diy solar

diy solar

EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

Anyone confirm issue with "Get boot information failed"?
I've tried a lot of different variations trying to find the special sauce.
Was watching the Signature Solar video they say to watch and at 7:37 in the video there is a cut during the boot. Then on the screen after the cut there is the "Get boot information failed" right on the screen above the "Successful Boot" Maybe they should include a reason why theirs failed the time before to help out?
I had the same problem on 4 of my batteries. Kept closing and reopening the bms test till it finally connected. Then once connected just jump to battery after battery till all completed.
Anyone confirm issue with "Get boot information failed"?
I've tried a lot of different variations trying to find the special sauce.
Was watching the Signature Solar video they say to watch and at 7:37 in the video there is a cut during the boot. Then on the screen after the cut there is the "Get boot information failed" right on the screen above the "Successful Boot" Maybe they should include a reason why theirs failed the time before to help out?
One thing I notice is that my com port status is shown as connected and during the boot search it becomes disconnected. I can look at battery status without issue. I'm sure that I bought the cheapest laptop available doesn't help but I was able to do multiple firmware updates to my EG4 6500s
One thing I notice is that my com port status is shown as connected and during the boot search it becomes disconnected. I can look at battery status without issue. I'm sure that I bought the cheapest laptop available doesn't help but I was able to do multiple firmware updates to my EG4 6500s
Maybe delete bms test and download it again
One thing I notice is that my com port status is shown as connected and during the boot search it becomes disconnected. I can look at battery status without issue. I'm sure that I bought the cheapest laptop available doesn't help but I was able to do multiple firmware updates to my EG4 6500s
Same here. Just kept trying until it finally worked. Took 7hours for a 20 minute job. Very frustrating I know.
Details of the changes would be nice and a writeup of how to update the firmware. I know the rs485 cable needs a different pinout but can you provide that pin out?
1.Optimize the charging and discharging strategy of the inverter when using battery packs.Add segmented current reduction charging based on the highest voltage point in the parallel system to ensure that each pack in the parallel system can be fully charged;When there is an overvoltage protection in the parallel charging system,a request is made to delete the stop charging strategy,allowing al lbattery packs to be fully charged insequenceand then protected before stopping charging.

2.When the maximum unit voltage of the pack is higher than 3.47v,if it is in the charging state,activate active current limiting to ensure that the charging end is charged to a fully charged state with a low current of 10A;

3.The charging voltage of the inverter has been changed from 56.4v to 58.4v

4,and the Luxpower inverter protocol and the Guliwatt inverterprotocol support adaptation;

5.Optimization of charging prohibition strategy,changing from the original over voltage protection charging prohibition to charging prohibition when the highest single unitis>3.7v,and only eliminating the charging prohibition function after the over voltage protection fault isr emoved;

6.Optimization of SOC calibration strategy,calibrated to 99% when the highest unit voltage is greater than 3.55v or the average voltage is greater than 3.5v,and calibrated to 100% when charging over voltage alarm occurs.
Wondering if this firmware update will enable it to communicate with Sol Ark inverter?
Has anyone tried?

I updated all my batteries last night.

Gained - the ability to communicate with 18kPV without the hub. (Primary battery must be 0)

Lifepower4 Communication Hub - Need to change baud setting to 19200 on the hub w/Battery firmware version 3.26
View attachment 158566

Changes Noted - BMS OV cell and Pack reduced to 57.6 and 3.6v (was 58 and 3.65 with V3.1 and 3.17) Charge Voltage increased to 58.4v

Note battery communication cable that shipped with my July 2022 purchase was unable to update battery firmware.

Cable that shipped with July 2023 battery purchase was able to update battery firmware on all batteries.

side (3.17) by side (3.26) changes in bms settings (note the 58.4v).

View attachment 158565
Anyone confirm issue with "Get boot information failed"?
I've tried a lot of different variations trying to find the special sauce.
Was watching the Signature Solar video they say to watch and at 7:37 in the video there is a cut during the boot. Then on the screen after the cut there is the "Get boot information failed" right on the screen above the "Successful Boot" Maybe they should include a reason why theirs failed the time before to help out?
I had the same thing happen, then I tried the other cable I had gotten from SS. Worked like a charm after. I only updated one battery at a time and I set the DIP to all down when I did then set it back once firmware was complete. Took about 45 minutes for four batts. I saw that it looked like I could access all of them via the "multipack" tab but I'm old school and don't take chances with firmware.
I only got to 96% SOC yesterday, so I'm gonna let them top balance all day today and tomorrow. My 2p1 array wasn't producing like normal. It's usually matched with 2p2 but it was plateaued all day. The only thing that's changed was this firmware. Strange.
Screenshot (53).pngScreenshot (52).png
I had the same thing happen, then I tried the other cable I had gotten from SS. Worked like a charm after. I only updated one battery at a time and I set the DIP to all down when I did then set it back once firmware was complete. Took about 45 minutes for four batts. I saw that it looked like I could access all of them via the "multipack" tab but I'm old school and don't take chances with firmware.
I only got to 96% SOC yesterday, so I'm gonna let them top balance all day today and tomorrow. My 2p1 array wasn't producing like normal. It's usually matched with 2p2 but it was plateaued all day. The only thing that's changed was this firmware. Strange.
View attachment 159545View attachment 159544
Good choice. It will take even longer to update all 4 via multipack. ?
Looks like a week has gone by since this update was out, any issues being seen with it?

FYI, if you have a MacBook with the M series SoC (ha, not state of charge...) the provided BMS test utility works well and was far easier than my windows laptops (it seems b/c the default driver sucks). Just .. FYI :)
Looks like a week has gone by since this update was out, any issues being seen with it?

FYI, if you have a MacBook with the M series SoC (ha, not state of charge...) the provided BMS test utility works well and was far easier than my windows laptops (it seems b/c the default driver sucks). Just .. FYI :)
Oo, I previously had to use VMware viewer and a vm to pass through the usb dongle on the MacBook to connect to the batteries. Where can I find this mac utility?

diy solar

diy solar