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It just needs a bigger hammer
May 20, 2020

Trump indicted for efforts to overturn 2020 election and block transfer of power​

I suspect we're in for a show watching conservatives whine and cry about it.

Why are they so afraid of him? Your Build Up Article stated they were throwing everything including the kitchen sink at Trump. Why? You say Biden beat him real easy in 2020 Just cheat like that again and it is in the bag…. Right? What was the count? Trump 74 million and Biden 81 million? Hahaha

Your Article says even Trump’s opponents are calling bs now.

Why are they so afraid of him?
Because he tried suggesting nuking a hurricane? Because he wanted to drop a nuke on Iran? Because he couldn't accept he lost the election and tried to stage a coup?

Just a few reasons people might be afraid of him, there are many many others.

Trump indicted for efforts to overturn 2020 election and block transfer of power​

I suspect we're in for a show watching conservatives whine and cry about it.

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More of a platform than the last 2 elections. The GOP literally had no platform, the closest thing to a platform was screaming about Hunters laptop and dick pics.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very opposed to many of the corporate dems as well as the corporate repubs, as well as the senile ones on either side.

But a vote for MAGA republicans is essentially voting for fascism and an end to democracy.
More of a platform than the last 2 elections. The GOP literally had no platform, the closest thing to a platform was screaming about Hunters laptop and dick pics.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very opposed to many of the corporate dems as well as the corporate repubs, as well as the senile ones on either side.

But a vote for MAGA republicans is essentially voting for fascism and an end to democracy.

So you're engaging fascism by jailing your political opponent to end the threat of fascism?

You're not engaging in fascism when you fire people who don't want to put a vaccine from a private company in their body?

You're not engaging in fascism when your force people to buy a product (health insurance) they may not need or want?

This is called projection. It's all the democrats do. If a Democrat accuses you of something then you know it's something they are guilty of.
So you're engaging fascism by jailing your political opponent to end the threat of fascism?
Politicians are not above the law. Trump attempted a coup.. and as is normal with conservative stupidity, it failed.

You're not engaging in fascism when you fire people who don't want to put a vaccine from a private company in their body?
When you're an employee, you do as the boss says or you find another job. If the boss tells you to wear a red shirt, you should ask what shade of red it should be. And if you don't like that, open your own business and hire your own employees.

You're not engaging in fascism when your force people to buy a product (health insurance) they may not need or want?
Maybe... you have a tentative point.. but we've been forcing people to purchase insurance for decades and no one complained. Home insurance if you want a loan, car insurance if you want to drive, etc etc.

You never complained about those things.. A perfect example of: When they want your opinion, they'll give it to you.

This is called projection. It's all the democrats do. If a Democrat accuses you of something then you know it's something they are guilty of.
Actually, that describes the republican party.. Well, at least we taught your dumb ass what projection is.. I'll bet my entire life savings you didn't know what it was until WE taught you.

Have you figured out we're not "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" yet? Or are you going to continue to defend such morons?
Politicians are not above the law. Trump attempted a coup.. and as is normal with conservative stupidity, it failed.

When you're an employee, you do as the boss says or you find another job. If the boss tells you to wear a red shirt, you should ask what shade of red it should be. And if you don't like that, open your own business and hire your own employees.

Maybe... you have a tentative point.. but we've been forcing people to purchase insurance for decades and no one complained. Home insurance if you want a loan, car insurance if you want to drive, etc etc.

You never complained about those things.. A perfect example of: When they want your opinion, they'll give it to you.

Actually, that describes the republican party.. Well, at least we taught your dumb ass what projection is.. I'll bet my entire life savings you didn't know what it was until WE taught you.

Have you figured out we're not "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" yet? Or are you going to continue to defend such morons?

A gunless coup.
So you're engaging fascism by jailing your political opponent to end the threat of fascism?

You're not engaging in fascism when you fire people who don't want to put a vaccine from a private company in their body?

You're not engaging in fascism when your force people to buy a product (health insurance) they may not need or want?

This is called projection. It's all the democrats do. If a Democrat accuses you of something then you know it's something they are guilty of.
Its political to NOT persecute people for crimes they committed simply because they are politicians.

You're other two "points" are both off topic, and neither are they partisan as you paint them.
My question and concern is what else is going on that the MSM isn't talking about... Keep the masses dumb and distracted.
dumb and distracted led to so many idiots trying to siege the capitol in a literally goalless mass.

Hold the media commited to facts and held responsible for pushing proven knowingly false claims!
My question and concern is what else is going on that the MSM isn't talking about... Keep the masses dumb and distracted.
When people talk about the MSM that way, I doubt you they read quality news media, your lot seem to have a penchant for only reading ultra right wing news.

But here you go, for some weird reason this is ignored in the US, I am sure that if you substitute some names it would dominate the stories on Fox news.

dumb and distracted led to so many idiots trying to siege the capitol in a literally goalless mass.
From what I can tell, the goal was to claim there was controversy about the accuracy of the election so governors could ignore the results and substitute the electors with a hand pick bunch.

Hold the media commited to facts and held responsible for pushing proven knowingly false claims!
I wish the media would take a deep breath and focus on accuracy, instead of sensationalism and rushing to be the first to publish.
More of a platform than the last 2 elections. The GOP literally had no platform, the closest thing to a platform was screaming about Hunters laptop and dick pics.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very opposed to many of the corporate dems as well as the corporate repubs, as well as the senile ones on either side.

But a vote for MAGA republicans is essentially voting for fascism and an end to democracy.
Thats rich. Saying that the man youre trying to lock up because youre afraid he might win the next election is a threat to democracy.
Do you not see the optics of this shit?
dumb and distracted led to so many idiots trying to siege the capitol in a literally goalless mass.

Hold the media commited to facts and held responsible for pushing proven knowingly false claims!
Really now. How were claims "proven false"?

The election was corrupted. Rigged.

Despite what the media wont report, the facts are known.
There were guns. There were even bombs. $500k reward for the people who planted bombs:
Not one single gun was found on anyone in the capital building, and there is no evidence that those bombs had anything to do with Donald Trump or Republicans.
Try harder, youre not reaching enough.
Furthermore FBI stated long ago they found no evidence of any organized plot to overthrow the government. Not by Trump or anyone else.
Thats rich. Saying that the man youre trying to lock up because youre afraid he might win the next election is a threat to democracy.
Do you not see the optics of this shit?
Arresting Donald Trump for stealing nuclear secrets AND lying about it AND obstructing justice is not political. it is Justice. Not arresting him would be political and insanely dangerous.
When people talk about the MSM that way, I doubt you they read quality news media, your lot seem to have a penchant for only reading ultra right wing news.

But here you go, for some weird reason this is ignored in the US, I am sure that if you substitute some names it would dominate the stories on Fox news.

So you think it was a good thing that Joe Biden went begging to the Saudis, and they kicked him to the curb and did exactly the opposite of our best interests? Whats the point, that democrats think its good foreign policy to alienate our arguably most important economic ally?
Oh boy, that Trump. Making friends with north korea. Gaining Putins respect. Having his son become best friends with the Saudi Kings son.
He is so incompetent.

Get real. Democrats dont have a clue about running anything.

As for the source of those stories... Hmm. Saudi Arabia has propped up the US dollar for 50 years now. We theoretically owe them trillions of dollars.
How much have we given Israel at the same time?
So you think it was a good thing that Joe Biden went begging to the Saudis, and they kicked him to the curb and did exactly the opposite of our best interests? Whats the point, that democrats think its good foreign policy to alienate our arguably most important economic ally?
Your most important economic ally is Mexico, behind China and Canada.

Oh boy, that Trump. Making friends with north korea. Gaining Putins respect. Having his son become best friends with the Saudi Kings son.
Making friends by appeasing brutal dictators?

I also remember how Trump went to Saudi Arabia and begged them to raise the oil prices and how the news media was mostly quiet.

He is so incompetent.
I am no fan of Joe Biden either, and I agree that Trump is incompetent. Many of his hand picked people (suposedly the best of the best) in his administration said so.

Get real. Democrats dont have a clue about running anything.
Biden did run successfully for office.

Now if Biden had done any of the things Trump did, would you sing a different tune?

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