diy solar

diy solar

Pre charge question


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Starke, Fl
I have a SunGold power 6548 that I am planning on powering with some 12 volt power queen batteries in series. My inverters are currently up and running and using grid bypass and solar to power the current loads. all my connections are made except batteries to the circuit breaker. Could I simply just flip the circuit breaker switch after my batteries are connected while my inverters are on and not need a pre charge resistor? I would think that it would simply switch from bypass mode to battery correct?
No idea, I don't know anything about the SunGold 6548.
BUT! I do know that a wired in place ready to use when you need it, 2P switch and small resistor will be valuable every time you need to do some maintenance, or add more batteries, or change something around that requires turning off the system even just for a few minutes, then back on.
I recommend you get the parts you need and wire in a permanent pre-charge system. I didn't at first, and it was such a pita, finally got around to it this year and so happy to have that feature on a simple switch when needed.
Flip the breaker and find out.
Either the BMS will disconnect due to the inrush, or it won't.

diy solar

diy solar