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The Great Reset

The article is a load of hogwash because it uses the natural consequences of free market capitalism and pretends it is related to Covid19.

Yes, the super rich are sucking up your money so you will end up poor.. that's the natural result of capitalism.. we are capitalists, and the game is "the one who dies with the most toys wins".

But to suggest it is related to Covid19 is just utterly stupid.. a perfect example of how the propaganda pushers take advantage of the ignorant.

No surprise it comes from ammo dot com.. Install fear = sell more guns and ammo. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out.

Capitalism was hijacked when we decoupled from the gold standard..
Free market was hijacked when we allowed government to subsidize markets. Its gotten so bad that our government even bails corporations out when they get into trouble, and they use tax payer money to keep the super rich going.

And remember, WE THE PEOPLE asked for this.. one small step at a time we made choices to solve short term problems without any consideration for the long term consequences.
Implementation has changed but I think this has been in play for thousands of years.

There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.​

The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems –from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet. Leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium- and long-term uncertainties.

As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.

There are a whole lot of changes going to happen this decade and a lot of potential for things to go wrong unless we do build a more equatable society. Sadly, I don't think politicians are ready for what is to come.
Like it or not this goes back to Ancient Rome and before.

There was a struggle power play to control via 2-3 major religion. Or at least main ones still talked about.: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
others too but these were fore front. When Ancient Rome fell christians were driving that wreck.

Jews have been involved in those 3 Religion since beginning of them. Of course judaism is jewish, christianity is jewish convert - first pope was jewish convert, Islam was altered by jewish women influence power of the pussy.

These ppl have been causing power plays every since they broke up into various religions. We won’t go into it or I won’t but you should know the Khazars were 6-8th century Judea converts ordered by King decree to pick a religion. Kings often required religious converts to their chosen religion. Heck even the Church of England was seperated from Rome to gain power and control. Plus King wanted a divorce not allowed by Rome. The vatican is still tied to Rome - wealth. The City of London has a city in a city. Islam has mecca. We have Washington DC. Washington DC has it’s own like separation which is why when the elected or selected get their do not answer to us. I really don’t think we ever gained freedom from England. Just renegotiated conditions with constitution and bill of rights. Why it is under constant attack. Ppl like rothschild boogie men have been here for a long long time as have other rulers from behind power of the purse. Hahaha

People like Leo and MurphyGuy hate religion but who and what they really hate are the Jews responsible for it. Why communism is so appealing to some ppl where the State is worshipped and religion is back seated….or put in the trunk.

come to think of it this is rather complicated and ultra sensitive to most ppl…. On all sides.

look at similar diets as example between jews and muslim - some things very like like or dislike such as avoid pork. No doubt regional thing due to parasites in pork….plus pigs swim in eat in and live in their own piss - shit. Dirty swines.

Not sure why so many don’t want to have open discussions other then leads to name calling and WARS
There are a whole lot of changes going to happen this decade and a lot of potential for things to go wrong unless we do build a more equatable society. Sadly, I don't think politicians are ready for what is to come.
Equality rocks .... Equity is a perversion of Equality.
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Murphyfullofshitguy would argue its a conspiracy theory because he voted for and continues to support the very puppets and actors implementing it.

Hes like a Nazi defending Hitler, saying he isnt really a bad guy, or you just dont understand him.

Any moment he will turn to arguing you only believe in this because youre stupid and watch fox, but he is so smart.

Meanwhile the villains behind it havent even been hiding it.

Imprimis is a publication of Hillsdale College, a conservative leaning institution. Their pieces are concise, to the point and fact filled.

Really, read the above. It supports your theories 100%.
As for Murphyguy and Leo remember their participation in the threads here about covid along with others ridiculing anyone that dared question the powers that be. Silencing and in effect censoring any discussion. And now consider the many things they were wrong about, with lockdowns, masks, alternative therapies, people put on ventilators when it was being revealed that was guaranteeing their death.
You could say they arent just supporters of this but active participants.
Dont expect the enemy to ever be anything but the enemy.
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There are a whole lot of changes going to happen this decade and a lot of potential for things to go wrong unless we do build a more equatable society. Sadly, I don't think politicians are ready for what is to come.
Theres no doubt runaway capitalism needs to be addressed.
However not by pollyanna type socialists who seem to have forgotten that every single attempt at communism was an utter failure because the very same corruption that infects capitalism was allowed to fester much worse due to their authoritarian and censored societies.
The issues most troubling about "equity" is that countries being rich or poor isnt random chance.

For instance we hear that this year some 250 million in Africa face starvation. We need to act now.
The birth rate in America is 1.67.
I looked at the list of nations affected in Africa.

It goes like this:

Somalia 5.89
Congo, Dem. Rep. 5.72
Mali 5.69
Chad 5.55
Angola 5.37
Nigeria 5.25
Burundi 5.24
The Gambia 5.09

Is it any wonder that almost 2 generations after "we are the world" they are still starving?

Where does equity end and stupid start?
The idea that fighting pandemics will bring the world closer together and end wars is wishful thinking. Would be nice if we recognized that most people in the world do want the best for their kids and grand kids. But we even see hate towards and fear of neighbours in the same street.
Theres no doubt runaway capitalism needs to be addressed.
Here we agree.

However not by pollyanna type socialists who seem to have forgotten that every single attempt at communism was an utter failure because the very same corruption that infects capitalism was allowed to fester much worse due to their authoritarian and censored societies.
Sadly corruption is happening in every economic system, not just communism. Unless we deal with corruption regardless of political ideology, it will simply continue.

The issues most troubling about "equity" is that countries being rich or poor isnt random chance.
It takes a concerted effort to change things around. Despite my reservations (to put it mildly) on China's human rights, China's economic rise is short of a miracle. You see similar improvements in living standards in former soviet countries who joined the EU.

For instance we hear that this year some 250 million in Africa face starvation. We need to act now.
The birth rate in America is 1.67.
I looked at the list of nations affected in Africa.

It goes like this:

Somalia 5.89
Congo, Dem. Rep. 5.72
Mali 5.69
Chad 5.55
Angola 5.37
Nigeria 5.25
Burundi 5.24
The Gambia 5.09

Is it any wonder that almost 2 generations after "we are the world" they are still starving?

Where does equity end and stupid start?
Among other things, the birth rate is reduced when you introduce social security and education. You don't need many kids to secure your old age if one can earn enough to look after you or when the state looks after you. I also know some young adults who told me that they do not want to raise children in this world as they see to much hate around them, but I don't know if that is just coincidence or a major reason world wide.

Seems to me that education, family planning and social security would go a long way to stabilize the population of a country.
Still using that dishonest site I see.
You claim it is dishonest, but you have provide no evidence of that. The best I have seen is an intention of sending a cease and desist notice, but 2 years later the post was still there, so no notice was filed, or it was judged in favour of the fact checker.
Theres no doubt runaway capitalism needs to be addressed.
However not by pollyanna type socialists who seem to have forgotten that every single attempt at communism was an utter failure because the very same corruption that infects capitalism was allowed to fester much worse due to their authoritarian and censored societies.
The issues most troubling about "equity" is that countries being rich or poor isnt random chance.

For instance we hear that this year some 250 million in Africa face starvation. We need to act now.
The birth rate in America is 1.67.
I looked at the list of nations affected in Africa.

It goes like this:

Somalia 5.89
Congo, Dem. Rep. 5.72
Mali 5.69
Chad 5.55
Angola 5.37
Nigeria 5.25
Burundi 5.24
The Gambia 5.09

Is it any wonder that almost 2 generations after "we are the world" they are still starving?

Where does equity end and stupid start?
The problem is available on graphs and charts some ppl can read and understand them others will shield their eyes and assume racism. When you do “we are the world” ~1985 and then they almost triple population in 2023 then “WTF is literal.“

it is what it is….. this is part of leftist global warming. India is no better. The White ppl make up majority in USA but are called racist so they will shamefully keep pumping money into their sports of having sex and making larger populations. Donate more money to them.

problem about to be solved China much smarter ppl are going to take advantage of them. Belt Roads - old silk road being setup again. Sri Lanka ports already taken by china so Africa is next. We will send our last dollars to other countries while our own ppl are abortion and starved…. We are stupid dumb Americans. .

we have pumped over $210 billion into Ukraine = we are stupid
The problem is available on graphs and charts some ppl can read and understand them others will shield their eyes and assume racism. When you do “we are the world” ~1985 and then they almost triple population in 2023 then “WTF is literal.“

it is what it is….. this is part of leftist global warming. India is no better. The White ppl make up majority in USA but are called racist so they will shamefully keep pumping money into their sports of having sex and making larger populations. Donate more money to them.

problem about to be solved China much smarter ppl are going to take advantage of them. Belt Roads - old silk road being setup again. Sri Lanka ports already taken by china so Africa is next. We will send our last dollars to other countries while our own ppl are abortion and starved…. We are stupid dumb Americans. .
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we have pumped over $210 billion into Ukraine = we are stupid
Ive been in the "we cant let ukraine lose" camp since day one but if you add up all the talking points something aint right.
1. Its an absolute fact our President is compromised by bribery from one or both sides.
We know hunter didnt get paid 3.4 mil from Burisma for his legal skills. Its been detailed he did nothing of consequence besides show up for quarterly meetings in vacation resorts outside the country.
Hunter also accepted $3mil from the wife of moscows mayor who would have to be part of Putins inner circle.
I dont need to hear audio recordings when Biden bragged about shokins firing and the excuse it was supported by some world bank is stupid. We were the boss with the money, of course they say later they were for it.
2. Look at Putins point of view. Ukraine was the bread basket of the USSR. Most of Russia is now a frozen wasteland. NATO was in fact encroaching. We only look at them as the bad guys which is stupid because...
3. WE blew up the Nordstream pipeline and blamed THEM.
What other lies were told about Russia to justify our actions?
4. Theres zero accounting on the weapons and funds we are sending Ukraine and they are as corrupt as Russia. How much is getting sold on the black market? Is their president continuing this war so he can have a mansion like Putins?
5. Putin will never accept a loss. Whatever this means is anyones guess.

In the end Russians are a lot like us. They are not an evil entity we have the right to take down.
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Wow, a clearly left biased poster has disqualified a source merely because of its right bias.
And Im going to disqualify him due to sheer stupidity and arrogance, for assuming only hus opinion in a discussion could possibly be valid.
Why are you here?
Heres a novel idea. If that source is so full of shit it will be really easy to pick apart their piece with references. Surely its full of lies, right? Those people it quotes must be made up names?
Theyre not, and in fact Imprimus articles cite legitimate references.

What youve done is the laziest way possible to remain stubbornly ignorant.
1. Its an absolute fact our President is compromised by bribery from one or both sides.
Present those "facts" in court.

We know hunter didnt get paid 3.4 mil from Burisma for his legal skills. Its been detailed he did nothing of consequence besides show up for quarterly meetings in vacation resorts outside the country.
Hunter also accepted $3mil from the wife of moscows mayor who would have to be part of Putins inner circle.
A joint investigation by two Republican Senate committees released in September 2020 did not find wrongdoing by Joe Biden, nor did a Republican House Oversight Committee investigation by May 2023.

Do you think it is a coincidence that six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump administration, despite objections from the fund's advisers about the merits of the deal.?

I dont need to hear audio recordings when Biden bragged about shokins firing and the excuse it was supported by some world bank is stupid. We were the boss with the money, of course they say later they were for it.
The United States did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into removing the corrupt prosecutor, in accordance with the official and bipartisan policy of the federal government of the United States, the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Ukrainian prosecutors led by Shokin in 2014 opened an investigation of Zlochevsky for illicit enrichment and money laundering. But then Ukrainian prosecutors let the investigations go dormant, angering the U.S. State Department. The American ambassador said in 2015 that mismanagement of the case was an example of Ukraine's failure to hold corrupt officials to account.

2. Look at Putins point of view. Ukraine was the bread basket of the USSR.
Russia can import the grain, they don't have to send troops in to take the land.

Most of Russia is now a frozen wasteland.
It always was.

NATO was in fact encroaching.
Neighbouring countries wouldn't feel the need to join NATO if Russia was not threatening to invade.

We only look at them as the bad guys which is stupid because...
They invaded a sovereign nation.

3. WE blew up the Nordstream pipeline and blamed THEM.

Dutch intelligence had discovered a plan by Ukraine to blow up the pipeline, Ukraine was warned not to do that. There is an ongoing investigation if Ukraine did.

What other lies were told about Russia to justify our actions?
None, Russia invaded Ukraine and Russia needs to be stopped and China is watching closely if we have the will to do so.

4. Theres zero accounting on the weapons and funds we are sending Ukraine and they are as corrupt as Russia. How much is getting sold on the black market?
You could volunteer as a inspector to track the weapons and ammunition...

Is their president continuing this war so he can have a mansion like Putins?
If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no more Ukraine, if Russia withdraws, Russia will continue to exist.

5. Putin will never accept a loss. Whatever this means is anyones guess.
If we don't stop Putin with conventional weapons, every country will develop nukes so they can deter potential invaders, or invade neighbours who don't have nukes. Of course the threat of those nukes falling into the hands of terrorist will be far greater. Which is why the West worked hard to persuade Ukraine to hand over the nukes to Russia.

In the end Russians are a lot like us. They are not an evil entity we have the right to take down.
No one is taking Russia down and while I agree that people all over the world are not all that different, Putin should be tried as a war criminal and if found guilty, spend the rest of his natural life in prison.

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