diy solar

diy solar

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May 13, 2020
I have a 28ft Mustang boat (Sydney, Australia).
Since my wife passed away, I don't use it as much as I should (which I intend to rectify).
There are 2x-12v batteries on the boat....1x Engine cranking (1030 CCA RC 300) and 1x House Accessories (780 CCA RC 240).
In the past, if I didn't use it at regular intervals...the batteries, went flat.
Also, if I am out on it for a few days, I need to recharge them...due to the power requirements.
Therefore, I would like to put a Solar Panel on (partly) cover both issues.

I don't really want to install a permanent "hard" framed unit...there's never enough space on boats, to do so.
I am considering purchasing an Ebay.....300w "foldable" Mono-Silicon 8x panel unit, that could be:-
1....stored on the boat (400mmx400mmx60mm). used to trickle charge the batteries, when sitting on the mooring.
3....provide some power to the batteries, without having to waste fuel (@ $2AUD/Litre) running the engine for a couple of hours every day (65amp alternator).

If I hook it up the "Controller" and wiring to the battery system permanently and then I could:-
A....fully open the panel and tie it down to the topside of the Bimini (roof cover), when boating for more than a couple of days.
B....."partially" open the foldable panel, so it is only partly exposed to the sun.....say 1 panel.

8x panels = 300w....that sounds to me, like 1x panel should provide 37.5w....which is ample power to trickle charge the batteries.

My query is:- Am I correct in my thinking and could this type of panel operate like this (partially open)???
Thanks in advance.

diy solar

diy solar