diy solar

diy solar

Domestic Terrorist

Why am I not surprised that you are not speaking out against persecuting people?

People like you two are the reason people despise religions.
Maybe try breathing into a paper bag for a bit
Leo ….. how many times do you spout off when out in Public to ppl?

I bet ZERO unless you are protected and in middle of a BLM riot.
I have never been in a riot. I do support protest against police brutality, why don't you?

Your hatred of Bob is showing through.
I don't hate any one, not even asholes who propose to persecute others because of the way they dress. Bob is a conspiracy theorist and you are pretending to be on his side by going along with the conspiracy theories. (And now by falsely claiming I hate Bob)

Bob even at his older age could most likely bitch smack your ass into next week. ?
I doubt Bob and I would get into a fight, what would that prove? There is nothing that will change his mind...

Maybe try breathing into a paper bag for a bit
Why Bob?

Did you know the KKK and Nazi Germany were mostly protestant? Should we persecute protestants because of that?

Why am I not surprised that you are not speaking out against persecuting people?

People like you two are the reason people despise religions.
Nope some ppl despise religion …… Christians try to be peaceful vs just killing. The reason crimes are shooting up is because of godless ppl like you teaching insane ideology. ‘’Men can’t be women nor vice versus”’. Not possible and it is insane.

BTW Pagans - Savages would have already hacked you up in pieces for messing with their children.

Go to the parts of Africa controlled by Islam and preach your queer crap. They will put you in a sack after hack you into pieces like that reporter.

The khazars were forced to pick a religion…. 6-8 century Their choice was judaism. The reason was to try to tame them. All it did was make ruthless ppl like Rothschild, Bloomberg, Soros, and so on. Mafia .
Why Bob?

Did you know the KKK and Nazi Germany were mostly protestant? Should we persecute protestants because of that?

Ok..... Your starting to loose touch with reality .... stop breathing into the bag for a while.
Lol, now you are questioning well documented recent history?
Just don't know what it has to do with me or the conversation in general.

I'm just trying to bring you down from your hysteria.
Ok..... Your starting to loose touch with reality .... stop breathing into the bag for a while.
He lost touch with reality before the first jab.
This ignore feature is phenomenal.
Hey Leo somewhere in a tight Leotard, don't bully Bob and D71 behind a keyboard my bets are on them being right and you a troll.
Ps here's how you attach a bunch of memes to a single post so you don't flood a thread.


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He lost touch with reality before the first jab.
You are projecting, you are the one who has stated multiple times nothing will make you believe covid vaccines are safe. That is an insane position to take.

This ignore feature is phenomenal.
It sure is.

Hey Leo somewhere in a tight Leotard, don't bully Bob and D71 behind a keyboard my bets are on them being right and you a troll.
Why are you silent on persecuting people who are transgender or dress differently?

Ps here's how you attach a bunch of memes to a single post so you don't flood a thread.
I explained why I posted them separately as every vile case deserves at least the same amount of attention as the the school shooting where the murderer was a trans woman who previously attended the school.
Your silence on the attempts to persecute minorities is deafening.
I think it is the minorities trying to persecute the majority in todays world.

Why are you silent on persecuting people who are transgender or dress differently?

We are all supposed to be held hostage to what .04% of the population wants to do.

I don't care how people want to dress as long as they don't start killing children and trying to to groom children to their warped view of the world.
I think it is the minorities trying to persecute the majority in todays world.
Agreed 100%.
We are all supposed to be held hostage to what .04% of the population wants to do.
That's not how it's supposed to be, I don't care what people do with there life, don't push it on me.
I don't care how people want to dress as long as they don't start killing children and trying to to groom children to their warped view of the world.
Agreed again. It's wrong on so many levels to be pushing this stuff on childrens irrational undeveloped brains, in my opinion. Just like it's wrong to push a useless vaccine on them (I didn't feel that way 5 years ago.).
My opinion, looking at the bigger picture, it's one more way tptb are attempting to control the population...
Agreed 100%.

That's not how it's supposed to be, I don't care what people do with there life, don't push it on me.

Agreed again. It's wrong on so many levels to be pushing this stuff on childrens irrational undeveloped brains, in my opinion. Just like it's wrong to push a useless vaccine on them (I didn't feel that way 5 years ago.).
My opinion, looking at the bigger picture, it's one more way tptb are attempting to control the population...

Men are naturally programmed to defend women and children. We all experience a deep visceral reaction when we see a women or child being harmed or even just plain hurt.

The left is doing their best to insult and confuse this natural instinct.

I'm supposed to defend and protect children once they are outside the womb but ignore the dead fetus in the trash can behind the clinic.

I'm supposed to defend women but apparently women have hot dogs now and are also equal to men so I guess they don't need protection anymore either.
I think it is the minorities trying to persecute the majority in todays world.
How is that, equal rights doesn't mean any one is taking your rights away lol

We are all supposed to be held hostage to what .04% of the population wants to do.
Really, are you forced to sleep with transgender men/women, are you forced to be gay?

I don't care how people want to dress
I agree.

as long as they don't start killing children
Plenty of laws against killing children already.

and trying to to groom children to their warped view of the world.
I agree, I want kids to learn about all religions and choose one, if any, as they believe suits them. Just be decent human beings and respect other people's right to choose their own gods if any. Just because about 4% of the religious leaders have been accused of pedophilia is not a reason to ban religions right?
How is that, equal rights doesn't mean any one is taking your rights away lol

Really, are you forced to sleep with transgender men/women, are you forced to be gay?

I agree.

Plenty of laws against killing children already.

I agree, I want kids to learn about all religions and choose one, if any, as they believe suits them. Just be decent human beings and respect other people's right to choose their own gods if any. Just because about 4% of the religious leaders have been accused of pedophilia is not a reason to ban religions right?
Do you call this equal rights?


the more watch you post more realize you are fighting so adults can sexualize children
Do you call this equal rights?

View attachment 146385

the more watch you post more realize you are fighting so adults can sexualize children

Yes. Another component is chasing false virtue by supporting anyone who is about have boundaries enforced on behavior. They know this person is about to feel bad so by making the person feel good again, they have done good because the important in life is that you feel good.

Liberals also know this is going to make the person having the boundaries enforced uncomfortable and they see as an opportunity to ingratiate themselves to the person who is about to be punished or brought in line. They see that person as a possible ally with them against you if needed.
Do you call this equal rights?
Yes, perpetrator got arrested.

the more watch you post more realize you are fighting so adults can sexualize children
No you don't, your post shows the existing laws are adequate.

Of course, some people still get away with the creepy shit, this guy was never arrested...


diy solar

diy solar