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"Foldable" Solar Panel for boat


New Member
May 13, 2020
New Member

Yesterday at 4:16 PM
I have a 28ft Mustang boat (Sydney, Australia).
Since my wife passed away, I don't use it as much as I should (which I intend to rectify).
There are 2x-12v batteries on the boat....1x Engine cranking (1030 CCA RC 300) and 1x House Accessories (780 CCA RC 240).
In the past, if I didn't use it at regular intervals...the batteries, went flat.
Also, if I am out on it for a few days, I need to recharge them...due to the power requirements.
Therefore, I would like to put a Solar Panel on (partly) cover both issues.

I don't really want to install a permanent "hard" framed unit...there's never enough space on boats, to do so.
I am considering purchasing an Ebay.....300w "foldable" Mono-Silicon 8x panel unit, that could be:-
1....stored on the boat (400mmx400mmx60mm). used to trickle charge the batteries, when sitting on the mooring.
3....provide some power to the batteries, without having to waste fuel (@ $2AUD/Litre) running the engine for a couple of hours every day (65amp alternator).

If I hook it up the "Controller" and wiring to the battery system permanently and then I could:-
A....fully open the panel and tie it down to the topside of the Bimini (roof cover), when boating for more than a couple of days.
B....."partially" open the foldable panel, so it is only partly exposed to the sun.....say 1 panel.

8x panels = 300w....that sounds to me, like 1x panel should provide 37.5w....which is ample power to trickle charge the batteries.

My query is:- Am I correct in my thinking and could this type of panel operate like this (partially open)???
Thanks in advance.
Its unlikely that this (using the panel partially open) would work as you expect. Panels are usually horribly intolerant to partial shade/partial covering. The percentage loss is usually much higher than the percentage shaded/covered because the cells are wired in series.
I believe an "amorphous" folding panel....although not as efficient in full sun, will work even though mostly in shade.
However, they are very comparison.
It's relative to affordable $'s.
I believe an "amorphous" folding panel....although not as efficient in full sun, will work even though mostly in shade.
However, they are very comparison.
It's relative to affordable $'s.

Really? I wasn't aware of this (don't know much about amorphous). Do you know why? Normal (rigid) panels make use of bypass diodes to reduce shading losses, but for whatever reason, usually only use 3 diodes, so output is reduced roughly in thirds. Its possible that the amorphous foldable panels might use 1 diode per row? or maybe something else
Sorry, I don't know the technical reason.
I saw this article by Mike Stute, in Quora:-
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Have you considered a small inverter generator? Put on boat cushion and tie down to swim platform. Sip fuel on economy mode and are fairly quiet.
I used a Sportsman 1000 for years.
Thanks ICT,
Yes, I had considered a generator a few years back....but discounted it, because of the noise...the storage/refuelling etc.
The pillow is a good idea though.
You are welcome. Mine was small, quiet and I only had to bring one gallon of gas. Easy way to charge batteries. I also went with house batteries of two six volt batteries hooked in series for twelve volt. Two hundred and twenty amp hours of which fifty percent usable. Four hundred dollars all in.

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