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diy solar



Works in theory! Practice? That's something else
Sep 20, 2019
Key Largo
If you've been watching the news you've probably seen things about "rainwater being unsafe to drink" because of PFAS.

What are PFAS?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are a large group of human-made chemicals that have been used in industry and consumer products worldwide since the 1950s. Some have half-lives of a few years, some are extremely persistent lasting thousands of years and have been dubbed "forever chemicals".

It's in the air, in the rain, and in the ground soil. A recent study found most rainwater on Earth now contains PFAS exceeding safe levels

Because it's in the water it affects animals:
PFAS have been linked with adverse health effects in lab animals, including reproductive, developmental, liver, kidney and immunological effects. That raises concerns for humans, but because these chemicals are often found in bodies of water and elsewhere in the environment, it raises additional concerns for wildlife.

And it also gets into the plants we eat:
How can PFAS get into my garden plants?
PFAS can get into your garden plants if they are grown in soil or water containing PFAS. Usually, this happens when PFAScontaminated water is applied to the plants. When this happens, PFAS can be transferred from the water through the soil, where they may be taken up by the plant’s roots. ref

So, how bad is it?
A recent review from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outlines a host of health effects associated with PFAS exposure, including cancer, liver damage, decreased fertility, and increased risk of asthma and thyroid disease. A June 20, 2018 ProPublica article noted that the CDC report recommends an exposure limit for one PFAS compound that is 10 times lower than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s current limit. ref

What can you do?
Although it's global, concentrations differ. I'm not sure anything can be done about the food you consume. ZeroWater claims they can filter out most of it. You can also send water samples to Water testing labs to see about local concentrations.

I don't know if it's hype or karma, but possibly you know more about the subject and can share?
Dag nab it... ? and other seafood contain the highest concentrations... ref

From our local water authority:
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) were found in a concentration of 21.5 parts per trillion in a monitoring well G-864 which is near our wellfield in Florida City. The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a health advisory level of 70 parts per trillion
Update: as of 6/22 the EPA now recommends a maximum of 4 PPT.
Last edited:
Oops... in June 2022, the EPA revised the 70 ppt as safe down to 4 ppt as being safe. ref

On June 15, 2022, EPA issued interim updated drinking water health advisories for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) that replace those EPA issued in 2016. ref
Contacted ZeroWater (just happen to use their system) about this and they replied:

ZeroWater filters have recently been certified for the reduction of PFOA and PFOS with an overall reduction percentage of 94.9%. The website and packaging will be updated soon.
Found this on the local water authority's web page:

...due to the EPAs most recent determination, the Authority has taken additional action...
Basically two actions, first is to test the well heads and eliminate any contaminated ones. The second is to ask consultants for solutions for a removal strategy to be implemented.

This bit on costs was interesting:
Because removal and disposal will be very costly processes, the Authority has been working to minimize costs to our customers. The Authority, in conjunction with national water industry groups and leaders, has supported lobbying efforts to exempt water utility customers from shouldering the burden of removing the compound from the water system. It is the Authority’s position that the polluters (the manufacturers of the chemicals) should bare these costs, not the water utilities who remove the contaminants from the environment.
A new study from Consumer Reports found that some carbonated water brands have measurable amounts of so-called PFAS chemicals, which are linked to adverse health effects. Researchers examined more than 40 brands of bottled water and found that sparkling water was more likely to include higher levels of the chemicals than still water.

The sparkling water brand with the highest level of PFAS detected by Consumer Reports was Coca-Cola's Topo Chico, which is popular in western U.S. cities such as Austin, Texas. It had PFAS levels of 9.76 parts per trillion, the testing found.

Coca Cola made some changes based on that:
As CR routinely does when it learns a company has made a significant change to its product, we purchased and tested three new samples of Topo Chico Mineral Water and found that the brand had reduced its average level of PFAS to 3.9 ppt. ref

RO filters look pretty good too:
Reverse osmosis is a proven technology that has been used for decades. It removes more than 99% of PFAS from water and is better at removing these contaminants than activated carbon or ion exchange resins. ref
Knowing the EPA signed off on this in ~1986 have to ask do you still trust the govt? That is why I do not trust anything from the govt. Did you take the EUA Covid Vaccine. If you took that vaccine have become a chemical toxic dumping ground. Now realize it took from 1986 until now for this to make that story you posted.

The original suit was reported over $10 billion dollars. These companies are or were trusted big name companies - Scientist - experts touted in their fields as the very best. These reported companies all joined - settled for around $1 billion dollars. DuPont hid their money wealth as did the others.

Maine recently joined a growing list of states — which now includes New Mexico, Maryland, and Rhode Island — in filing litigation against several chemical manufacturers claiming they have caused significant harm to the state’s residents and natural resources.
“We’re alleging that 3M and DuPont [and other manufacturers] created these chemicals ... had the science that showed just how dangerous they were, how toxic they were, how they were going to last forever,” Frey said. “It is my responsibility to do whatever I can to hold accountable those companies that profited off of this chemical.”
More than a dozen other states — including Alaska, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Vermont and Wisconsin — have filed litigation against PFAS manufacturers over the years.””””
This link also shows how DuPont broke their company up.

Notice who is getting the bills ….. the govt does not have any money except that which it takes from the ppl. The govt grabs this managed money and abuses it. The money awarded in the suit is insufficient. So the governor offering money is bs. The corporations that made these messes should be ransacked for every penny. The ppl that KNOWINGLY made the sludge should be put in prison.

The teflon chemical is a known bird killer for ppl that kept birds as pets. When it is heated it transfers gasses from the teflon pan into the-air so you know it is was also going into the food. Birds drop dead. Remember or know miners took birds in as early warning and if birds dropped dead miners evacuated…. Birds were and do drop dead from teflon pans being heated.

~70 million ppl known effected by these contaminants. That is about estimated 4 million ppl shy of the voters for Trump in 2020. The $1 billion law suit was not enough. The scientist “knowingly”.

A previous diaster by union carbide , dow, dupont whichever name you want to call them …. The United States would not honor extradition of charged ppl to stand trial nor allow court cases. The wealthy bought their protection ….. SELDOM IF EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

When I was a kid the govt sprayed pcb mixed with motor oil on dirt roads keep dust down. The govt drove mosquito fogging trucks around that looked like giant ice cream trucks spraying ddt. Kids rode their bicycles through it. In military we did physical training aka pt while running behind these trucks. We were told it is perfectly safe. We were also told NEW vaccines were also very safe way back then. If you live long enough will learn the govt has lied to you over and over…..”KNOWINGLY’

The cigarette - tobacco law suit monies were used by govt for all kinds of things not related.
Now, unlike "climate change" PFAS is a problem and is real pollution.
One thing one can do immediately is install a 5 stage reverse osmosis system and use that water for anything you ingest (this includes cooking in that water). In other words tap water use should be minimized, and if possible at all, invest in a whole house RO system, its way worth it. (not only does it filter out PFAS, it will filter out all of the hormones and antibiotics that people dump into drain systems, as well as fluoride - a very dangerous neurotoxin that they actually add to water for "good teeth (LOL)".

The only other thing we can do at our level is consume less plastic crap.
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Now, unlike "climate change" PFAS is a problem and is real pollution.
One thing one can do immediately is install a 5 stage reverse osmosis system and use that water for anything you ingest (this includes cooking in that water). In other words tap water use should be minimized, and if possible at all, invest in a whole house RO system, its way worth it. (not only does it filter out PFAS, it will filter out all of the hormones and antibiotics that people dump into drain systems, as well as fluoride - a very dangerous neurotoxin that they actually add to water for "good teeth (LOL)".

The only other thing we can do at our level is consume less plastic crap.
Svetz might be hard to understand but I KNOW.

You know that is impossible …. plastic - equals our damn dumb throw away society - retard mentality. Water filtering only helps so much …. It is in everything else like food. These ppl screwed us…..with lie after lie. What I have been trying to explain to you in the other post. This stuff is immediate for a danger.

Alex Jones has been telling ppl about fluorides since he began … how he made initial money - selling water purification systems. Remember he is a conspiracy nutter. Shsss he is more then likely a govt op.
Don’t you find it strange how this post never grabbed anyone else for comments? You did a good job with it.

There are some things ppl don’t want to know or talk about. Think they feel like already tricked, poisoned, and just waiting out their time.

I learned something few years ago - mice don’t throw up. Why they nibble on things. If it makes them sick …. The mice remember it and never eat it again.… if survive.

I am like that with our govt… except with trust. Never again trust them. You will see.

My grand parents and parents lived well past ages expected even by modern standards like now. Grand parents and dad smoked un-filtered cigarettes and ate shit like salted meats - chipped beef gravy is friggin awful. They basically grew everything ate on the farm. Cows chickens turkeys huge fields of vegetables. It was hard work. My grandfather got up at 5 am every morning and went to bed at or before 11:30 every night after news went off. Back then we only had few channels and tv from ota antenna most channels went off after 11:00 pm news. tvs had vacuum tubes in them. My grand parents and parents survived the Great Depression. They taught me to respect law and govt but never trust them. They taught me there are 2 sets of rules and way the laws are applied. I had to learn on my own that they spoke truth

I remember our govt going out scraping all the dirt roads and hauling that contamination into another clean area to pile up and contaminate. Then they came in and buried the scraped road ways with asphalt. Years later remember driving down a road further out in the country and spotted the huge mounds of dirt that had been scrapped off the road ways. Think about it not much can do with that much contamination. This pollution is the same way. What to do with it.

The old tanners that made leather goods like shoes and such made tremendous amount of pollutions. We have not taken care of our planet They wealthy that did all of it still have most of their money. Most polluted “‘KNOWINGLY’’
To be hon
Don’t you find it strange how this post never grabbed anyone else for comments? You did a good job with it.

There are some things ppl don’t want to know or talk about. Think they feel like already tricked, poisoned, and just waiting out their time.

I learned something few years ago - mice don’t throw up. Why they nibble on things. If it makes them sick …. The mice remember it and never eat it again.… if survive.

I am like that with our govt… except with trust. Never again trust them. You will see.

My grand parents and parents lived well past ages expected even by modern standards like now. Grand parents and dad smoked un-filtered cigarettes and ate shit like salted meats - chipped beef gravy is friggin awful. They basically grew everything ate on the farm. Cows chickens turkeys huge fields of vegetables. It was hard work. My grandfather got up at 5 am every morning and went to bed at or before 11:30 every night after news went off. Back then we only had few channels and tv from ota antenna most channels went off after 11:00 pm news. tvs had vacuum tubes in them. My grand parents and parents survived the Great Depression. They taught me to respect law and govt but never trust them. They taught me there are 2 sets of rules and way the laws are applied. I had to learn on my own that they spoke truth

I remember our govt going out scraping all the dirt roads and hauling that contamination into another clean area to pile up and contaminate. Then they came in and buried the scraped road ways with asphalt. Years later remember driving down a road further out in the country and spotted the huge mounds of dirt that had been scrapped off the road ways. Think about it not much can do with that much contamination. This pollution is the same way. What to do with it.

The old tanners that made leather goods like shoes and such made tremendous amount of pollutions. We have not taken care of our planet They wealthy that did all of it still have most of their money. Most polluted “‘KNOWINGLY’’
To be honest we wore the shoes the tanners produced and it was the only way they knew how at the time.
Some evils are unavoidable.
We need power, power contributes to climate change. In 100 years they will have pollution free energy and our consumption will be judged and we will be condemned. Its inevitable.
Al Jolson is not too popular today, but blackface was in his era.
To be hon
To be honest we wore the shoes the tanners produced and it was the only way they knew how at the time.
Some evils are unavoidable.
We need power, power contributes to climate change. In 100 years they will have pollution free energy and our consumption will be judged and we will be condemned. Its inevitable.
Al Jolson is not too popular today, but blackface was in his era.
“‘“Extremely high levels of PFAS are bleeding into the river.
Much of the site groundwater shows high levels of PFAS, a family of chemicals that Wolverine used in 3M Scotchgard to waterproof shoe leather. The chemicals were detected in virtually all samples taken. In areas along the river south of Rum Creek, Total PFAS levels in the groundwater reach 451,000 parts-per-trillion (ppt). .“”

At the above link will find much more info…. The water proofing by 3m for leather was primary. Lot of other chemicals too.

We have not been kind to our environment but our feet stayed dry. These companies - scientist knowingly did - allowed some of this for their profit. Pleather has a lot of problems. This is an alternative to leather.

Everything we do has an impact. Why most all the initial conclusion were depopulation. Reduce the consumers reduce the impact. That process doesn’t appeal to me…. Account the target is most likely on us for elimination….. of course all the pollution will do its’ thing silently but health wise. No direct blame and the wealthy shall remain wealthy. Quarterly profits is what matter.

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diy solar