diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Does it embarrass anyone else that this is what they show on Russian TV?
How can any other country have any respect for the US when this kind of conduct is protected.
Does it embarrass anyone else that this is what they show on Russian TV?
How can any other country have any respect for the US when this kind of conduct is protected.
The rest of World has been laughing at us for a long time. We are a puppet operated by Rothschild and Friends Israel to fleece.

That Israeli dual citizen in your video is common and problematic. They are all in our govt with dual citizenship. They are getting antisemitism laws passed so that it can’t be discussed. Look at Israeli supported Zelensky… ???

Our govt dumps money in Israel and Ukraine to get tax payer money enrichments back to themselves. Good deal for them. When if goes to shit here fly to Israel or where dver else that is still floating. Zionism. In France and most places where shit is going on. Been done since time began Nero converted to judaism ???
Go create a Trudeau thread and stop meddling in our politics.
I am not a Canadian.

And why shouldn't people be allowed to participate on a international forum?

Youre irrelevent to this discussion. Marginalized.
Thanks for being so open about your biases...

Posting silly ass shit. Of course you want us to have "the courts sort it out". These people have corrupted and weaponized the courts.
All conspiracy theorists claim the same nonsense. Yes, there are corrupt judges and law enforcement officers, weed them out.

Youre the enemy. Youre part of the problem.
I am the enemy of conspiracy theories and lynching.

The media silence on this guy from all the MSM except Fox, NY Post, ect, is very revealing. A truly unbiased media would run with this and expose the horrible injustices done to this man but just like you reprobates that pretend the Bidens activities are legitimate business, youre letting it happen.
Again you show your biases.

Look up the word reprobate. Sick.
Don't need to look it up, I see it everywhere, including here with the hate leveled at people who's crime consists of loving a person of the same sex.
Does it embarrass anyone else that this is what they show on Russian TV?
How can any other country have any respect for the US when this kind of conduct is protected.
Who cares what is shown on Russian TV? Or do you think they are a trusted source of information?
The leader of France Macron worked directly for Rothschild as an investment banker. Soros worked for Rothschild Jacob Schiff in 1800-1900 (Soros of his day) worked for Rothschild. All ppl have to do is look and they will find source of the World Problems…. Rothschild and FRIENDS have made their fortune and control by creating chaos and wars. This is not top secret info and is not even disputed other then antisemitism laws being made to keep ppl from talking. Ever wonder why these so-called jews - 6th-8th century khazar mafia - judaism converts seem to be everywhere. Because they are. Criminal Mafia in most all countries. Zionism.… is their club.

Dual Citizenship should not be allowed. You are either here to stay and live or you are not. The Mafia is a passage that crosses all borders and their allegiance is bound by their mafia connections. That is your Deep State. Ppl don’t want to look at it or they get real scared, afraid, or killed. Why ppl like Epstein did not kill himself.

Boris Johnson in England is was American by birth…. Dual Citizen his father was World Bank. These ppl are groomed. ???

Adam Schiff is stated as related to Jacob Schiff which was the George Soros of his day …. Over threw Russia Tzar installed Communism in Russia early 1900’s. Promoted Japanese dominance in Asia back then …. ???

Families have held power basically like when we became a country….. we were indentured and enslaved for debt. If you let a slave think they are free will get more production. ??? Nancy Pelosi once openly remarked they were like Royalty. Which is true. MADE criminals Mafia.IMG_3206.jpeg
Who cares what is shown on Russian TV? Or do you think they are a trusted source of information?
What I care about is the Bidens making us a joke to the world.

So .... You think that if the Russians have compromising video of the a drug addled pedophile that was on the pedophiles laptop, and is available on the internet for anyone to find .... The Russians are the source of the information?
That goes right along with your love of bogus fact checkers .... and is totally screwed up logic.
What I care about is the Bidens making us a joke to the world.

So .... You think that if the Russians have compromising video of the a drug addled pedophile that was on the pedophiles laptop, and is available on the internet for anyone to find .... The Russians are the source of the information?
That goes right along with your love of bogus fact checkers .... and is totally screwed up logic.
The problem is we can't post those pictures because they are illegal child pornography of the bidens... exactly why hunter was declared a genius by his father.

Sort of like none of the ppl outside maxwell and epstein went to jail.

supposedly in a diary….. that law enforcement raided and seized from a reporter.
The problem is we can't post those pictures because they are illegal child pornography of the bidens... exactly why hunter was declared a genius by his father.

Sort of like none of the ppl outside maxwell and epstein went to jail.

supposedly in a diary.
.View attachment 156750
That one is WAY to close to the truth.
The Biden administration just doesn't want to give up on censorship. It's almost like they know it's the only way they can win elections.
Note the iudges ruling also effectively reveals the administration participated in a coverup of the rigging/potential fraud in the 2020 election.
Watch that not a single democrat here will condemn this. Political party over personal integrity.
What I care about is the Bidens making us a joke to the world.
You are imagining it.

Under Trump it was worse.

So .... You think that if the Russians have compromising video of the a drug addled pedophile that was on the pedophiles laptop, and is available on the internet for anyone to find .... The Russians are the source of the information?
That goes right along with your love of bogus fact checkers .... and is totally screwed up logic.
What are you rambling on about now?
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What I care about is the Bidens making us a joke to the world.

So .... You think that if the Russians have compromising video of the a drug addled pedophile that was on the pedophiles laptop, and is available on the internet for anyone to find .... The Russians are the source of the information?
That goes right along with your love of bogus fact checkers .... and is totally screwed up logic.
The chinese were the ones that did a dump from …… Hunter Bidens laptop It was all linked on telegram No doubt the Chinese did not like being told what and how to act nor how much to pay - Biden evidence - laptop - demands.

these things were on there around 2020. More then 1 copy of his hard drive was made…. There were several and mailed out to several sources. Happened before the 2020 elections Again can’t share some of - was “STATED ‘ child porn. But all of it was intact on that shared hard drive content. I seen the emails back in 2020.
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You have to think about this one a little.
You have to think about this one a little.
Most likely true
So ..... Is this whistleblower credible? Do his statement line up with other facts we know about?
Well, looks like the whistleblower was right about at least one thing ..... They ARE out to get him. DARPA had never been used til the DOJ started using it to try to "get" people around Trump. Now they have decided they like it so well they will try to use it to get anybody they want to shut up.

It took them about 5 microseconds to charge himm under FARA after he posted the video linked above.

Oh, and Hunter never did get charged under FARA .... even though they have a laptop absolutely filled to the brim with evidence.

We are getting closer and closer to banana republic status every day.

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Well, looks like the whistleblower was right about at least one thing ..... They ARE out to get him. DARPA had never been used til the DOJ started using it to try to "get" people around Trump. Now they have decided they like it so well they will try to use it to get anybody they want to shut up.

It took them about 5 microseconds to charge himm under FARA after he posted the video linked above.

Oh, and Hunter never did get charged under FARA .... even though they have a laptop absolutely filled to the brim with evidence.

We are getting closer and closer to banana republic status every day.

why no one likes her

Remember it is parody …. Like stated right on it ??? she does say dumb shit though

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diy solar

diy solar