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Fighting Disinformation ..... or Censoring Oppostion.

I didn't think so..


Censorship? Freedom of speech was never intended to allow foreign states to interfere with us. Our first amendment applies to our own country, not yours.

We live in different states, not different countries. My state is reality, yours is the fantasy you cook up inside your head at 1am when you can't sleep because you don't own a tesla and can't afford the paltry rent for an excavator and blow your knee out doing work you're unfit for.

If the shoe fits, which it does..

We call them Mukluks. Thank you. Your mail-order bride should have a pair or two.

Musk does more censoring than the previous twitter owner.

Nah. I say all sorts of things on there now that got be banned before. It's totally rad!

Pretending to have an "in" ??? Yeah.. maybe.. You call it an "in", most of the rest of us just call it education..

The school of hard knocks I.E. blowing out your knee when you should have rented an excavator isn't really considered an education. Its called trial by fire. Hopefully you learned your less. Good thing you had child labor on hand to finish the job.

I am of average intelligence..

Sure. In your own head, you are lots of things. :sneaky:
You're just an uneducated idiot

Yes but I still know that boys have penises and girls have vaginas and that old dudes don't hand-dig ditches unless they are poor and cannot to rent an excavator.
On a different boat? yeah, actually I am on a different boat.. More importantly, sticking with your metaphor, I'm not pointing at the storm on the horizon and claiming its a fake government plot.

Ah, so thats why you're spending money on things like solar panels that you can't really afford. You're actually a prepper who's been disguising himself as a cock pic chasing libtard this whole time!!!


American Despotism
We are faced with a totalitarian cancer that will have to be confronted and defeated at every level.

The Alinskyian Roots of American Totalitarianism​

Behind the movement is a powerful belief system that opposes the American system of constitutional law. It is hostile to American history and patriotic pride, contemptuous of the American people, and dedicated to seizing power through any means.

The historic roots of this American despotism can be found in the French Revolution. That movement held a passion for uprooting and replacing everything (including the calendar). Its roots can also be found in Leninism and its effort to create a New Soviet Man to replace the failed types of personalities that it found occupying Russia before the revolution. The origins of rising totalitarianism can also be found in Maoism and its mass brainwashing, enforced conformity, groupthink, and the need to purge yourself of sins by confessing in front of the community.

However, there is also a powerful American source for this totalitarian drive to remake America. That drive can be found in the writings and teachings of Saul Alinsky. Obama and Clinton were both students of Alinsky or his disciples.

Obama’s first job in Chicago was with an Alinsky institution. He learned how to be a neighborhood organizer from the Alinsky disciples. This was so alien to our way of thinking that, in 2008, only Sean Hannity understood how deeply radical Obama was. The rest of us translated neighborhood organizer into something like a Boys and Girls Club worker. I am embarrassed to admit that even though I had studied all the major modern revolutions — and had read Alinsky — the concept of an Alinsky disciple pretending to be a pleasant, harmless, normal politician was too wild for me to grasp at the time.

Clinton knew Alinsky. She met with him and wrote her senior thesis about him. She agreed with his aims but thought his strategies were impractical. She wanted to change America from within — not by agitating from without.

Biden was just a lucky local politician from a small state. He was only a moderate Democrat when he got elected to the Senate at 29 years old in 1972. He was not particularly intellectual, but he was a chameleon. As the Democratic Party moved to the left, so did he. He also understood from watching Clinton and others that you could be corrupt — the Obama-politicized Justice Department would never bother you. He saw his chance, and he took it.

The Biden investigation will inevitably grow until all the horrors of the corruption, government weaponization, and destruction of the rule of law become known to the American people.

However, it is vital we understand that the Biden family corruption is a small piece of the larger crisis of our constitutional system. We are faced with a totalitarian cancer that will have to be confronted and defeated at every level. The Bidens’ corruption is merely a symptom.
So I have been debating in my own pathetic mind whether to ask this question or not but I would like to know what you guys think. .. so Im just going to throw it out there. WHEN do you think the civil war will begin?
So I have been debating in my own pathetic mind whether to ask this question or not but I would like to know what you guys think. .. so Im just going to throw it out there. WHEN do you think the civil war will begin?

There aren't any clear established lines so it won't be a war. It will be something akin to that in Northern Ireland where its just a terroristic hell hole.

The liberal upper-class will still preach open borders while further gating and isolating their own communities.

The open borders and lax crime policies are designed to keep those who would fight the establishment, fighting just to keep their kids and property safe on a day-to-day basis. The country that actually runs the united states will continue to asset strip this country for their own wants.

Basically, the dog will try and scratch out the fleas but the fleas have the dog too busy fighting other dogs.
So I have been debating in my own pathetic mind whether to ask this question or not but I would like to know what you guys think. .. so Im just going to throw it out there. WHEN do you think the civil war will begin?

I can only tell you from my experience living during the collapse of the USSR.
There are some things in the US that are going "for" it and "against" it.

The most important thing going "for" it is that by the time USSR fell apart it was still a very homogeneous society, in a sense of mentality, social order, race, etc. This softened the collapse as most (not all) of society still behaved in (mostly) civil manner towards each other. I think this single thing is how former USSR avoided the outright civil war.

Ofcourse you had (and still have) the Soviet parasite class (the entire gov apparatus) who capitalized on the collapse and "privatized" (read took ownership) of anything of value (mostly vast resources such as forests (lumber), oil and gas and other natural resources (to this day they own it all - this is the entire oligarchy that governs Russia and where Putin is a puppet who does not really decide anything). Most people realized that was happening but kept quiet as memories of war (WW2, etc) were still fresh in mind of many Russians and the mentality "anything but war" was still persistent at the time. This is also the time when global parasite class absorbed the Russian newly formed oligarchy into its ranks and controlled them ever since (and to this day). (I bet not many of you know that most of Soviet executive class had their children "studying" in the most elite western institutions of London, New York, etc)

In the US, today things are different, in a sense that especially in big cities the whole "D&I" culture is basically a powder keg, waiting for its match. All the racial groups hate each other (even more so with different socio-economic groups), and God forbid the proverbial chicken will disappear from proverbial plate. Most younger people do not know what is war and what is to go hungry and what is to sit in the house without heat or electricity in -30C winter. Same for empty store shelves (although they did get a very small preview during covid lockdowns).
if that were to happen, i believe situation would very quickly run out of control and you would have a very near Mad Max situation, at least in major metropolises (which would spill over into suburbs and exurbs).

This is precicely why the global parasite class can not let that happen as they would very quicly lose control, and their entire Great reset would go down the toilet.

What you will get instead is gradual tightening of nuts via digital goulag, survelance, junk food and vaccinations with occasional manufactured fear events such as plandemics, terror events, etc etc etc. It is much easier to control people that way.
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So I have been debating in my own pathetic mind whether to ask this question or not but I would like to know what you guys think. .. so Im just going to throw it out there. WHEN do you think the civil war will begin?

I've been a prepper for 6 years and have read almost every fiction and non-fiction post apocalyptic book written in the past 20 or so years. I've studied some of the more recent civil wars and national collapses around the world that have happened within the past 40 to 50 years or so, and I've read several dozen(s) of books about civil wars, political divisions, etc.

It is my opinion that there won't be a beginning to a civil war in the USA because there won't be a civil war in the context of what we normally think a civil war is. Far more likely is that extremists will start terrorists attacks. If Trump-ism continues, the radical far left will pick up the pace of violent protests.. if Trump-ism evaporates, the radical far right will start terrorist attacks. Whichever side doesn't get their way is going to use violence, destruction, or terrorrism to protest..

From a historical perspective, it is far more likely the radical neo-fascist Christians will become terrorists when they don't get their way.. Think abortion clinic bombings, Murrah federal building bombings, etc.

Most likely, it won't be a civil war, but a huge increase in wackos just randomly killing people they hate. Maybe Antifa burns down a police station and shoots the cops to protest the growing police state.. or some similar group to the Proud Boys attacking some government building or gay rights parade or something. We've already seen some small scale stuff like shooting electrical transformers..

But I doubt it will be a civil war pitting neighbor against neighbor or state against state. We're far too blended for that.

Unless we get into a nuclear exchange with Russia, the USA isn't going to go out in a bang, we'll most likely die with a whimper like someone being eaten by cancer. A gradual slow increase that acclimates the population to a new normal where mass attacks and violence happens so often it isn't even considered newsworthy by most.
So I think itll be a guerilla war. An established army can not by historical record win that war. Im assuming that we (conservatives) will be the guerrillas.

I don't know. I have better things to do with my skills than using it to destroy things. I also really hate killing and bloodshed.

At the end of the day I really wish people that don't know how to leave other people alone would just stop but I guess that's not going to happen. The jab mandates showed you how few people you'll actually have to turn to.

There really isn't anywhere to run which would be my first option.

Remember, our Founders didn't reform England, they had to leave and setup shop from scratch in a new place and fought two brutal, disgusting wars in the process.
So I think itll be a guerilla war. An established army can not by historical record win that war. Im assuming that we (conservatives) will be the guerrillas.
I think normal conservatives (very middle of the road and even slightly liberal on some issues) like myself will not take part in such stupidity.. It will be the radical extremists.. the far right of the spectrum.. and they won't fare well as they are generally easy to identify, stupid and ignorant, and therefor easy for law enforcement to infiltrate. Case in point would be the morons here in Michigan who wanted to kidnap our governor.

What we end up with will be individuals committing hate crimes.. kind of like what we have now, just a lot more of it as they become radicalized.
I think normal conservatives (very middle of the road and even slightly liberal on some issues) like myself will not take part in such stupidity.. It will be the radical extremists.. the far right of the spectrum.. and they won't fare well as they are generally easy to identify, stupid and ignorant, and therefor easy for law enforcement to infiltrate. Case in point would be the morons here in Michigan who wanted to kidnap our governor.

What we end up with will be individuals committing hate crimes.. kind of like what we have now, just a lot more of it as they become radicalized.


You'll take yourself out of commission doing a simple task the same way you took out your knee digging the ditch.

You would grab your gun all jazzed up to fight then promptly step off your barn loft and fall flat into some other hole you dug when you were bored. Or fall off your tractor into a ditch you're burying. At least saving your loved ones the hassle of having to dig a grave. :sneaky:
"The core of the moon is made of cheddar cheese and you're a moron with an IQ of a dog."
Prove that any of this information is false or STFU

That's how ridiculously dumb you are.. In fact, its the first sign of an ignorant person when they make a statement and put the burden of disproving it upon others..

That's not how it works you dumbass.

No wonder you think we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes".. You're a total F*king moron..
View attachment 166247
This really earns the "dickhead troll takes discussion off the rails award".
Lets do a recap:

The scientists are lying to us about global warming.
The government of the USA is lying to us about global warming.
Other governments of the world are lying to us about global warming.
The government is lying about covid
The government is lying about vaccines
Your doctor is lying about vaccines
My doctor must be lying to me about vaccines
The media is lying about everything.
NASA is lying about everything.
First Fauci said dont wear masks, they dont do anything.
Then he made us wear masks. People were arrested if they didnt.
Then we find research concluded masks didnt help.

Someone was lying
This really earns the "dickhead troll takes discussion off the rails award".
Oh my, another idiot who thinks we're "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"..

Going through life with the idea that you can make a claim and it is up to others to disprove the claim is as stupid as jumping off a building using an umbrella for a parachute.

If you don't like being classified as stupid and ignorant, then stop saying stupid and ignorant things. You can't purchase intelligence, you have to earn it the hard way.. Sit your dumb ass down and read about 50 books a year.. In about a decade, you might catch up... but in your case, I doubt it.

First Fauci said dont wear masks, they dont do anything.
Then he made us wear masks. People were arrested if they didnt.
Then we find research concluded masks didnt help.

Someone was lying
One day when you need surgery, remember to tell your surgeon that he need not wear his mask.

Average IQ in Japan = 108
Average IQ in USA = 97

Average IQ of Trump Supporters = (about 60)
One day when you need surgery, remember to tell your surgeon that he need not wear his mask.

Average IQ in Japan = 108
View attachment 166555
Average IQ in USA = 97
View attachment 166557

Average IQ of Trump Supporters = (about 60)
View attachment 166562

You constantly say silly things. Surgical masks are the standard masks which they say are ineffective against viruses.

This is the other thing I hate about liberals. We educate you but you relapse into stupidity because you're not really absorbing and processing the information.

Hey guys look. The guy who retired broke and can't afford a Tesla or an Excavator also thinks masks work because doctors wear one when doing certain kinds of surgeries.

It's all emotions. Fear fear fear fear fear.
You constantly say silly things. Surgical masks are the standard masks which they say are ineffective against viruses.

This is the other thing I hate about liberals. We educate you but you relapse into stupidity because you're not really absorbing and processing the information.

Hey guys look. The guy who retired broke and can't afford a Tesla or an Excavator also thinks masks work because doctors wear one when doing certain kinds of surgeries.

It's all emotions. Fear fear fear fear fear.

So why do surgeons wear them?

Why does NASA clean rooms require them?

And if they're so ineffective, why do the people in Japan wear them?

The low IQ of conservatives is why you always LOSE.
Leftists utilize mob fear to gain control.
The problem is (or luckily?) they are always steamrolled first once they have lived up to their purpose.
Why does NASA clean rooms require them? (Masks)

So we don't spread life through the galaxy on our space probes.

@Bob B

Murphtard just admitted Nasa wants germs kept away from their spacecraft due to the possibility of spreading life through the galaxy on our space probes.

He'll be apologizing to you shortly.
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So why do surgeons wear them?
Well .... it has nothing to do with preventing spread of a virus.
Why does NASA clean rooms require them?
Ahhh ..... So, they are worried about it.
And if they're so ineffective, why do the people in Japan wear them?
I lived in Japan for 3 years.
Without living there you couldn't begin to understand how the Japanese people think or why they do things. Their thought processes are so different from western culture it would be impossible for you to comprehend.
Some of there cultural differences are amazingly effective .... others, to us would seem crazy.

Just a couple of examples for you:
There is a bridge named Saikai Bridge where they go to jump off if they "loose face." From that bridge, the currents drag their body out to sea so their relatives don't have to be bothered to deal with their death.
By their standard, you would have been obligated to take the jump about 100 times just by the way you have embarrassed yourself in various posts.

They do communal bathing and don't think nudity has anything to do with sex.
They believe you are a virgin until you give yourself in love .... Sex has nothing to do with virginity.
The Shogun influence is still alive and well in some areas of the country .... Their society was completely closed for hundreds of years and their gene pool was changed by the actions of the Shogun rule during that period.
Unlike western culture where the individual is celebrated .... In Japan, the community is celebrated, acts of individualism are heresy.

I guarantee that whatever you think .... the reason they wear masks has nothing to do with that.
The low IQ of conservatives is why you always LOSE.
Distrust of government is always the winning position.
Common sense and critical thinking are much more important in everyday life .... You have neither of those things.
So we don't spread life through the galaxy on our space probes.

@Bob B

Murphtard just admitted Nasa wants germs kept away from their spacecraft due to the possibility of spreading life through the galaxy on our space probes.

He'll be apologizing to you shortly.
In Japan, you can buy used women's panties out of a vending machine so I don't think they wear masks to stop germs.
Watching you admit you're a moron is priceless.

What's worse is that you're an incompetent Russian Troll moron who outed himself.. You thought it was 1 AM in the morning in the USA when it was the middle of the afternoon! ROFLMAO

Even worse.. to demonstrate your complete lack of cognitive capacity, which is on par with a dog, you were actually stupid enough to question me about being up at 1 AM !! ROFLMAO.. Seriously, the level of stupid you spew out is alarming..

"Hey look everyone Murphy is up until 1 AM" Oh man.. watching you morons spew out your ignorance is entertainment on a level that just can't be purchased.


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diy solar