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diy solar

The Great Reset

You can not be religious and a critical thinker at the same time.

The brush you often like to use is far too broad.

A few of the requirements to become a NASA astronaut:

Possess a master's degree in a STEM field, including engineering, biological science, physical science, computer science or mathematics, from an accredited institution. Have at least two years of related professional experience obtained after degree completion or at least 1,000 hours pilot-in-command time on jet aircraft.

Examples of Christian astronauts: John Glenn, Charlie Duke, Jim Irwin, Frank Borman, Gordon Cooper, etc.

I have said this before; I am not particularly religious any longer myself, but I also feel no need to insult or denigrate those who are in order to make a point.
The brush you often like to use is far too broad.
An often used religiously orientated defense.

A few of the requirements to become a NASA astronaut:

Possess a master's degree in a STEM field, including engineering, biological science, physical science, computer science or mathematics, from an accredited institution. Have at least two years of related professional experience obtained after degree completion or at least 1,000 hours pilot-in-command time on jet aircraft.

Examples of Christian astronauts: John Glenn, Charlie Duke, Jim Irwin, Frank Borman, Gordon Cooper, etc.
Historically, American society has been based on conformity for a long time.. In fact, historically speaking, it wasn't until around 1980 when we even started to break free of such stupid conformity problems. ... How many of those old time astronauts were Muslim or Hindu? Why don't you see any Muslim or Hindu astronauts back in those days? When did the first black person go into space? The answer is that, historically speaking, if you wanted to advance in an organization (such as NASA), you had to conform to the societal expectations and norms, which in layman's terms, means you're a white christian male.... or you work on the ground.

Even Einstein ducked the religion question with his own style. The influence the church had back in the mid 20th century was overwhelming, it dominated and extended into every corner of society from employment and education to even our justice system. The further back in time you go, the stronger the dominance and the more screwed up things were.

We don't have a constitutional right to go into space, so when you interview for the job in front of some white male Christian administrator, you fall in line or you don't go up.

How is it that these very basic concepts are not recognized by your reply?
I have said this before; I am not particularly religious any longer myself, but I also feel no need to insult or denigrate those who are in order to make a point.
That's fine.. I take a different approach because I think that anyone who victimizes a child by forcing them to submit to religious indoctrination should be scorned.
We don't have a constitutional right to go into space, so when you interview for the job in front of some white male Christian administrator, you fall in line or you don't go up.

They weren't all Christians so this doesn't appear to be a correct assumption.
They weren't all Christians? Then what were they back in those days? Source?


I think Jim Irwin [Apollo 15] is one example you can look up.

At any rate, your theory that a person cannot be a "critical thinker" and also believe in a faith just doesn't hold water.
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I think Jim Irwin [Apollo 15] is one example you can look up.
Irwin was raised in a Christian household but stopped actively practicing the religion at age 10. He became a devout born-again Christian after returning from space.

You will not find an example of a middle 20th century non-Christian who enjoyed a privilege of high honor bestowed by our nation. At least I don't think you will.. I suppose it could have happened, but it would be an exceptionally rare occurrence if it did.

The white Christian male was the overwhelmingly dominant demographic, and they are not a club that endorsed inclusive policies. In fact, the opposite was very much true.

At any rate, your theory that a person cannot be a "critical thinker" and also believe in a faith just doesn't hold water.
Think about that statement... Faith is by definition, an irrational belief. One can not be a critical thinker and be irrational at the same time.
Faith is by definition, an irrational belief.
Believing in something for which there is no evidence is fine by me, just don't force that onto others.

One can not be a critical thinker and be irrational at the same time.
You can. Depending on the subject matter, one can have a very good understanding of current solar and battery technology, while at the same time believe conspiracy theories in other subjects.

And it gets even more complex. For example, I am against the death penalty, but pro choice and pro voluntary euthanasia. A more consistent view would be pro death penalty and pro choice. The reason I am anti death penalty is because innocent people have been executed and I don't have the desire for revenge. The reason I am pro choice is because a woman should be free to make the choice in consultation with her doctors.

As for the great reset, I don't know why people are worried, AI is going to happen because of the perceived advantages a company or nation will get by being first. The great reset will happen, lets try to figure out what we are going to do when we have 50% or more unemployment.
You can. Depending on the subject matter, one can have a very good understanding of current solar and battery technology, while at the same time believe conspiracy theories in other subjects.
You are comparing the ability to function with the ability to rationalize, the analogy is inappropriate. Even a crazy person locked up in a mental institution, or one who is autistic or has some other intellectual disability, can dress themselves and tie their own shoes.

The ability to function or perform tasks at a specified level is not a measurement of rational thought.. well.. not usually anyhow.
Believing in something for which there is no evidence is fine by me, just don't force that onto others.
By the same token do not shove your "sky fairy" crap on others.
You can. Depending on the subject matter, one can have a very good understanding of current solar and battery technology, while at the same time believe conspiracy theories in other subjects.
This year's "Conspiracy Theory" is just as likely next year's "Fact"
And it gets even more complex. For example, I am against the death penalty, but pro choice and pro voluntary euthanasia. A more consistent view would be pro death penalty and pro choice. The reason I am anti death penalty is because innocent people have been executed and I don't have the desire for revenge. The reason I am pro choice is because a woman should be free to make the choice in consultation with her doctors.
I have no problem with abortions under certain conditions, but it is "Bantha fodder" to use it as birth control. Genocide by any other name...........
As for the great reset, I don't know why people are worried, AI is going to happen because of the perceived advantages a company or nation will get by being first. The great reset will happen, lets try to figure out what we are going to do when we have 50% or more unemployment.
Just because you want a world order to control everything does not mean I or many others want it.
By the same token do not shove your "sky fairy" crap on others.
I support freedom of expression, whatever term you decide to use is fine by me. I even support comparative religion in schools.

This year's "Conspiracy Theory" is just as likely next year's "Fact"

I have no problem with abortions under certain conditions, but it is "Bantha fodder" to use it as birth control. Genocide by any other name...........
I am not asking what you do or don't support, I am trying to explain that critical thinking is complex.

Just because you want a world order to control everything does not mean I or many others want it.
Again setting up a straw man, lets put it differently. We both want to control which side of the road we drive on, we might not agree on which side is better.
By the same token do not shove your "sky fairy" crap on others.
As far as I know, non-religious people, atheist, or whatever you want to call them, have never pushed their "sky fairy crap" on others..

And lets be crystal clear, I'm not referring to a forum discussion, advertisement, or any other form of freedom of speech.. We're talking laws and regulations that take personal freedoms away based on the irrational and ridiculous belief systems of others.

So when you say "by the same token, don't push sky fairy crap on others", I don't know what the f*ck you're talking about.. More irrational beliefs?

This year's "Conspiracy Theory" is just as likely next year's "Fact"
I guess if one's world view is based on irrationality, then I guess I can see that from your perspective.

I have no problem with abortions under certain conditions, but it is "Bantha fodder" to use it as birth control. Genocide by any other name...........
There's that Christian while male demographic pushing their beliefs on others... If you don't want to have an abortion, the solution is easy.. Don't get an abortion.. How hard is that to understand? But so long as you try to pass laws and restrict the liberties and freedoms of others based on your personal irrational belief system, then its open season.

Let me guess, you want to restrict the liberties and freedoms of homosexuals, trans people etc as well too right? Yeah, under "certain conditions".

How about we flip that equation and see how it applies to other things? Imagine the gun grabbers: "We support the 2nd amendment, but only under certain conditions" "I have no problem with citizens owning guns under certain conditions"

Irrational beliefs cause irrational behaviors.

Just because you want a world order to control everything does not mean I or many others want it.
Then you should stop buying consumer goods because any conspiracy for a world order isn't being pushed by politicians that come and go with the wind.. its being pushed by corporations.. And those corporations have bought and paid for the politicians and propaganda to get the moronic idiots in this country to argue and fight over which side of the liberal/conservative fence they're on... Divide and conquer.. So long as you're busy worrying about stupid shit, you won't be looking their direction.
As far as I know, non-religious people, atheist, or whatever you want to call them, have never pushed their "sky fairy crap" on others..
Hypocrite...... I got "Sky Fairy" from you.... Many times.
And lets be crystal clear, I'm not referring to a forum discussion, advertisement, or any other form of freedom of speech.. We're talking laws and regulations that take personal freedoms away based on the irrational and ridiculous belief systems of others.
Yes you tend to move the discussion in the direction you want.
So when you say "by the same token, don't push sky fairy crap on others", I don't know what the f*ck you're talking about.. More irrational beliefs?
See the first reply.
I guess if one's world view is based on irrationality, then I guess I can see that from your perspective.
If the truth is irrational then so be it.
There's that Christian while male demographic pushing their beliefs on others... If you don't want to have an abortion, the solution is easy.. Don't get an abortion.. How hard is that to understand? But so long as you try to pass laws and restrict the liberties and freedoms of others based on your personal irrational belief system, then its open season.
You attitude tends to be my way or the highway.
Let me guess, you want to restrict the liberties and freedoms of homosexuals, trans people etc as well too right? Yeah, under "certain conditions".
So this means you are Ok for schools to show sex in libraries for kids under 13? Why is it not legal to take a young kid to a stripper palace?
How about we flip that equation and see how it applies to other things? Imagine the gun grabbers: "We support the 2nd amendment, but only under certain conditions" "I have no problem with citizens owning guns under certain conditions"
Does not matter laws are in place.
Irrational beliefs cause irrational behaviors.
Says the man who bows to the religion of science.
Then you should stop buying consumer goods because any conspiracy for a world order isn't being pushed by politicians that come and go with the wind.. its being pushed by corporations.. And those corporations have bought and paid for the politicians and propaganda to get the moronic idiots in this country to argue and fight over which side of the liberal/conservative fence they're on... Divide and conquer.. So long as you're busy worrying about stupid shit, you won't be looking their direction.
In this I completely agree.
I support freedom of expression, whatever term you decide to use is fine by me. I even support comparative religion in schools.
So do I. And I call it BS.
Denying the truth does not twist it your way.
I am not asking what you do or don't support, I am trying to explain that critical thinking is complex.
If it is hard for you to grasp, there are classes available on this subject.
Again setting up a straw man, lets put it differently. We both want to control which side of the road we drive on, we might not agree on which side is better.
Pointless laws are in place.
Hypocrite...... I got "Sky Fairy" from you.... Many times.
Damn, the point just went right over your head didn't it.... You don't think I know you got sky fairy from me? Who the F*^k else uses that term?

And people think I'm being harsh when I say most people are stupid.

Yes you tend to move the discussion in the direction you want.

See the first reply.

If the truth is irrational then so be it.

You attitude tends to be my way or the highway.
You are obviously at your wits end and can't defend your position.

So this means you are Ok for schools to show sex in libraries for kids under 13? Why is it not legal to take a young kid to a stripper palace?
ROFLMAO, and you accuse me of moving a discussion in the direction I want? Damn.. talk about irrational behaviors. Ok.. Lets address the library sex for kids under 13. Post an example so I know what you're talking about first. I suspect, as with so many other things, that you are embellishing the facts to suit your own argument.

If your position is that you have a problem with library materials containing sexual content that are available to children, how do you rationalize the sexual content in the bible being available to those same children? Or the propensity for churches to sexually abuse children?

Funny Story.. The religious Mormon nut jobs in Utah were able to get laws passed to ban certain sexual content from school libraries.. They didn't want children to be exposed to anything sexually related... (They like to save that kind of thing for the back rooms when the parents aren't around) Then the parents used that same law to get the bible banned for the same exact reasons, and now the book of Mormon is next... The irony is off the charts...

Does not matter laws are in place.
Yeah, remember that next time a law is passed that you don't like, don't agree with, and that restricts your freedoms.. We'll just reply with "your argument doesn't matter, laws are in place"

I think a 13 year old could come up with such a shallow and meaningless argument just as well.

Says the man who bows to the religion of science.
WTF? Science isn't a religion genius. Your religiously wired mentality requires you to see science as a religion because you need to psychologically project that upon others to justify it with yourself. The actual them is "psychological projection".. look it up..

The fact is, I don't need your religion, but you most certainly need my science. I never need your religion.. I have never used your religion, no one ever needs religion.. But you most certainly need science and use science every minute of every day.. And when I was minutes away from death on a hospital bed, it wasn't religion that saved me, it was science.. and when you're in that same position, you'll be asking the doctors to use that same science to save you.

In this I completely agree.
I'm shocked.. yes, shocked! We agree on something.. alert the news media..
Faith is by definition, an irrational belief. One can not be a critical thinker and be irrational at the same time.

There are countless examples that prove you wrong. Here is another: Katherine Gobels Johnson. Are you going to claim that she lied about her Christianity too, or that she wasn't capable of critical thinking?

Some [psychologists] say preppers are irrational. Does that mean you are also incapable of critical thinking?

Maybe we can try another approach: do you have some psychological studies or papers that you can cite that support your theory, or is it merely your opinion?
Damn, the point just went right over your head didn't it.... You don't think I know you got sky fairy from me? Who the F*^k else uses that term?

And people think I'm being harsh when I say most people are stupid.
Sticks and stones. I own what is mine and the rest is meaningless.

You are obviously at your wits end and can't defend your position.
Why would I do your homework?
ROFLMAO, and you accuse me of moving a discussion in the direction I want? Damn.. talk about irrational behaviors. Ok.. Lets address the library sex for kids under 13. Post an example so I know what you're talking about first. I suspect, as with so many other things, that you are embellishing the facts to suit your own argument.
It appears that you have not been paying attention and once again doing your own homework.
If your position is that you have a problem with library materials containing sexual content that are available to children, how do you rationalize the sexual content in the bible being available to those same children? Or the propensity for churches to sexually abuse children?
There you go with church again..... Nice side stepping.
Funny Story.. The religious Mormon nut jobs in Utah were able to get laws passed to ban certain sexual content from school libraries.. They didn't want children to be exposed to anything sexually related... (They like to save that kind of thing for the back rooms when the parents aren't around) Then the parents used that same law to get the bible banned for the same exact reasons, and now the book of Mormon is next... The irony is off the charts...
You are behind the times on that issue. The Bibles are being returned to the libraries. Bet that pisses you off though.

Yeah, remember that next time a law is passed that you don't like, don't agree with, and that restricts your freedoms.. We'll just reply with "your argument doesn't matter, laws are in place"

I think a 13 year old could come up with such a shallow and meaningless argument just as well.
Why can you not let them be kids for a while? The rest will come soon enough.
WTF? Science isn't a religion genius. Your religiously wired mentality requires you to see science as a religion because you need to psychologically project that upon others to justify it with yourself. The actual them is "psychological projection".. look it up..
You act like it it. Took that crap in college, The funny thing about is you do, it ALL of the time.

The fact is, I don't need your religion, but you most certainly need my science. I never need your religion.. I have never used your religion, no one ever needs religion.. But you most certainly need science and use science every minute of every day.. And when I was minutes away from death on a hospital bed, it wasn't religion that saved me, it was science.. and when you're in that same position, you'll be asking the doctors to use that same science to save you.
I stand by what I said.
I'm shocked.. yes, shocked! We agree on something.. alert the news media..
A fine manipulation to be sure!
There are countless examples that prove you wrong. Here is another: Katherine Gobels Johnson. Are you going to claim that she lied about her Christianity too, or that she wasn't capable of critical thinking?
As I said above, the ability to function or perform tasks is not a measure of rationality. I lied about my Christianity when I was in the Air Force.. I knew damn well I wouldn't be able to advance if I wasn't conforming, so I listed Catholic on the form... I even went to the base church with everyone else.. Hmm.. I wonder if anyone else thought of doing the same...

That's not to suggest your example was lying.. not by any means. But being able to perform a task is not a measure of rationality. I should also state, because I know how these arguments go, that just because someone has faith, does not mean they run around like a crazed nut job doing irrational things all day, or that they are incapable of performing a task.

No one is capable of a perfect level of critical thinking.. and likewise, I don't think anyone is capable of being completely irrational.. If they were, they wouldn't live very long.

Some [psychologists] say preppers are irrational. Does that mean you are also incapable of critical thinking?
Which psychologists? Link?
Maybe we can try another approach: do you have some psychological studies or papers that you can cite that support your theory, or is it merely your opinion?
Is that a serious question? How many links do you want?

Here's a good one.. but I haven't checked it...

Religion is irrational BY DEFINITION.. it is a belief without evidence.. If it was rational, the church wouldn't have to victimize children to survive.

As far as Atheism being irrational (per one of the links above), that depends on how one defines Atheism. Atheism has never been clearly defined because it originated as a derogatory term by those who believed in a god.. It's root was Greek to mean "godless".. whatever that meant back then... So the term "Atheist" can mean either A) "one who disbelieves", or B) "one who isn't a believer"

Disbelieving in something you can not observe is just as irrational as believing in something you can not observe. People label me as an Atheist and I just shrug because I don't give a hoot.. but technically, I would be agnostic because I have no irrational beliefs one way or the other.

Here's how stupid people are: I read somewhere that something like 20% of self described Atheists believe in a higher power... Let the stupidity of that sink in for a moment..
So do I. And I call it BS.
Please clarify, what do you call BS?

Denying the truth does not twist it your way.
Not denying truth, but the claim that conspiracy theories necessarily turn out to be facts is patently wrong. Granted, there have been instances where science was wrong, the good thing about science is that it is self correcting, unlike religion.

If it is hard for you to grasp, there are classes available on this subject.
Not all that hard for me to grasp that critical thinking is complex.

Pointless laws are in place.
Again, please clarify what you are trying to say.
Well.. if its on a website with a domain name that has the word "TRUTH" in it, it must obviously be true.

Have you ever played the game Monopoly? What happens when you play that game for several hours?
Joseph Michael Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and Internet business personality. He markets largely unproven dietary supplements and medical devices....

The funny part is that the conspiracy nutters tell you to "follow the money" and take this guy as their guru...
Joseph Michael Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and Internet business personality. He markets largely unproven dietary supplements and medical devices....

The funny part is that the conspiracy nutters tell you to "follow the money" and take this guy as their guru...

diy solar

diy solar