diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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The release of the allegations of an IRS whistleblower includes this WhatsApp message to Henry Zhao: "I am sitting her with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight."

The statement of the Associated Press at this stage of the scandal is breathtaking but telling: “Joe Biden has said he’s never spoken to his son about his foreign business, and nothing the Republicans have put forth suggests otherwise.”
For years, the media has continued to report President Biden’s repeated claim that “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” At the outset, the media only had to suspend any disbelief that the president could fly to China as Vice President with his son on Air Force 2 without discussing his planned business dealings on the trip.
Of course, the emails on the laptop quickly refuted this claim. However, the media buried the laptop story before the election or pushed the false claim that it was fake Russian disinformation.

The 65 Project is a campaign targeting lawyers who aided attempts by then-President Donald Trump and his supporters to overturn the 2020 election results using advertisements, threats of disbarment, and changing rules within the American Bar Association, ostensibly to deter future similar efforts.

The 65 Project was “devised” by Democratic consultant and former Clinton administration official Melissa Moss. It is a project of Law Works, a group with no website or public financial disclosures. 1 LawWorks has previously received grants from public policy-oriented foundation Democracy Fund and is a fiscal project of the Franklin Education Forum, a nonprofit organization that provides training and support to, “advance and broaden the appeal of the progressive cause.” 2 3

The name “65 Project” refers to the number of lawsuits filed by supporters of President Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 presidential election. 4

Nothing to see here.......... Not continuing now.......... Just Disbarment.

The 65 Project is a campaign targeting lawyers who aided attempts by then-President Donald Trump and his supporters to overturn the 2020 election results using advertisements, threats of disbarment, and changing rules within the American Bar Association, ostensibly to deter future similar efforts.

The 65 Project was “devised” by Democratic consultant and former Clinton administration official Melissa Moss. It is a project of Law Works, a group with no website or public financial disclosures. 1 LawWorks has previously received grants from public policy-oriented foundation Democracy Fund and is a fiscal project of the Franklin Education Forum, a nonprofit organization that provides training and support to, “advance and broaden the appeal of the progressive cause.” 2 3

The name “65 Project” refers to the number of lawsuits filed by supporters of President Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 presidential election. 4

Nothing to see here.......... Not continuing now.......... Just Disbarment.
Remember how democrats made all kinds claims when al gore lost then again over Trump. They always do that but get mad if anyone protest them.

Hillary is on video record advising Biden do not give Trump the election by conceding he won. But when Trump took her advice he is the devil. Just political criminal bs by clintons. Most ppl blame trump but hillary election campaign committee started birther shit about Obama too.

We are at a point where both sides hate one another…. Needs to be a divorce.
Biden says he has sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things .... Notice the surprise of the India Prime Minister.
Yes, he really did say that.
Full context here.
they will say it was a joke like when he talked about the election fraud team being assembled.
He could not even keep his train of thought. ( Freudian slip )
Indeed, it does look like he lost his train of thought, it happens to every one once in a while and it gets worse as we age. (The part about selling secrets is funny though)

This is where we are headed:

crumbling infrastructure …. out right political corruption …corrupt politicians have no fear . idiots saying oh nothing wrong…..but everyone sees crime….drugs…unemployment.…. Massive inflation - devalued money. Sounds like USA is being turned into a shit hole just like that video describes South Africa. Our USA govt really wants State of emergency aka Martial Law. Suspend Constitution and normal process. Of course what is normal anymore?

probably why elon is building Tesla plant in Mexico. He left Africa much like guy in this video. Africa has grown their population by about 3x since we did donations = “we are the world.”

The USA has a population of ~330 million. Africa has population of about ~1.4 billion AGAIN Africa were around 1/3 that size when we did “we are the world” donations. Can you guess how they tripled population. HUMPING HUMPING HUMPING MAN HUMPING A WOMAN ~1.4+ billion ppl

who is the real minority? White ppl are now around 6-7% of World population. White ppl are called racist. Hahaha the white population percentage is going to decrease …… even more as white ppl turn queer. “We are the world” ? Sing. It Fruit cakes.

This is why the impeachment in House is a waste of time… surely ppl like MTG and Boebert know this simple process? If not then we are not being represented properly.

Everyday we are headed towards South Africa status.
The ppl in Congress are doing nothing for anyone except themselves.

When next election 2024 comes it will decide which side goes to prison. I really doubt any democrats will be held accountable even in event republicans won by land slide.

So far the democrats have the win in the bag. Basically Nothing has been done to secure election from last time - with the disagreements. So….. Biden will most likely get a second term . That is unfortunately my prediction for the 2024 results. If they don’t win because of FBI - DOJ fumbling the statue of limitations have expired…. So unless Biden can be caught for something recent then he walks. Or he plays sick and gets mercy. So…. Basically nothing happens to Biden or Obama.

I literally see Biden having Kennedy shot down then using the tragedy to attack the 2nd amendment ….. 2 birds 1 stone

Never under estimate the power of the selection process. There are no elections now. It is selection by past practice.

Even the left know… they are standing at the cross roads with biden no longer riding. Just to much been exposed. More to come too.
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diy solar

diy solar