diy solar

diy solar

Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.


It just needs a bigger hammer
May 20, 2020

Study: Electric Vehicles Involved in Fewest Car Fires​

Researchers from insurance deal site Auto Insurance EZ compiled sales and accident data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the National Transportation Safety Board. The site found that hybrid vehicles had the most fires per 100,000 sales at 3474.5. There were 1529.9 fires per 100k for gas vehicles and just 25.1 fires per 100k sales for electric vehicles.

Study: Electric Vehicles Involved in Fewest Car Fires​

Researchers from insurance deal site Auto Insurance EZ compiled sales and accident data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the National Transportation Safety Board. The site found that hybrid vehicles had the most fires per 100,000 sales at 3474.5. There were 1529.9 fires per 100k for gas vehicles and just 25.1 fires per 100k sales for electric vehicles.
Study is flawed as fuck also using number of recalls, not actual number if fires.
Study is flawed as fuck also using number of recalls, not actual number if fires.

Yeah, with hybrid being the highest.

Why would electric be so low but hybrid be double that of just gas if batteries/electric portion didn't increase risk of fire?
"Complexity" is a subjective, non-technical term that doesn't really mean anything.

Older cars caught on fire more often than newer cars even though they are less complex.
The more complex something is, the higher the chances are something will go wrong. Its a universal rule.

Why are you in this forum? Why don't you stick to Russian forums? What kind of messed up fruitcake comes to a green energy website to disparage green energy? That's the literal definition of a troll..

Which makes me wonder.. are you a paid troll or just some basement dwelling Russian loser?
Murphy diagnosing a building fire.

Insurance adjuster to Murphy:

"Sir, why did this building catch on fire?"

Murphybro to Insurance adjuster:

"because the building is complicated you idiot. Good lord you people are so stupid, education in this country has failed. God you're dumb"

Insurance adjuster to Murphy:

"Ah hem, well ok sir. Is there anyway fires like this can be prevented in the future?"

Murphybro to Insurance adjuster:

"Well fucking duh! By making it less complicated you retarded moron idiot doodoo brain anti-vaxxer. How can you possibly be this stupid you misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic racist Trump supporter, Jan 6th"
The more complex something is, the higher the chances are something will go wrong. Its a universal rule.

So why did older cars catch on fire more than newer cars?

Your assertion that complexity leads to fires is silly.
gasoline cars and hybrids catch on fire more often as young people can afford to buy them but not maintain them.... this also leads to a phenomena know as my badazz bumping stereo burned up my car due to my shitty wiring... rarely a year goes by where some dumb ass kid does not set a car on fire due to shitty wiring for their version of a cool car stereo... and thats here in yokosuka base only... i could only imagine the chaos that happens in the states. :) :) :)
So why did older cars catch on fire more than newer cars?

Your assertion that complexity leads to fires is silly.

Wow... that brings back memories of my child asking me why the sky is blue...

Your ignorance, stupidity, and lack of education is astonishing.
Wow... that brings back memories of my child asking me why the sky is blue...

Your ignorance, stupidity, and lack of education is astonishing.

Yup! And why Model T's went more miles with less break-downs than a new Honda civic.

They had to reduce powertrain warranties as cars have gotten more complex.
The more complex something is, the higher the chances are something will go wrong. Its a universal rule.

Why are you in this forum? Why don't you stick to Russian forums? What kind of messed up fruitcake comes to a green energy website to disparage green energy? That's the literal definition of a troll..

Which makes me wonder.. are you a paid troll or just some basement dwelling Russian loser?

I think its common sense that there will be more gasoline car fires, but its too early in their life cycles to get accurate statistics on EV fires. As the cells age, are subjected to heat and cold expansion and contraction, and the electrical connections are subject to vibration and corrosion, the frequency of firea will increase.
Of course you can say the same about fuel lines and connections in ICE vehicles but those are also known issues.
The scary part of EV fires remains their difficulty in putting them out and the problem of other things in the vicinity going up as well. Particularly when theyre promoting putting chargers in parking garages under residential and commercial buildings. It seems the charging phase is when many EV fires occur, these could take the whole building with it.
Gasoline car fires rarely happen when the car is shut off sitting in a parking garage.
All in all the thread is focusing on one minute aspect and ignoring a larger picture.
If it gives Smurphy an opportunity to abuse and name call other users I guess it accomplishes his goals here.
I think its common sense that there will be more gasoline car fires, but its too early in their life cycles to get accurate statistics on EV fires. As the cells age, are subjected to heat and cold expansion and contraction, and the electrical connections are subject to vibration and corrosion, the frequency of firea will increase.
Of course you can say the same about fuel lines and connections in ICE vehicles but those are also known issues.
Wow, you actually said something reasonable.. Now I'm wondering if Batvette's account was hacked..

Who are you and what did you do with Batvette?

The scary part of EV fires remains their difficulty in putting them out and the problem of other things in the vicinity going up as well.
That is a problem.. but I suspect the newer battery chemistries will solve that issue. As for other things in the vicinity, that also applies to gas vehicles.

Particularly when theyre promoting putting chargers in parking garages under residential and commercial buildings. It seems the charging phase is when many EV fires occur, these could take the whole building with it.
Being that EV fires are 60 times less likely, that doesn't seem to be an issue.. However, there's a simple way to tell if the issue is legitimate or not, and that is when home owners insurance companies start asking if you'll be parking an EV in the garage.

Gasoline car fires rarely happen when the car is shut off sitting in a parking garage.
All in all the thread is focusing on one minute aspect and ignoring a larger picture.
Interesting.. when I post about EV fires, its one minute aspect and it ignores the larger picture.. but when you post about it, its a serious issue.

The hypocrisy is stunning.

If it gives Smurphy an opportunity to abuse and name call other users I guess it accomplishes his goals here.
Watching you whine and cry about your hurt feelings while playing the victim card is pathetic.
gasoline cars and hybrids catch on fire more often as young people can afford to buy them but not maintain them.... this also leads to a phenomena know as my badazz bumping stereo burned up my car due to my shitty wiring... rarely a year goes by where some dumb ass kid does not set a car on fire due to shitty wiring for their version of a cool car stereo... and thats here in yokosuka base only... i could only imagine the chaos that happens in the states. :) :) :)
I used to compete in IASCA SQ competition and was an install judge at some USAC shows. Most kids do pretty good on basic safety stuff but some of the bad ones are definately rolling fires waiting to happen. I made part of my living in that industry for awhile and it was frustrating to have people bring other peoples mistakes to me in various states of decay and want them fixed for next to nothing.
"but I suspect the newer battery chemistries will solve that issue"

Blind faith, how reassuring.

Typical environmentalist fantasy. The same thing that brought us the environmental disaster of shipbreaking. You people dont think these things through and wont be around to clean up the results of your irresponsible actions, but will pat yourself on the backs that you helped save the earth.

The reality us that there is no reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from switching to electric vehicles. Those who claim there is invariably rely on incomplete and or flawed studies, and know it. They dont care because its their religion.
The most exhaustive research Ive seen on the issue:

It forgets nothing. We are being sold a line of bullshit.
The most exhaustive research Ive seen on the issue:

It forgets nothing. We are being sold a line of bullshit.
Damn are you unbelievably gullible...

Do you ever do any research? Or do you just comb the internet for anyone who says anything negative about EV's and then post it here?

Do you know who owns the and/or what that person's investments are? I'll give you a hint.. It has three letters and starts with the letter O and ends in L.

Stupid can't be fixed... What kind of dumbass would listen to someone heavily invested in oil on matters of electric cars?
Yup! And why Model T's went more miles with less break-downs than a new Honda civic.

They had to reduce powertrain warranties as cars have gotten more complex.
My friend has a model A, a 29 or 30. It hasnt run in awhile but I rode in it a few times. Scariest thing to me besides the plate glass windshield, is that the fuel tank is right above your knees, inside/under the dashboard. Anyway, those cars had to have their engines overhauled (rings, bearings, etc) about every 15-20,000 miles. Probably because the manufacturing tolerances were so sloppy, not to mention metallurgy technology was primitive. Things like ignition points would have to be tinkered with monthly. But they were simple enough anyone could do it.
Im with you though that just complexity alone wouldnt be enough to cause fires or other fatal failures of any machine. Really its how many points of failure there are in the system that if neglected lead to worst case scenarios and while that sounds like complexity, its not. You can have more components in the system, but engineer out the liabilities. The ignition points are a good example. Technically speaking modern ignition systems ARE more complex than points distributors were. But they have few moving parts that can just get out of whack so are more trouble free.
Damn are you unbelievably gullible...

Do you ever do any research? Or do you just comb the internet for anyone who says anything negative about EV's and then post it here?

Do you know who owns the and/or what that person's investments are? I'll give you a hint.. It has three letters and starts with the letter O and ends in L.

Stupid can't be fixed... What kind of dumbass would listen to someone heavily invested in oil on matters of electric cars?
Attacks the source not the material, no surprise.

So hey Al Gore invested money in a smart meter company and by promoting his movie made $100 million on his investment.

By your logic we can dismiss that and climate change is bullshit.

All the clinate change researchers are well paid by grants from companies investing in green technologies. By your logic we can dismiss them too.

BTW many oil companies are also the biggest players in alternative energy ventures.

Im not going to call you stupid, your posts do that quite well.

The wide variety of issues that this institution has written policy pieces on tends to question the idea their sole purpose is supporting oil investments.

I will let the open minded be the judge.

I guarantee you will not produce a similar study promoting EVs that takes into account the same factors.

Youre just a lazy tree hugging douchebag spouting the leftist memes with no concern for their truth.

Waste of oxygen you are. Please stop breathing.
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Attacks the source not the material, no surprise.

You're the kind of person that walks into a church and asks the pastor if god is real....

You say "attacks the source not the material" as if that's some kind of ethical or logical problem.. You say that as though you think its a bad thing.. Apparently you don't think much at all..

I assure you it is not. Your comment comes from a misunderstanding of logical fallacies. Attacking the source is called "ad hominem".. It must be a PERSONAL ATTACK against the source's character, appearance, or other irrelevant characteristics. Attacking their motivations does not fall under that classification, not even in the same zip code. In fact, a person's motivations are the very first thing you should always check.

For crying out loud, you're so stupid and ignorant it is absolutely spectacular... In this day and age, with information everywhere, how the hell can someone remain so willfully ignorant as you? <<<yes genius, that's a personal attack, but you're not the source either.. You're just a propaganda troll on a green energy website attacking green energy.

You don't go to a source heavily invested in F*king oil companies and ask them about electric vehicles you dumbass.

Most children, at some point while being raised, learn a very old piece of wisdom from their parents.. It goes something like this:
"Don't ask the fox to guard the hen house"

Judging by your statements, you didn't have parents and you never learned these basic pieces of wisdom. You dumbass.
I used to compete in IASCA SQ competition and was an install judge at some USAC shows. Most kids do pretty good on basic safety stuff but some of the bad ones are definately rolling fires waiting to happen. I made part of my living in that industry for awhile and it was frustrating to have people bring other peoples mistakes to me in various states of decay and want them fixed for next to nothing.
Funny you should say that.. i ran a custom car shop from 94-98 right after i got out of the corps and prior to my divorce... trust me i have seen good and bad but the last 10 years the bad has definitely outweighed the good. I competed in the 600 watt class for SQ and for SPL. two Orion HCCA 2100's and one Orion NT100 and one NT200. that was with image Dynamics horns and four 6" ID MB in the front stage. 8 15's in the rear with two 60 band eq's one set for SQ, the other for SPL. flip a switch ;) lots of fun times.

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diy solar