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The Great Reset

Leo said on post #99 "Man you are just as crazy as the communists I have seen elsewhere..."
And I said" ( I will expand it a bit for better comprehension ) "The Pot Calling the Kettle Black"
And if you lack the meaning of this phrase it is.
"used to convey that the criticisms a person is aiming at someone else could equally well apply to themselves."

We are presently experiencing an asymmetric war, some kinetic (NATO/Ukraine vs. Russia) but primarily a silent war where food shortages are engineered.
There are no food shortages other than the normal shortages certain countries have always been subject to. War always creates food shortages, its a consequence of war.

This is achieved through shutting down production by driving farmers from the land,
What farmers have been driven from their land?

banning live animal exports,
That's just common sense.

and disrupting supply lines, as we saw in the “pandemic” years.
Supply lines do occasionally get disrupted, and when it happens, we adjust to strengthen them such as we're doing to prevent another chip shortage.
But probably the greatest driver of famine is none of the above. It is the supply of currency and credit.

Control the food supply, and you control the people. But control the money supply, and you control the whole world.
That's always been true throughout history. What a great reason for more people to stop spending their money on garbage they don't need and to become more self sufficient. Unfortunately for most of the masses, they'd rather have a $600 to $1000 cell phone and watch a Kardashian do something stupid.

Google "Most viewed youtube videos".. All of the top videos aren't science videos, math, history, chemistry, or anything else useful.. All of the top 10,000 most viewed videos are entertainment, music, etc.

Don't blame others for your own choices.

Of course, controlling the money supply also directly affects the food supply.

It goes without saying that since 2008, the world-dominating U.S. Federal Reserve has been “printing money” like never before. Currently, the amount is already 2.3 times larger (in the same dollar terms) than was “printed” during and after World War II. And there is no sign of stopping.
That is the first thing you said that doesn't contain hyperbole, exaggeration, and isn't taken out of context.

Since the U.S. dollar is the global reserve currency, either hyperinflation will result and/or a total global economic collapse will ensue. Either way, it doesn’t matter; the global famine will accelerate. It is inevitable.
Did you think we could keep having babies without consequences?

We need to wake up to the tactics of the global oligarchs and resist all efforts to impose their objectives on us.
ROFLMAO.. You want to resist those who own Boardwalk and Park Place but you still roll those dice even though you know you're going to be contributing to those coffers. You can start by giving up the expensive cell phone, turning off the television, planting your own fruit trees, and raising your own chickens. There are lots of ways to start resisting, but I suspect all you're going to do is complain "its not fair".
We must stop also the woke depopulation agenda
There are 8 billion people in this world, a little depopulation is probably a good thing. Did you already forget about the famine and food supply rant above?
and put an end to the WEF’s ungodly neofascist agenda before it is too late. Otherwise, paraphrasing WEF’s statement, you will own nothing, and you will be starving!
Ungodly? ROFLMAO.. Slavery is endorsed within your Christian beliefs so if you want to be pro-godly, then it means you also endorse the enslavement of other humans. Slaves own nothing.. and I've never seen a fat slave.

You might want to consider your conflicting statements more carefully in the future. I don't think you even realize you're making them.

Globalists are now combining the climate change issue with international finance and monetary authority. In other words, they aren’t hiding the fact that the climate change agenda is part of the “Great Reset” agenda anymore. They are even suggesting that the threat of climate change be used as a springboard for giving global banks more power to dictate the circulation of wealth and for deconstucting the existing system so it can be replaced with something else.

French President Emmanuel Macron told delegates at the Paris summit that “the world needs a public finance shock” to fight global warming while also creating “equity” for less wealthy nations. He also argued that the current system was not well suited to address the world’s challenges.

Presenters at the event noted that the international economic framework had been battered by a number of crises, including the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, but focused on “the spiraling cost of weather disasters intensified by global warming” as a reason for the ongoing destabilization of financial systems.

This is obviously nonsense, but it fits with the narrative programming that globalists are trying to engineer by linking economic decline to climate change. In reality, there is ZERO evidence that global weather events are any worse today than they were over a hundred years ago before carbon producing industries were widespread. There is no proven connection between carbon emissions and any specific weather phenomenon. The claim is a fraud. There is no man-made climate crisis, as I have outlined and evidenced in previous articles.

These all seem like disjointed plans to simply inflate prices through different forms of taxation and force the public to consume less goods, but there is a much bigger scheme at play here. It’s important to understand that climate change is nothing more than a vehicle to deliver a fully centralized global economic system, likely under the control of the IMF, BIS, World Bank and the UN.

The annual payments by wealthier nations into global institutional coffers is an act of tribute, a show of fealty. It’s also a way for groups like the IMF to create a system of greater interdependency. If vast sums of money are flowing through globalist institutions and they become the arbiters of how that wealth is redistributed, they can also build a system of rewards and punishments. They can punish countries that don’t follow their dictates and they can give advantages to countries that toe the line.

In terms of a new Bretton Woods, I suspect that this is all culminating in a currency crisis which the globalists will use as an opportunity to finally introduce their CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) model. And once CBDCs are implemented their ability to dominate the populace will be complete. A cashless system with no privacy in transactions and the ability to shut down the buying power of individuals and groups at will? It’s a totalitarian’s dream scenario.

It’s no mistake that the public is being constantly bombarded with global warming propaganda these days – The powers that be need an existential crisis as a fear generator. When people are afraid they don’t think rationally and will often turn to the worst possible leaders for relief. And a global threat requires a global response, right?

Climate change disaster narratives (if the public embraces the propaganda) will allow for a wide array of systemic changes that have nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with financial dominance.

But what about the scorched earth model? If the ultimate intent is to destroy the economy to the point that most industry dies, trade retracts and the population plummets because survival becomes untenable, then one might argue that the globalists are “saving the planet” by getting rid of people. I suppose if you think keeping the population in perpetual third-world status will save us from global warming, then you might support such an agenda.

Whether the goal is simply economic micro-management or the forced liquidation of production, the outcome would be more power for internationalists and less freedom and prosperity for everyone else.

They can spin it however they want, but when the elites call for a “financial shock” they are really calling for a dramatic throttling of the system so that it can no longer maintain the existing populace. When they call for global taxation and tribute in the name of “equality” they are not trying to make everyone equally rich, they want everyone equally poor. And when they call for the centralized oversight of nations for the sake of saving the planet, what they really want is global governance.
On CDBCs that are picking up speed


Conversion to a cashless system would require calamity and force, a full spectrum crisis throughout the US and much of the western world in the next few years, along with another few years or more of reconstruction to bring in CBDC mechanisms. Small businesses would have to be removed from the picture, leaving only major corporations which could then refuse to accept cash as a means of payment from consumers. This would be one method of expediting the cashless system, along with outright government confiscation of physical paper.

That said, there is another rather blunt way to push Americans into CBDCs that the globalists seem to be expediting – The death of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. Only five years ago skeptics argued that the dollar would be king for many decades to come. Today, those same people are eerily quiet as the IMF announces their own global CBDC called the “UMU” and BRICs nations quickly move away from the Greenback in bilateral trade. If the US dollar loses a majority of its buying power through inflation and the loss of reserve status, it may be easier to convince the populace to abandon it for a digital replacement.

If we take the globalist timeline of 2030 as an effective limiter, this would mean another crisis even more pervasive than the covid pandemic would have to take place soon in order for the elites to get what they want. The longer they wait, the more people become educated on their agenda and the less likely it will be to succeed.
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Leo said on post #99 "Man you are just as crazy as the communists I have seen elsewhere..."
And I said" ( I will expand it a bit for better comprehension ) "The Pot Calling the Kettle Black"
And if you lack the meaning of this phrase it is.
"used to convey that the criticisms a person is aiming at someone else could equally well apply to themselves."
Oh, the idiot communists I am refering to are the idiots who use terms like the "elites" and "parasite class".

All things considered, when asked, if the war on cash is a real thing being directed from those on high, sadly we must answer yes. Sadly, most people are going along with this and many have embraced ditching cash. This has wide long-term ramifications. Small businesses often rely more on small cash transactions, it is the banks, big businesses, and companies like Amazon that flourish when cash is removed. Simply put, in general, the small businesses and retailers on Main Street are left worse off.

Those of us skeptical of governments and high-tech reaching ever deeper into our lives and thus stealing our freedom are concerned. While I'm personally not a fan of cryptocurrencies, many of these people are. The whole future of crypto depends on how governments regulate and decide to recognize them. This makes it clear the future of crypto is tied to the importance of electing a pro-crypto candidate next year.

Still, it could be argued that FedNow is another step towards more control over the individual. Twenty minutes into this video by Coin Bureau the narrator takes the stand that Fed Now truly seems to be a Trojan Horse to usher in a CBDC system. It points out that while not everyone will choose to "opt-in" and adopt such a system, it will appear benign to most people and rapidly be accepted. Even those that resist will find the government will most likely force them to use it when dealing with official agencies.
It is a REAL thing Leo.
Testifying before the House Financial Services Committee in March 2023, Chair Powell said a central bank digital currency is, “something we would certainly need Congressional approval for.”

The problem is as a example they passed the "Inflation reduction act" This lie is "The New Green Deal" with a different name.
So it is not even a push that they could manipulate yet another lie to pass.
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Oh, the idiot communists I am refering to are the idiots who use terms like the "elites" and "parasite class". calling to name callers means your a communist?
Here again "the pot calling the kettle black" calling to name callers means your a communist?
Here again "the pot calling the kettle black"
Don't know about communist, but how about ignorant? Would that be calling you a name?

What would you call someone who repeatedly demonstrates they don't know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE or THEIR, THEY'RE AND THERE ? Hint.. Hint... see your own posts.

And yes, anyone who patronizes and posts links to a pro-Russian source of information may as well be a communist.
Don't know about communist, but how about ignorant? Would that be calling you a name?

What would you call someone who repeatedly demonstrates they don't know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE or THEIR, THEY'RE AND THERE ? Hint.. Hint... see your own posts.

And yes, anyone who patronizes and posts links to a pro-Russian source of information may as well be a communist.
Personally MurphyGuy I could care less what you think. But have every right to spew it.
Personally MurphyGuy I could care less what you think. But have every right to spew it.

Damn, you can't even get that right...

The proper wording is "I couldn't care less"... (I could not care less) If you "could care less" it means that you care enough to care less.

And you have opinions on science! Oh my!
Damn, you can't even get that right...

The proper wording is "I couldn't care less"... (I could not care less) If you "could care less" it means that you care enough to care less.

And you have opinions on science! Oh my!
The know it all Science and grammar demigod has spoken ( on purpose in the hope that it will annoy you )
But if it does not oh well.......
The know it all Science and grammar demigod has spoken ( on purpose in the hope that it will annoy you )
But if it does not oh well.......

You're as transparent as a window. Of course, that's how simplistic and immature minds are..
You're as transparent as a window. Of course, that's how simplistic and immature minds are..
Oh it hurts.......please stop...... LOL LOL LOL!! It is sad really how you get your kicks, but to each there own.
It is a REAL thing Leo.
Testifying before the House Financial Services Committee in March 2023, Chair Powell said a central bank digital currency is, “something we would certainly need Congressional approval for.”

The problem is as a example they passed the "Inflation reduction act" This lie is "The New Green Deal" with a different name.
So it is not even a push that they could manipulate yet another lie to pass.
Do you think the US central bank is going to introduce a digital currency? I see no need for it, besides they can "print" all the money they like.

What do and don't you like about the green new deal? For reference, lets use the wikipedia definition...


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