter they have doors windows open and Christmas lights still up all year long. Why not they don’t pay the bill.

why do we spend over ~$110 billion dollars in Ukraine when that money would of could of been better spent here? The politicians get a kick back like the big utilities do - them too.

obama phone and free internet If you change your life style and identify as the right color can have free things too. Lot of white ppl on welfare now Gonna be a lot more soon If you voted for Biden let them know…. so can rob your ass.
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why do we spend over ~$110 billion dollars in Ukraine when that money would been better spent here? The politicians get a kick back like the big utilities do - them too.
Money laundering for the politicians and military industrial complex. The two decade grift in the middle east needed to be replaced; the Ukraine scam was already suppose to have happened under Hillary but that got disrupted and delayed. America has no business over there, let Europe handle their own wars for once.
Murph will get into the cattle car without hesitation cause the man said he was with with the gov and here to help; it was for his own good and it was safe and effective.
Pretty sure the proverbial "cattle car" actually holds sheep.. Most folks call them churches.. and there's a Shepherd at the front preaching to the flock.

Sometimes its so obvious you can't see it.
Now I fully understand why you can't fathom or comprehend that government could be so evil and corrupt.
Government is not a person.. only people can be evil and corrupt.

You sound like one of the gun grabbers saying guns are evil.. Its not the government, its not the guns, its people.

Fortunately for us citizens, the founders of our country provided us a way to easily fix the problem.. its called "voting". Unfortunately, most people who vote are too ignorant to know that in order to use your vote to fix the government, you must vote for the new guy, and continue voting for the new guy each time.

Instead, the idiot people in this country keep voting along their party lines because the smarter political science folks have figured out that if you make people think its the "other party" that's the cause of problems, they'll do exactly what you want them to do.

Smarten up.. maybe read more books.
Government is not a person.. only people can be evil and corrupt.

You sound like one of the gun grabbers saying guns are evil.. Its not the government, its not the guns, its people.

Fortunately for us citizens, the founders of our country provided us a way to easily fix the problem.. its called "voting". Unfortunately, most people who vote are too ignorant to know that in order to use your vote to fix the government, you must vote for the new guy, and continue voting for the new guy each time.

Instead, the idiot people in this country keep voting along their party lines because the smarter political science folks have figured out that if you make people think its the "other party" that's the cause of problems, they'll do exactly what you want them to do.

Smarten up.. maybe read more books.
Do you stand in front of the mirror and argue with yourself? Have you picked out what you're going to be angry tomorrow about yet?
You think I'm a law enforcement officer? ROFLMAO..

You should stop smoking pot.
No tardo..the user here named Leo that acts and sounds just as retarded as you. I'm convinced it's the same person. But, do you have any pot?
It encourages people to conserve energy instead of wasting it.

If you want to encourage people to save energy, don't charge them $100/month connect fee and $0.15/kW.
Just charge $0.30/kW

If you want to encourage people to save water, don't charge them $100/month for a water meter and ... $0.01/gallon ...

If you want to reduce pressure on natural resources, don't give people more money for having more children. Don't allow immigrants, except those you decide offer something the country wants.

diy solar

diy solar