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diy solar

Looking for perfect panels for tilting solar rack on van

landship shane

Landship Custom Vans
Jun 16, 2021
San Diego, CA
Hey all,
My name is shane,
I run a company called landship customs. We build high end camper vans.
I have learned nearly everything I know about electrical from Will's videos and you guys, and am eternally grateful ?

A few years back we built a van with a roof rack that tilts and tracks the sun.
You can see a clip of it here.

Now we are redesigning it to be a product that can be shipped more easily.

The question I am looking for help with is which solar panels to use.

I am looking for panels that are

1) High efficiency - We want to get >1000 Watts on a 144 sprinter van
2) The right size
- In a perfect world we want panels that are in between 55-60" in length.
We could make Panels that are in between 60 and 68" work as well, but it is far less Ideal.
3) Black frames would be preferred but not a deal breaker.
4) Reasonably priced.
5) Can be obtained quickly for the first few prototypes.
Here are the top contenders I have so far, and I would love your feedback on them.
For the first few, I want panels that can get to me fast, so I need something premade.

1) These ones would be perfect, (aside from silver frames) but they seem way too good to be true. My guess is that they are false advertised, and they really produce more like a 200Watt panel in reality. If any of you have experience with I would love to hear it.
300 watt Panels58.27 x 26.77 x 1.18 inches

2) These ones would do the job, but I would prefer to get another row of cells to make them longer and higher power.
200 Watt high efficiency54.72 x 27.76 x 1.38 inches

3) These ones are bigger than I would like.
395 Watt big67.8" x 44.65" x 1.18"

Eventually I can get custom panels made, but It would be ideal to avoid this entirely.
Thanks so much for your help!!
Have you checked here?

Thats kinda cool, but since it only moves on elevation and not azimuth IMO its as much as a gimmick as it is useful.
Hi all, for anyone interested I found some panels that fit the bill.

Why wouldn't you use their 270 W panels that have the same footprint as the 220 W? Let us know how they turn out. Google doesn't return any reviews of their product that I can find. I'm suspicious that other solar panels at with the same footprint max out at 220 W.

Also, if you google maps the address listed on their website & go street view, it doesn't inspire much confidence.

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