diy solar

diy solar

I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

these ppl crack me up …. This is exactly why hate scientist….. they say, “can’t predict earth quakes in one part the turn around and say unlikely it will erupt.” Holy shit which is it. Ppl have been saying since I was born it was going to go off and be an ENDER for all of us here. Again the experts contradict themselves then idiots like Murphy try to take- MAKE a side.

It's people who only learn enough to be dangerous.

He thinks he's smart because he knows more things that can go wrong and is afraid of all those things.

He thinks that when others are not afraid that it's because they don't know those things.

So hence people who are not falling for the chicken littling are "stupid".
It's people who only learn enough to be dangerous.

He thinks he's smart because he knows more things that can go wrong and is afraid of all those things.

He thinks that when others are not afraid that it's because they don't know those things.

So hence people who are not falling for the chicken littling are "stupid".
I think we should get the politicians involved to do something about yellowstone before yellowstone does something about us… some kind of tax ought to do it. We can split the money. Do you want to give the big guy 10%? ? We’ll pay Murphy to run up to the podium and call everyone “stupid” … if they deny it.

Murphy and Leo in transition Real Science

FYI, when you talk about science, what you actually mean are government titled experts.
Gov titled experts are part of it, but you must include corporate research, university research, and international research under the same categories.

Beyond that, all science is slaved to physics, so physics reigns supreme in some matters..

What I don't use are irrational beliefs, fairy tales, wishful thinking, my own bias or preconceptions, prejudice, supposition, conspiracy or any other emotional attribute. However, when one is ignorant, those are the only tools available..

You never cite the data which is all that matters in regards to science.
You don't have the education to understand the data, and neither do I in many subjects. That's the difference between us.. My educated knowledge base understands that looking at scientific data (or data in general) is usually meaningless without the proper education, and frequently the experience as well, to understand the data.
You and your conspiracy cohorts simply do not understand this concept.. That's because you don't have a reference point for it. How do you explain the color yellow to a person who's been totally blind since birth? Without a base knowledge of colors, there is no reference point.. and without an education in science at these levels, you have no reference point. You could break the color pallet down into numbers, then provide the numerical combination of RGB to create the color yellow, but the blind person still has no reference point and won't understand.

You and your cohorts are like a blind person arguing which color a room should be painted and you want the color data so you can argue over it.

The first step to fixing the ignorance is to recognize it, and you can't do that if your pride and ego is in the way.
Gov titled experts are part of it, but you must include corporate research, university research, and international research under the same categories.

Beyond that, all science is slaved to physics, so physics reigns supreme in some matters..

What I don't use are irrational beliefs, fairy tales, wishful thinking, my own bias or preconceptions, prejudice, supposition, conspiracy or any other emotional attribute. However, when one is ignorant, those are the only tools available..

You don't have the education to understand the data, and neither do I in many subjects. That's the difference between us.. My educated knowledge base understands that looking at scientific data (or data in general) is usually meaningless without the proper education, and frequently the experience as well, to understand the data.
You and your conspiracy cohorts simply do not understand this concept.. That's because you don't have a reference point for it. How do you explain the color yellow to a person who's been totally blind since birth? Without a base knowledge of colors, there is no reference point.. and without an education in science at these levels, you have no reference point. You could break the color pallet down into numbers, then provide the numerical combination of RGB to create the color yellow, but the blind person still has no reference point and won't understand.

You and your cohorts are like a blind person arguing which color a room should be painted and you want the color data so you can argue over it.

The first step to fixing the ignorance is to recognize it, and you can't do that if your pride and ego is in the way.

Murphy, do you know anyone who got vaccinated and then caught covid?
Murphy, do you know anyone who got vaccinated and then caught covid?
View attachment 160652

Sure I do.. After being vaccinated with the pfizer shot, I caught covid-19 myself and avoided being a covid case. Same with my wife.
Heck, the common cold was worse than the Covid.. it was a scratchy throat for 24 hours and that was it.

My neighbors are a different story.. They didn't get vaccinated and when he caught covid, it put him down for 3 weeks.. he lost 45 lbs. His unvaccinated wife was only down for two weeks.. I saw her, she turned gray and looked like that evil zith guy from star wars. Neither of them became "covid cases", but they said it was close..

My other neighbor's son (unvaccinated) died.. he was a covid case in the hospital.. His father caught covid, ended up as a hospital case for two weeks and now has a $20,000 medical bill.. Well, it was closer to $80k but his insurance covered most of it.

Why do you ask? Are you using twitter again to formulate opinions on medical subjects you know nothing about?

I gotta tell you three things:
1) Twitter is not a source of information.
2) Anyone who uses twitter, or any social media website for that matter, to find information regarding anything related to science is an idiot.
3) Only idiots use social media to find information.. Its right there in the name "Social media".. its not "science media" or "science depository" or "science publications".. Its "social media".. Social, as in emotional..

Good luck with that.
see I doubt murphy knows he is ceo of phizer....

lot of places in africa couldn't afford phizer
see I doubt murphy knows he is ceo of phizer....

lot of places in africa couldn't afford phizer

Yeah that's weird.

Murphy tries to filibuster by pretending twitter said that and not Albert Borla, Ceo of pfizer.

Murphy also probably thinks the fda does their own studies and doesn't just review studies big pharma has done.

It's just weird.
Sure I do.. After being vaccinated with the pfizer shot, I caught covid-19 myself and avoided being a covid case. Same with my wife.
Heck, the common cold was worse than the Covid.. it was a scratchy throat for 24 hours and that was it.

My neighbors are a different story.. They didn't get vaccinated and when he caught covid, it put him down for 3 weeks.. he lost 45 lbs. His unvaccinated wife was only down for two weeks.. I saw her, she turned gray and looked like that evil zith guy from star wars. Neither of them became "covid cases", but they said it was close..

My other neighbor's son (unvaccinated) died.. he was a covid case in the hospital.. His father caught covid, ended up as a hospital case for two weeks and now has a $20,000 medical bill.. Well, it was closer to $80k but his insurance covered most of it.

Why do you ask? Are you using twitter again to formulate opinions on medical subjects you know nothing about?

I gotta tell you three things:
1) Twitter is not a source of information.
2) Anyone who uses twitter, or any social media website for that matter, to find information regarding anything related to science is an idiot.
3) Only idiots use social media to find information.. Its right there in the name "Social media".. its not "science media" or "science depository" or "science publications".. Its "social media".. Social, as in emotional..

Good luck with that.

The source is Albert Borla, linking to a pfizer study that concluded the vaccine stopped transmission 100%.

I understand this is hard for you to accept because it's the science you claim to hang your hat on yet clearly your own real-world experience showed that the scientist and his science were nothing more than lies.

Certainly even someone like you who claims he's too stupid to understand the study can see the discrepancy there.
Yeah that's weird.

Murphy tries to filibuster by pretending twitter said that and not Albert Borla, Ceo of pfizer.

Murphy also probably thinks the fda does their own studies and doesn't just review studies big pharma has done.

It's just weird.
just weird
The source is Albert Borla, linking to a pfizer study that concluded the vaccine stopped transmission 100%.
Got a link to the study? I don't use twitter..

I understand this is hard for you to accept because it's the science you claim to hang your hat on yet clearly your own real-world experience showed that the scientist and his science were nothing more than lies.
How did anything I say disprove anything that was in that study? If they concluded that the vaccine "Stopped transmission 100%", how is anything I said about my experience relative to that statement?

Certainly even someone like you who claims he's too stupid to understand the study can see the discrepancy there.
Post a link to the study...
The source is Albert Borla, linking to a pfizer study that concluded the vaccine stopped transmission 100%.

I understand this is hard for you to accept because it's the science you claim to hang your hat on yet clearly your own real-world experience showed that the scientist and his science were nothing more than lies.

Certainly even someone like you who claims he's too stupid to understand the study can see the discrepancy there.
Wow.. I just read the study. NO where in that link did it say what you are claiming it says.

So either you're so stupid you can read even simple English, or your ethical and moral compass is screwed up.. or both.

Here's the link:

Tell me, where in that page does it say "vaccine stopped transmission 100%" ??????

And what evidence do you have that anything on that page is a lie? I just told you that I got the Pfizer shot and didn't need to go to the hospital to become a "covid case". With the exception of the people I have told, no one even knows if I had Covid or not because I was not a "case".. Meaning no medical treatment was needed by a doctor.

Just like I said.. You're too stupid to understand the studies.. and now we can lower that to "You're too stupid to even read a web page correctly"..

I know.. I know... Its all a lie.. Billionaires investing in Pfizer, small investors, government regulators, and their own competition, all watching them like a hawk, but little moron in his mom's basement thinks its all a giant conspiracy.

See a doctor.. whatever mental health issues you have have migrated to your ability to comprehend even the most basic information.
Wow.. I just read the study. NO where in that link did it say what you are claiming it says.

So either you're so stupid you can read even simple English, or your ethical and moral compass is screwed up.. or both.

Here's the link:

Tell me, where in that page does it say "vaccine stopped transmission 100%" ??????

And what evidence do you have that anything on that page is a lie? I just told you that I got the Pfizer shot and didn't need to go to the hospital to become a "covid case". With the exception of the people I have told, no one even knows if I had Covid or not because I was not a "case".. Meaning no medical treatment was needed by a doctor.

Just like I said.. You're too stupid to understand the studies.. and now we can lower that to "You're too stupid to even read a web page correctly"..

I know.. I know... Its all a lie.. Billionaires investing in Pfizer, small investors, government regulators, and their own competition, all watching them like a hawk, but little moron in his mom's basement thinks its all a giant conspiracy.

See a doctor.. whatever mental health issues you have have migrated to your ability to comprehend even the most basic information.

Reading is hard. It wasn't my claim, it was "science's" claim. ?

"In South Africa, where the B.1.351 lineage is prevalent and 800 participants were enrolled, nine cases of COVID-19 were observed, all in the placebo group, indicating vaccine efficacy of 100% (95% CI, [53.5, 100.0]). In an exploratory analysis, the nine strains were sequenced and six of the nine were confirmed to be of the B.1.351 lineage."
Well, let's not the mistake of using conservative interchangeably with republican.

One mistake I have made recently is forgetting that Republicans are just democrats who don't agree with abortion.
Is that the only difference?

One of the reasons I like electric stuff is because of pollution reduction. Real pollutants.....not C02.?
(g)The term “air pollutant” means any air pollution agent or combination of such agents, including any physical, chemical, biological, radioactive (including source material, special nuclear material, and byproduct material) substance or matter which is emitted into or otherwise enters the ambient air. Such term includes any precursors to the formation of any air pollutant, to the extent the Administrator has identified such precursor or precursors for the particular purpose for which the term “air pollutant” is used.

While that statement is true and totally reasonable, it's kind of silly if you think about it... It should read: "I would have thought conservation would have been a cornerstone of any human that is forced to live in the environment they should be conserving"..
Some people don't believe in that, but I would not expect a political party who claims to be conservative to oppose conservation.

Unfortunately, if you can get someone to think magical invisible sky fairies are real, you can usually get them to think anything you want.
Oh, people, including you and I have misconceptions, I worked on security (alarms, cctv, computers etc, for some time and the biggest lesson I learned is that people behave better if they believe they are being watched, even if it is an "invisible sky fairy". Then again religion can lead to utter evil as we have seen with religious wars, etc...

Consider this.. and take a moment to let this sink in... Conservatives attack education at every level and every stage. They attack the public school system and they attack the colleges.
I believe a large portion of your population believes that earth is less than 10,000 years old... They would have to attack science at every level because their kids who learn about things like carbon dating, will just laugh at them (openly or quietly) and leave religion.

The only educational system they don't attack isn't really an educational system at all.. its an indoctrination system.. and that would be the churches. Even after their own children were molested, they still won't attack the church. Let that fact sink in, and once it does, you understand the power of keeping people stupid.
Grooming at it's worst...

Yellowstone is absolutely mind boggling. Anyone who never makes it to that park before they die has missed something spectacular.
I have not been there yet, but I was in awe with with Yosemite, there was some educational stuff on the history of the area as well. Even central park and the High Line in New York were oasis's in what is otherwise another North American( filthy) city.
Some people don't believe in that, but I would not expect a political party who claims to be conservative to oppose conservation.
Why? The term conservative is a social description, not a scientific one. Conservatives want to go back to the way things used to be, they resist change and progress.

And when it comes to the environment, the way things used to be is not something anyone would consider healthy for the environment. In fact, it used to be so bad that we're still cleaning the mess up.. There are places were we will never be able to restore.

Did you know that due to the early days manufacturing cars in Detroit, that the ground in Detroit is contaminated to a depth of almost 300 feet?

When our company was growing faster than we could keep up back in 90's, we bought a plot of land that was 10 acres. It contained a couple of older homes and a 70,000 square foot industrial factory that used to contain a machine shop that was in business for 60 years. One of our processing stages required me to cut the concrete floor and create a 10 foot deep pit the size of an average living room. When the excavator dug it out, the dirt on the side walls was "oozing" different colored liquids. It was one of the most F*cked up things I ever encountered. I had to call in the EPA. Took samples, and I stopped all work to video record the oozing for two hours so I would have a record of it for any future accusations about our company.

The EPA guy told me that almost everywhere around the Detroit area is contaminated in similar ways. He said that it would be less harmful to live in the area where they tested nuclear weapons.

Oh, people, including you and I have misconceptions, I worked on security (alarms, cctv, computers etc, for some time and the biggest lesson I learned is that people behave better if they believe they are being watched, even if it is an "invisible sky fairy". Then again religion can lead to utter evil as we have seen with religious wars, etc...
Yup.. I'd agree with that.
I believe a large portion of your population believes that earth is less than 10,000 years old... They would have to attack science at every level because their kids who learn about things like carbon dating, will just laugh at them (openly or quietly) and leave religion.
And people think I'm being unfair when I say "People are stupid".

Human stupidity so embarrassing it makes me think we're doomed....
Reading is hard. It wasn't my claim, it was "science's" claim. ?

"In South Africa, where the B.1.351 lineage is prevalent and 800 participants were enrolled, nine cases of COVID-19 were observed, all in the placebo group, indicating vaccine efficacy of 100% (95% CI, [53.5, 100.0]). In an exploratory analysis, the nine strains were sequenced and six of the nine were confirmed to be of the B.1.351 lineage."
And you refute this claim?
Why did you post it?
Why? The term conservative is a social description, not a scientific one. Conservatives want to go back to the way things used to be, they resist change and progress.

And when it comes to the environment, the way things used to be is not something anyone would consider healthy for the environment. In fact, it used to be so bad that we're still cleaning the mess up.. There are places were we will never be able to restore.

Did you know that due to the early days manufacturing cars in Detroit, that the ground in Detroit is contaminated to a depth of almost 300 feet?

When our company was growing faster than we could keep up back in 90's, we bought a plot of land that was 10 acres. It contained a couple of older homes and a 70,000 square foot industrial factory that used to contain a machine shop that was in business for 60 years. One of our processing stages required me to cut the concrete floor and create a 10 foot deep pit the size of an average living room. When the excavator dug it out, the dirt on the side walls was "oozing" different colored liquids. It was one of the most F*cked up things I ever encountered. I had to call in the EPA. Took samples, and I stopped all work to video record the oozing for two hours so I would have a record of it for any future accusations about our company.

The EPA guy told me that almost everywhere around the Detroit area is contaminated in similar ways. He said that it would be less harmful to live in the area where they tested nuclear weapons.

Yup.. I'd agree with that.

And people think I'm being unfair when I say "People are stupid".

Human stupidity so embarrassing it makes me think we're doomed....
I encountered similar things He is not lying…. The epa wants you to dig it out but when the excavator is 4x deep in the hole and still going than have to halt - have to get waiver to cover over and seal it back up. Was at Other side of the country same thing. Actually that is everywhere here for industrial waste. Why all manufacturers ran to china to pollute the hell out of it and avoid clean up cost here…. It can’t be cleaned up numb nutz. He is not lying.

why food and ground water is so polluted
Why? The term conservative is a social description, not a scientific one. Conservatives want to go back to the way things used to be, they resist change and progress.
Absolutely, but I would have thought that destroying the environment in the name of progress would be something they'd oppose.

And when it comes to the environment, the way things used to be is not something anyone would consider healthy for the environment. In fact, it used to be so bad that we're still cleaning the mess up.. There are places were we will never be able to restore.
I do know the EPA was formed under Nixon, a republican, because people were fed up with pollution and a river being on fire. While the guy might have been a prick, he did do some good things, like the EPA, as well.

Did you know that due to the early days manufacturing cars in Detroit, that the ground in Detroit is contaminated to a depth of almost 300 feet?
I have seen Detroit, sad place... I did not know about the pollution.

When our company was growing faster than we could keep up back in 90's, we bought a plot of land that was 10 acres. It contained a couple of older homes and a 70,000 square foot industrial factory that used to contain a machine shop that was in business for 60 years. One of our processing stages required me to cut the concrete floor and create a 10 foot deep pit the size of an average living room. When the excavator dug it out, the dirt on the side walls was "oozing" different colored liquids. It was one of the most F*cked up things I ever encountered. I had to call in the EPA. Took samples, and I stopped all work to video record the oozing for two hours so I would have a record of it for any future accusations about our company.

The EPA guy told me that almost everywhere around the Detroit area is contaminated in similar ways. He said that it would be less harmful to live in the area where they tested nuclear weapons.
Holy shit, why did you still move there after that?

And people think I'm being unfair when I say "People are stupid".
I make it a point to include myself as being stupid as well.

Human stupidity so embarrassing it makes me think we're doomed....
Don't know if we are doomed or not, but when I see the levels of hate so many seem to have towards others because they are "different", you might well be right. Lets hope not.
Evil Republicans are trying to end hiring / college acceptance based totally on race.

It's really a shame since the left managed to come up with such a perfect virtue signaling name for the practice .... diversity, equity, inclusion.

Sure looks like DeSantis won this one to me. Chalk up another thing Murphy was wrong about.

It's kind of a pain to read this article without signing up for a NYT subscription ... but it can be done.

“Our district will no longer participate in any attempt to divide us by race or advance the notion that we are not created equal,”