diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Well that certainly isnt a crime and if true that means no crime was committed. Case dismissed.
PS. Trump has never lied about anything I give a damn about. More importantly he did, or tried to do but was stopped by opposition, everything he promised he would when I considered who to vote for.
His policies were consistently in the long term best interest of America and Americans. I guess you being a canuck that doesnt matter to you.
I pity you foreigners whose country is so insignificant you have all this time to interfere in our politics.
You could hardly be more marginalized and ineffectual.
Ankle biter.
Youre one of those spineless fucks that stands outside the mosh pit and kidney punches anyone on the outside of the circle, afraid you might get a bruise if you went in.
I bet you stand in front of a mirror nekkid and practice the tuck, dont you.
Biden like lot of ppl in govt don’t care about ppl here.
The crazy part: these shit holes in America are going down down down. Once nice Places are being invaded, drugged, unemployment, and headed this way. On a rapid Down hill - becoming a shithole..

The State of California is crazy one place 55% welfare

this guy has a whole youtube channel of all places he has been Lot of downfall-drugs-and such. ??☹️

why are ppl pouring across our border? They should see these videos before making the trip.
Holy shit a Canadian TRoll .... he can't won't shall never listen where the guy says, "it won't be used …. it was never charged." LISTEN to 3:25 mark.

Look at this foreign friggin rat ear sheeeet..... from Canada

Trudeau is worse then stepping in dog shit. No damn wonder Canada is screwed up.

5:35 Trump calls, "Hillary beautiful"

What USA needs to do is pipeline everyone coming across southern border straight to canada. Load the liberals down with some more financial loss. Let Trudeau show them how illegals come first according to Agenda 2030 wef bs …. No borders. Trudeau is a wef fan boy…. He needs to live it. Run the illegal immigrant Pipeline to canada.

Biden was one that raised import tariffs on Canada wood products He put Canada workers out of job over oil line shut down not just USA workers.
So ..... Is this whistleblower credible? Do his statement line up with other facts we know about?
The conference meeting - minutes should explain it. Here is the thing why does FBI go through all this trouble then keep the evidence vs destroying it? That is the insane part like that unclassified form … why didn’t the fbi just destroy it and say it was damaged or whatever by accident? In for a Penny in for a pound.

I doubt anyone goes to prison.

here is why:
So ..... Is this whistleblower credible? Do his statement line up with other facts we know about?

Dr. Gal Luft is co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS), a Washington-based think tank dedicated to energy security. He is also a senior adviser to the United States Energy Security Council, a cabinet-level governmental advisory committee focused on reducing America's oil dependence. In addition, he serves as co-chairman of the Global Forum on Energy Security in Beijing and senior adviser to the China Energy Fund Committee.

This guy is legit as fuck. Hes also a former Israeli Defense officer.
Democrats on Twitter are going through fits trying to discredit him.
Democrats: Eat a big bag of dicks.
How do you know?

Let the courts sort it out, you and I can only go by what we are told by whatever media we watch/read....
Guess you didn't watch the video ... It was done by the whistleblower himself ..... They have been trying to put him in prison to shut him up.

It's pretty obvious that what's going on here is a LOT more than the Biden's. The Biden's are just in it to make some quick cash and don't seem to mind that what they are doing is treason.
Guess you didn't watch the video ... It was done by the whistleblower himself ..... They have been trying to put him in prison to shut him up.

It's pretty obvious that what's going on here is a LOT more than the Biden's. The Biden's are just in it to make some quick cash and don't seem to mind that what they are doing is treason.
The big guy is Obama
The big guy is Obama
That's possible .... Obama HAD to have full knowledge of what the Biden's were doing while he was president .... and he did suddenly come into a LOT of money ..... but it's pretty clear that Hunter is just a useful idiot who can be discredited if for some reason he starts telling the truth .... Until that time they will keep protecting him ..... and Joe, well he doesn't have very many brain cells left. If that all sounds very dark .... it is.
There is a whole other type of people behind all this .... People like Victoria Nuland and very likely Hillary and others imbedded so far that we don't know their names. The people who's names we know are just the "front" people who get to pretend they have power.
That's why they will do everything in their power to torpedo people like RFK Jr and Trump .... They aren't part of the club.
Bill was always just Hillary's stooge .... That is why she was livid when she didn't get to be president .... she was the one who got him there.

Lately, we have been getting WAY too many glimpses of their shenanigans .... That makes this a very dangerous time.
How do you know?

Let the courts sort it out, you and I can only go by what we are told by whatever media we watch/read....
Go create a Trudeau thread and stop meddling in our politics.
Youre irrelevent to this discussion. Marginalized.
Posting silly ass shit. Of course you want us to have "the courts sort it out". These people have corrupted and weaponized the courts.
Youre the enemy. Youre part of the problem.
The media silence on this guy from all the MSM except Fox, NY Post, ect, is very revealing. A truly unbiased media would run with this and expose the horrible injustices done to this man but just like you reprobates that pretend the Bidens activities are legitimate business, youre letting it happen.
Look up the word reprobate. Sick.
It had to be obama as the one thar required, Zelensky to dance dance dance He does the butt scoot boogie.

Graham and McCain over seen the over throw of the legit Ukraine Govt to install this $210 billion dollar money grabbing Zelensky ass puppet. Bet most of congress got kick back money for voting money to Ukraine.

I can almost see Barry giving Big Mike the queer eye during that dance video.
Have you ever heard of a Leader doing that type of flamboyant dance shit? "Ronald RaYgun " starred in a movie about a chimp. Bedtime for Bonzo

Trump was in the way remember that weird call Biden and Ukraine had
It had to be obama as the one thar required, Zelensky to dance dance dance He does the butt scoot boogie.

Graham and McCain over seen the over throw of the legit Ukraine Govt to install this $210 billion dollar money grabbing Zelensky ass puppet. Bet most of congress got kick back money for voting money to Ukraine.

I can almost see Barry giving Big Mike the queer eye during that dance video.
Have you ever heard of a Leader doing that type of flamboyant dance shit? "Ronald RaYgun " starred in a movie about a chimp. Bedtime for Bonzo

Trump was in the way remember that weird call Biden and Ukraine had
Meh. Its a euro thing. He prolly likes lady gaga. Wouldnt read too much into that.
He sure did step up to the plate of making his country the martyrs but what else to do?
I also see Putins point of view on this. Ukraine was the USSRs breadbasket and industrial center. He felt NATOs influence corrupted it and wants back the glory days of the old Soviets. As sick as it sounds. Life was good for party officials.
I dont approve but it helps to see both sides.
We operate under this assumption that the whole world wants to mimic our image of red white and blue, freedom, apple pies baseball and chevrolet. Democracy or whatever resembles it. Even if they reject it we think we know whats better for them and force it on them.
Maybe some people want to be prisoners, or animals in a cage, if its all they know. AKA North Korea, USSR, etc. Especially if its intertwined with family culture and national identity.
In the 60s and 70s you had to be a well off Soviet citizen for the privilege of driving one of those shitty Trabants. At the same time average Americans were putting Mustangs and Camaros in their driveways.
Why would they prefer the lower lifestyle?
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diy solar

diy solar