diy solar

diy solar

I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

That author is a joke. Shes in a guardian article criticizing this:
"And in July in Iowa, teaching concepts that could lead to “discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of that individual’s race or sex” were prohibited."

Direct quote from her article.
She wants white children to live in psychological trauma and guilt for the actions of people 200 years ago. She wants the black kids to gang up and beat the white kids up.

Every time a whacko like leo complains that theyre preventing history from being taught, just look at the facts .
That passage from tne Iowa law is what the author of leos article has a problem with.

You try to do that to my kids and me and the other parents are gonna have a lynching and youre gonna swing. We dont like racists.
Ha. Story is behind a paywall....
Sorry about that.

AND bases its assertions on a report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, an extremist marxist organization with a long history of anti white racism and race baiting.
Nonetheless youve only proven that children are being and always have been taught about slavery.
That slavery was beneficial to the slaves?

A rule of history is that the further one goes from a historical point in time, the less accurate the accounts of events are. So these people want their revisionist history taught.
Actually, that isn't true, history, at least in the West has generally become more accurate in it's teaching. In part because historians from different nations get access to more sources, some that were once closed to them.

Stop wasting my time canuck.
Canuck? what is that?

Go find some token black friends. Or wander around your city's ghetto at night with your open wallet in your hand, cash falling out. Im sure it wont take long for some black person to relieve you of your burden of conscience.
Great way to show your bias.


Cities here are safe, although I would not walk around with an open wallet in my hand anywhere, it is uncomfortable and there are more convenient ways to pay for goods and services than with cash.
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They aren't NOT teaching history as in slavery etc.

They are against the part that came about in the mid 80's where they teach that things like math, the broken window fallacy etc are racist constructs meant to keep minorities from being successful.

They dabbled in this when I was in elementary school...of course it was an outside speaker who came to talk to the class about "white privilege".

Whom of course charged the school a fee for doing so.
.... and then there's this.

If you value free speech and object to censorship, you better hope Disney wins.

While you may (or may not), agree with their speech, what is happening with Disney and DeSantis is the same as what the gov does with twitter and facebook.

It is "censorship by manipulation of law or favor" IE: Capitulate to our demands or lose the benefit of laws or regulations that we created to support your business.
If you value free speech and object to censorship, you better hope Disney wins.

While you may (or may not), agree with their speech, what is happening with Disney and DeSantis is the same as what the gov does with twitter and facebook.

It is "censorship by manipulation of law or favor" IE: Capitulate to our demands or lose the benefit of laws or regulations that we created to support your business.

Meh. We can't keep taking the high road forever and losing.

The favor has to be returned to these people at some point.

Screwe'm bankrupt woke Disney and rebuild from the ashes.
Meh. We can't keep taking the high road forever and losing.

The favor has to be returned to these people at some point.

Screwe'm bankrupt woke Disney and rebuild from the ashes.
Disney is not Disney any more. It died when Walt Disney died. It became a perversion
Meh. We can't keep taking the high road forever and losing.

The favor has to be returned to these people at some point.

Screwe'm bankrupt woke Disney and rebuild from the ashes.
If we didn't take "the high road", this very website wouldn't exist.

I believe the expression is "You can't have your cake and eat it too". So if you like internet forums, and if you oppose government censorship, you better hope the mouse kicks ass because the gov / facebook twitter thing is no different in that regard. It is government using their power to stifle speech.
If we didn't take "the high road", this very website wouldn't exist.

I believe the expression is "You can't have your cake and eat it too". So if you like internet forums, and if you oppose government censorship, you better hope the mouse kicks ass because the gov / facebook twitter thing is no different in that regard. It is government using their power to stifle speech.
ppl like him always preach this unless the argument is turned against him. anybody seen him take the high road?

I'd bet Leo drives up his dirt road.
The one above the liberal road.?
Nice, the Oxford dictionary defines liberal as follows; "A liberal is some one who is willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own, they are open to new ideas and they are favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. In a political context liberals favor individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform."

And you have even higher roads...
Nice, the Oxford dictionary defines liberal as follows; "A liberal is some one who is willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own, they are open to new ideas and they are favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. In a political context liberals favor individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform."

And you have even higher roads...

Thanks for sharing. Why are you here commenting on U.S. politics?
I guess. Seriously though. Why would you do that....go onto a forum and comment about another country's politics.

It's seems like a pretty pathetic thing to do.
With his fix in - push for gender identity .... he probably has a break with an identity crisis for everything including country. In military never talked politics while in foreign countries unless used it in picking a fight. :):giggle: Maybe that is what he or her - pronoun are doing. LEO is Very feminine at times... the surgery? :unsure::oops::cool:

The Green Party in Germany used to bring out the worse in me. At times the Green Party communist acted like BLM Antifa and would get in your face and try to block you. If knocked a couple of them out - teeth flying everywhere - they always made room for me to leave. They would say shit like "the USA lost every War thar we ever fought" then I would remind them that "they lost WW2." That is when the fight would start but it usually ended just as quick. hahahah :ROFLMAO::LOL::giggle:

Another option he is a Chinese military propaganda spreader account. Why he used translator to break post down for replies line by line replies. If write screwed up to them, then it messes with translator. :) AI has a difficult time too. The content language they bring, and such is as damaging as actual fighting. The Govt is right about that aspect except the USA GOVT attacked USA citizens. Leo would have been allowed on Twitter when I was banned. Ever look at all the hate post to Trump on Twitter. Huge majority were anti-Trump postings to him as allowed replies. Death threats and all. No one else could break through. who really knows except Leo but doubt he can explain it. Lastly - option he wants to be a U.S.- American.
I dunno. I think he's in a country where everyone thinks like him and he's bored.

Stagnation is common among leftists.
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Come on Checkthisout, He is a lonely person with nothing better to do......Who seems to get his kicks stirring the pot........

I live in a leftist utopia state.

"Men"? like him exist by the thousands. They wish they they were born as women who stayed neotonous forever so that men would be driven to clothe, feed, protect and shelter them.