diy solar

diy solar

I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

I live in a leftist utopia state.

"Men"? like him exist by the thousands. They wish they they were born as women who stayed neotonous forever so that men would be driven to clothe, feed, protect and shelter them.
You live in New Cuckland? Heard of it, never been.
I live in a leftist utopia state.
Left as in fair, peaceful, respectful, open minded and tolerant?
Left as in people have a living wage, with single payer health care, free high quality education, functioning tax funded infrastructure and a reasonable income disparity?
Or both? (which would be my utopia)

"Men"? like him exist by the thousands. They wish they they were born as women who stayed neotonous forever so that men would be driven to clothe, feed, protect and shelter them.
I am quite comfortable with my sexuality. There are millions of men and women like that, do you think Melania married Donald for his personality and witty conversation? And there is nothing wrong with that, let them be...
I live in a leftist utopia state.

"Men"? like him exist by the thousands. They wish they they were born as women who stayed neotonous forever so that men would be driven to clothe, feed, protect and shelter them.
Unfortunately, I blame the Right for Fight or Flight in States like where you live. Flight won. They are the reason you are most likely surrounded. I hate seeing ppl move to my area from a place like you are describing. Not directed directly at you but generally. In some perverted - sick way those ppl moving here usually want to turn - here into just like where they LEFT. Insanity. Why move? Every time the Right - birth rate goes down and they move from a State the VOTE is lost maybe forever. You won't ever win honest election that way. Not that the elections are not fixed now. I seriously doubt, Biden got 81 million LEGAL votes. I deny that Biden won 2020. He is not my president fuck joe biden and his criminal family.
I am most certain there is no voting our way out of this mess now.
The Deal Sealer for Red States is massive illegal immigrations where the illegals will vote. I have for years seen illegals work here with fake drivers license and social security cards. SO ….You know they vote. Democrats promise them free shit and Rights.

It is awful. Murphy is exact type that has done that by moving into middle of Conservative Christians then complaining about them. In the 1950 and before barn would have been burned to make leave. That was then this is = Now ppl just say, "shit there goes the neighborhood." Why does ppl like Murphy want to move into the middle of ppl he hates and can't stand? I picture him as the turd in the punch bowl just floating around and ppl saying that punch is wasted now.

I feel sorry for everyone that doesn’t deserve it but ….. if you survive it will be a lesson that will last for generations - well past you, your children, and grand children. Ppl were warned.…. They just did not want to be out on front lines. If someone hurt a child before sun down they were judged juried and swinging in old days out in public view. Consequences just like corporal punishment in schools. Our society rapidly declined. Polluted. Liberals don’t point at Sweden anymore - they got it destroyed - polluted too.


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"Left as in fair, peaceful, respectful, open minded and tolerant?"

Wasnt feelin that during the BLM riots.

Open minded. Who was censoring people on twitter and facebook.

Fair. Oh yeah theres that CRT thing teaching black kids the reason theyll be nothing all their lives is the white kids.
Have a laugh about Leos leftist utopia, then remember Joe Biden wouldnt budge to cut government spending one dollar.

This is the result. The quarterly interest payment on the national debt is now ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. EVERY QUARTER.

,"UNSUSTAINABLE". While Joe looks for ways to defy the supreme court and forgive $400 billion in student loans!
Leftists are dangerous and destructive, irresponsible and irredeemable.
"Left as in fair, peaceful, respectful, open minded and tolerant?"

Wasnt feelin that during the BLM riots.
If you focus on the extremists on either side, you will get a distorted picture, most republicans did not storm the capitol or beat cops to their deaths. Likewise most BLM protest were peaceful. I do support the basic idea of BLM, I do not support some of the stupidity of BLM, I have not time for people abusing their power. One would think that Americans who want their guns to protect themselves from government would surely understand and sympathize with this...

And if this abuse is left to fester, the next step is for some idiot extremists to start shooting abusive cops and bombing police stations. You guys really need to get rid of the bad apples in the police forces and you might want to train your police officers better. You might also want to think if you want this many military grade weapons in the hands of angry people, before you start shooting each other...

And to make it abundantly clear, I do not support riots regardless of which side does it. Arrest the perpetrators, and if they are found guilty, throw them in jail.

Open minded. Who was censoring people on twitter and facebook.
Not me. As far as I am concerned, you can say whatever you want, even repeat the lies you are told. I do draw the line at violence though.

Fair. Oh yeah theres that CRT thing teaching black kids the reason theyll be nothing all their lives is the white kids.
That is not what CRT is, but I don't expect you to ever know that, as you have a history of repeating whatever lies you are being fed without thought.

There is a reason I don't go to facebook or twitter much, can you guess why?

I described my "leftist utopia" why are you trying to associate me with people I have never met, nor agree with?
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beat cops to their deaths.

If you're talking about Jan 6th there were no deaths [other than the summary execution of Ashli Babbitt] as a direct result of the protest.

The BLM riots in the northwest were a far different story, especially for being "mostly peaceful" as the left liked to describe them.
If you're talking about Jan 6th there were no deaths [other than the summary execution of Ashli Babbitt] as a direct result of the protest.

The BLM riots in the northwest were a far different story, especially for being "mostly peaceful" as the left liked to describe them.

FYI, Leo is not U.S. citizen and cannot comment either way on that issue.

He has no clue about the nuances of either.
Why would my, or your nationality preclude commenting on things that happen in the world?

I have tried to explain myself many times, you are just willfully ignorant.

You cannot comment on the nuances of another's culture.

This also supposes your own house is in order.

Did you know that Democrats have more guns than Republicans?
If you're talking about Jan 6th there were no deaths [other than the summary execution of Ashli Babbitt] as a direct result of the protest.
You are right, there were deaths, but other than Ashli Babbitt, who was shot as she tried to break in through a window, all were from natural causes.

The BLM riots in the northwest were a far different story, especially for being "mostly peaceful" as the left liked to describe them.
Most BLM protests have been peaceful, remember Colin Kaepernick?
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If you're talking about Jan 6th there were no deaths [other than the summary execution of Ashli Babbitt] as a direct result of the protest.

The BLM riots in the northwest were a far different story, especially for being "mostly peaceful" as the left liked to describe them.
Rosanne Boyland tsk tsk tsk cop camera shows the cop beating on her and cops beating other ppl that were trying to save her 6 Jan at the Capitol bldg. Most ppl remembers, Ashli account they wanted to dick her even if she voted for Obama twice. ;):unsure: but you are right no cops were killed and some were caught lying as released tapes are revealing. The liars will go unpunished. We know that and statue of limitations will expire - forever protecting liars. That is their game every time. However, the newly released video shows the EMS working on Boyland and it shows the lying cop that claimed faked injuries afterwards to which if he is drawing a govt disability check is felony fraud-still punishable.

No one remembers, Boyland because she was a disgusting looking pig. Admit it..... would you wanted to nut her when younger. Why forget her and only remember Ashli if all lives matter? Why did Ashli crawl through a busted-out window with all those govt guns pointed at her. She did it knowingly as several old video prove. Did Ashli think men would not shoot her because she looked like a cute screw toy? Forgetting, Boyland is a common mistake. Ashli was more than likely a Left plant or a crazy Q Anon. I'd bet if truth known some of locked up ppl from 6 Jan were not actual Trump supporters. Some were no doubt just Shit stirrers. We know some BLM were there and at least 1 claimed to be press.

Sorry but there were 2 women that were killed that day.... both times black on white crimes where if it had been BLM and blacks were killed by White police then Washington DC would still be burning. Just like they did before and all during 2020 as you pointed out. Black lives really don't matter account the BLM were pushing communism and openly admitted to being trained Marxist.

The reason the Right get no respect is because of the weak granny invited walk in attempt on 6 Jan 2021. Some places barricades were broken down others places the police took barricades down and allowed ppl in for access. Were those police allowing Trump supporters in because they supported Trump?
None the less the Right were push over weak-minded useful idiots, easily lead, and controlled by the opposition that day. Just as Shown on 6 Jan 2021 videos. I told ppl not to go as it was a trap and got cussed, life threatened, and banned on telegram. I have no pity. Anyone charging police while they were pointing guns at them is insane. That is obvious.... also where Ashli voted for Obama 2 times is displayed insanity.

It is dishonest and lack of respect to remember one and blank the other if we value all lives matter - alm. Sex fantasy factor is puckered. Ashli was turned to Ash so there will never ever be a BODY of Evidence - murder has no statue of limitations but no body often means no crime. Some claim Ashli is not dead so no body means can't dispute that either.

Besides the most heavily armed political group in the World would not go to overthrow the Govt with No Guns. Right? :ROFLMAO::LOL: It was a setup just as we have organized in 3rd World Countries. If you look can see old film footage where Military got Iraqi Citizens or what looked like
Iragi to rush into Saddam Palace to over throw that govt. We did the same in WW2 with France. Same basic thing - mental waged warfare.

My one line response should of been .... Boyland was a human being that should be remembered too. The problem when discussing things is it often upsets both sides. At this point I don't care. Sorry but silent majority have been silenced for to long. Got to hit them with all the facts. For deaths that day = there were 2 due - by police. No police died that day and most are being shown as liars with suppressed video tapes just released for their actions. Nancy Pelosi and anyone knowing that have previously seen the videos should be prosecuted for suppressed evidence. Destroying evidence, suppressing, and bearing false witness are crimes. There was an insurrection 6 Jan where the Right were loaded and used like clowned - cannon fodder by the Left. The majority of Right are dumb as hell most of the time too. 2 arms left and right - same big dumb bird.

Along comes Leo the foreign election influencer.
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You cannot comment on the nuances of another's culture.
Storming the capitol is not nuanced lol...

This also supposes your own house is in order.
There are idiots everywhere, but no one would expect Americans to overthrow a democratically elected government (at least not in their own country)

Did you know that Democrats have more guns than Republicans?
I heard that, I don't know if that is true, do you have a (reputable) source? Glad I don't need a gun for self protection though.
Storming the capitol is not nuanced lol...

There are idiots everywhere, but no one would expect Americans to overthrow a democratically elected government (at least not in their own country)

I heard that, I don't know if that is true, do you have a (reputable) source? Glad I don't need a gun for self protection though.
Lot of the left have guns illegally. Criminals like Hunter Biden had an illegal gun waving around while doing illegal drugs in video.
Morbid humor …. They have gotten away with it since 1990’s or earlier. Supreme Apex Criminals
Storming the capitol is not nuanced lol...

There are idiots everywhere, but no one would expect Americans to overthrow a democratically elected government (at least not in their own country)

I heard that, I don't know if that is true, do you have a (reputable) source? Glad I don't need a gun for self protection though.
As usual, he's probably stoned because he's certainly full of shit..

Republican gun ownership is much higher than democrats.. More than double.

On top of that, while more than double on a per-capita basis, those who own guns usually own more than one.. Like me, I make up for at least small subdivision of those who don't own them.

I would give up every gun I own in trade for becoming a chemistry expert with energetic materials.