diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

Hey now I like blazing weed and playing video games but am very adamant abut trying (futilely) to stop the spread of disinformation. Don't lump all us pot heads gamers in with these boomer idiots. I doubt most of them smoke weed or play video games.
Take me back to the simpler times of COD and Halo while blitzed with a great group of friends.
Can't remember the last time I played a video game. Hmmm wonder where my 360 got to.
I try not to spew bs, unless I'm trolling a troll (aka little leo)
Im not surprised you havent answered any of the relevent questions and are now posting exactly the kind of abuse I knew you would.

"I cant refute your points so youre stupid."
I did answer your questions.. go back and read.. and pay attention this time. I'm not going to keep repeating myself.
Oort cloud. Thats pretty funny.
"Indeed, the need for a source for “long period” comets – bodies that pass us less than once every 200 years – is the only evidence we have for the Oort cloud’s existence, and that is circumstantial to say the least.", the need for a,circumstantial to say the least.

Hey, I'm a bit confused. You're linking to the website to reference factual information about science.? Did you stick that link in there by accident or was it intentional?

That same website says man made global warming is legit and you should be vaccinated..

Strange how you hop around.. Actually it's not strange, its quite clear why you do it..

Why don't you reference one of your wack-a-doodle conspiracy websites for information on the Oort cloud?
The fact a probe may take 30,000 more years to reach another solar system negates the concern, how?
Again, why does NASA go to such great lengths if theyres nothing to worry about because its so far?
If its so far it happens 30,000 years in the future we still did it didnt we?

Why dont you inform Stanford and NASA of your opinions? They contradict yours.

"Even before Sputnik, there were scientific meetings that discussed the potential for space exploration to a) carry earthly microbes to other worlds, thereby confusing or contaminating future scientific investigations"

Theyre discussing the possibility right there. Are they stupid?
The fact is microbes from our world dont have to travel a minimum of 30,000 years to contaminate space. There are concerns mars would be contaminated and our research there compromised.
Mars is in fact in the same galaxy as bodies 50,000 or 100,000 years away.
No special qualifier was ever stated life had to be some minimum distance outside our solar system.

Youre suggesting I am supposed to fawn over your superior knowledge about astronomy yet youve still not explained how these random tangents you introduce could possibly disprove the statement, which in itself is proven by NASAs efforts to prevent it.

If it couldnt possibly happen by virtue of distance, why has NASA had longstanding strict protocols requiring sterilization?

You just throw out astronomical facts that have ZERO bearing on the discussion.

Murphy will never admit he is wrong about anything ..... He can't even let it go without admitting he is wrong.
..... but, I have to admit it is enjoyable how you continue to expose him for the low life POS he actually is.
Murphy will never admit he is wrong about anything ..... He can't even let it go without admitting he is wrong.
..... but, I have to admit it is enjoyable how you continue to expose him for the low life POS he actually is.

Oh yes, I'm wrong about you arguing we could be spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes...

But you go ahead Bob..
Remember the post Murphy made about using the ignore button?


Then his child mentality struck him down.. it is a Badge of Honor to break him down like a double barrel shotgun and carry him and Leo like an old style six pack. Went Bowling …. Struck … Weak minds. Just got to scrub under my nails. The reason Murphy goes on and on about mental cases and education is obvious. He is a self described Narcissistic nut case. Most likely had a job with a title but no degree as required. Lot of companies use to do that. It gave him a shrinking feeling around his actual degree peers. He probably ate 2-3 viagra and would stand in front of mirror to maybe see something pop out from hiding. If you tried to screw Murphy… he would yank out his dildo and cock block you so makes me wonder if Leo has got to first base with him yet…. I can see these 2 at a golf club washing each others balls. All the other club members are like wtf…. Pull your pants up.


Murphy has wore the space post out.
View attachment 159894
I really hoped only Leo was special enough to get one of these.

Every other site on the internet (except for Twitter since Musks purchase) are sites that only allow leftist opinions.

Murphy, Leo etc would be most at home on the sites where government intervenes in an effort to censor views. The views they censor are not those of leftist commies like Leo and Murphy but simply people who counter those views.

TV as well. Murphy, Leo etc would do fine watch cnn, cnbc, msnbc, pbs, ABC, CBS etc. Those are all people/companies that agree with him.

You would think they would just go away and spend time with their own kin.
Every other site on the internet (except for Twitter since Musks purchase) are sites that only allow leftist opinions.
There are only two things that I know of that can make someone say such stupid and idiotic things.. One is religion, the other is drugs.. Which one is it for you? Pull your head out of your ass before the lack of oxygen causes MORE brain damage.

Murphy, Leo etc would be most at home on the sites where government intervenes in an effort to censor views. The views they censor are not those of leftist commies like Leo and Murphy but simply people who counter those views.

TV as well. Murphy, Leo etc would do fine watch cnn, cnbc, msnbc, pbs, ABC, CBS etc. Those are all people/companies that agree with him.

You would think they would just go away and spend time with their own kin.
Your Bob level of stupid is showing and anyone with an IQ over around 50 can easily recognize it.

Religion or drugs? Or maybe in your case both?
Every other site on the internet (except for Twitter since Musks purchase) are sites that only allow leftist opinions.

Murphy, Leo etc would be most at home on the sites where government intervenes in an effort to censor views. The views they censor are not those of leftist commies like Leo and Murphy but simply people who counter those views.

TV as well. Murphy, Leo etc would do fine watch cnn, cnbc, msnbc, pbs, ABC, CBS etc. Those are all people/companies that agree with him.

You would think they would just go away and spend time with their own kin.

Let me fill you in on the Musk Twitter censorship thing genius.. your chances of connecting these dots is about zero, so I'll give you some freebee insight into how the world works.

Musk purchasing twitter was the absolute worst thing that could have happened for twitter.. Why? Because Musk also owns SpaceX.. and to some lesser extent, Tesla also comes into play..

What does SpaceX do genius boy? They launch satellites.. and they provide internet. And those business dealings are international and big money.
So when some twitter posting idiot decides to mouth off about another nation's affairs (or Musk himself), that nation just calls up Musk and asks him if he still wants launch contracts...

But the real catch for all social media companies are the laws.. both the laws of other nations, and those laws which protect social media companies right here in the USA.

And there's even more to it than what I just mentioned.. But I won't get into it because you don't have the capacity to comprehend the issues..

Stop doing whatever drugs you're on.
There are no space aliens visiting Earth.

Unfortunately, only about 0.05% of the people in our society have even a basic understanding of both physics AND astronomy. Heck, some of these idiots think our own space probes are spreading life thru the galaxy.

While humans seem to be hardwired to believe they are special somehow, here are the facts:

1) Any species with the technological comprehension to travel the distances involved, to generate the power required to travel those distances, and to overcome the boundaries of the physical laws which prevent such travel, would be so advanced as to be considered god(s) from our perspective. It would be the metaphorical intellectual difference between humans and insects.

2) There is nothing on Earth that can't be found everywhere else in the cosmos. No somewhere else, everywhere else.

3) The most likely scenario in the cosmos is the great filter.. (as its being called). Just like on Earth, societies have come and gone over time, with each one of them going extinct due to one mistake or another. Romans, Inca's, the Mayan's, and a whole bunch of others.. and that's just our history. It is thought that a "great filter" is responsible for the lack of alien contact. Civilizations pop up across the cosmos, thrive for a few ten thousand years or so, and then die off for one reason or another. These civilizations are separated by tens of thousands of years in time, and tens of thousands of light years in distance. In our case, it will probably be the destruction of our own planet due to our own activities.. In other worlds, it could be war, or a cosmic event such as an exploding star or a GRB (gamma ray burst), or even a sizeable space rock.

I would calculate the chances of aliens ever having visited our solar system as being equal with the chances that Jupiter is made of cheese.
There are no space aliens visiting Earth.

Unfortunately, only about 0.05% of the people in our society have even a basic understanding of both physics AND astronomy. Heck, some of these idiots think our own space probes are spreading life thru the galaxy.

While humans seem to be hardwired to believe they are special somehow, here are the facts:

1) Any species with the technological comprehension to travel the distances involved, to generate the power required to travel those distances, and to overcome the boundaries of the physical laws which prevent such travel, would be so advanced as to be considered god(s) from our perspective. It would be the metaphorical intellectual difference between humans and insects.

2) There is nothing on Earth that can't be found everywhere else in the cosmos. No somewhere else, everywhere else.

3) The most likely scenario in the cosmos is the great filter.. (as its being called). Just like on Earth, societies have come and gone over time, with each one of them going extinct due to one mistake or another. Romans, Inca's, the Mayan's, and a whole bunch of others.. and that's just our history. It is thought that a "great filter" is responsible for the lack of alien contact. Civilizations pop up across the cosmos, thrive for a few ten thousand years or so, and then die off for one reason or another. These civilizations are separated by tens of thousands of years in time, and tens of thousands of light years in distance. In our case, it will probably be the destruction of our own planet due to our own activities.. In other worlds, it could be war, or a cosmic event such as an exploding star or a GRB (gamma ray burst), or even a sizeable space rock.

I would calculate the chances of aliens ever having visited our solar system as being equal with the chances that Jupiter is made of cheese.
The problem for me is that we do not know what future technology will bring. If we keep progressing, what would be possible in a billion years? (assuming the descendants of humans evolve and survive that long)

I am not counting out that it is possible, I just have not seen any compelling evidence of aliens.
What do you guys mean? Illegal aliens cross the border into the United States all the time.
"Borders are imaginary lines drawn around specific geographic territories. They mark the boundaries of a nation or state, an area ruled by a particular political system and government, making real the concept of nations and countries. Without these imaginary lines there would be no need to create physical barriers separating one group of people from another. As physical borders are built, divisions between people are constructed. These borders take the form of racist stereotypes and judgments of others based on their country of origin. Borders legitimize violence, war and oppression."

"Borders are imaginary lines drawn around specific geographic territories. They mark the boundaries of a nation or state, an area ruled by a particular political system and government, making real the concept of nations and countries. Without these imaginary lines there would be no need to create physical barriers separating one group of people from another. As physical borders are built, divisions between people are constructed. These borders take the form of racist stereotypes and judgments of others based on their country of origin. Borders legitimize violence, war and oppression."

Spoken like a true communist - globalist.
"Borders are imaginary lines drawn around specific geographic territories. They mark the boundaries of a nation or state, an area ruled by a particular political system and government, making real the concept of nations and countries. Without these imaginary lines there would be no need to create physical barriers separating one group of people from another. As physical borders are built, divisions between people are constructed. These borders take the form of racist stereotypes and judgments of others based on their country of origin. Borders legitimize violence, war and oppression."


Do you have locks on the doors to your house?
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diy solar