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Hunter Biden's Laptop is Russian Disinformation.


Solar Wizard
Nov 14, 2021
Lefties never explained and the 50 "intelligence officials" never explained what the backstory would look like if Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation so help me out here.

The Russians generated a bunch of photos, videos and emails of Hunter doing hookers, blow, crack etc and wrote tens of thousands of phony emails to Joe and other enablers and loaded them all onto a broken laptop. They were able to procure a Hunter Biden doppelganger who then took the laptop into a repair shop where upon diagnosis that the laptop was unrepairable, a repairman would then call Hunter who would acknowledge the laptop was his even though a Russian cyborg pretending to be him was the one that dropped it off, and he would say, no I'm not interested in coming to pick that up. The laptop repairman would notice and download all the nefarious things on there and then notify the FBI who would then come get the laptop.

The Russians did all this in hopes that it would hurt Joe Biden and keep him from being elected because they love Donald Trump.

And the leftists call others conspiracy theorists for Pizzagate even though Epstein literally had an Island that he flew government officials to where they could do pizzagate stuff. And that's just for starters.

Called others conspiracy theorists for saying covid came from a lab.

No, saying Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation is an example of actual conspiracy theory.

PS, Hunter is suing the laptop repairman for taking the info off his computer and yet leftist retards still say the laptop is fake.
We live in a clown world

Hunter Biden Sues Former Trump WH Aide Who Published Laptop Contents​

Hunter Biden is suing a former Trump White House aide for publishing the contents of his infamous 'laptop from hell,' which contains all sorts of evidence against the Biden family, along with private photos, emails and text messages between the first son and his associates.

Yes, the same laptop that 51 former intelligence officials said had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” and which Antony Blinken (then a top Biden campaign official) had a 'central role' in discrediting after the New York Post reported that Hunter Biden exploited his father's position as then-VP foer personal gain.

According to a Wednesday night filing, Hunter Biden's legal team is suing Garrett Ziegler, who operates the website Marco Polo.

The 13-page lawsuit alleges that Ziegler and others violated federal and California privacy laws by "accessing, tampering with, manipulating, altering, copying and damaging computer data" gathered from Hunter Biden's purported laptop and iPhone cloud storage without consent.
The lawsuit details how Ziegler and unnamed defendants allegedly obtained sensitive materials by hacking into encrypted data on Hunter Biden's devices and uploading them to Ziegler's website, where it remains public. In the lawsuit, Hunter Biden's lawyers assert that the defendants had refused requests to "cease their unlawful activity" and return private data belonging to the president's son. -CBS News
In response, Ziegler told CBS News: "I nor the nonprofit, Marco Polo, have been served with a lawsuit — but the one I read this morning out of the Central District of California should embarrass Winston & Strawn LLP. It's not worth the paper it's written on," adding "Apart from the numerous state and federal laws and regulations which protect authors like me and the publishing that Marco Polo does, it's not lost on us that Joe's son filed this SLAPP one day after a so-called Impeachment Inquiry into his father was announced. The president's son is a disgrace to our great nation."

so it IS his laptop? guess we can close the file on that one
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 14, 2023
Earlier this year, Hunter Biden sued a Delaware-based computer repairman, John Paul Mac Issac, with whom Hunter abandoned his now-infamous laptop - the contents of which have been featured in multiple Congressional hearings.

Last year Mac Isaac recalled to the New York Post about how Hunter Biden arrived at his shop in Wilmington, Delaware, in April 2019.

“I’m glad you’re still open,” Hunter Biden allegedly told him. “I just came from the cigar bar, and they told me about your shop, but I had to hurry because you close at seven.”
“I need the data recovered off these, but they all have liquid damage and won’t turn on,” Mac Isaac recalled him saying.
Mac Issac maintains that he obtained the information from Hunter's laptop legally, and that Biden himself dropped it off in April 2019, never returning to claim it. In fact, says he walked into the Albuquerque FBI office, where he explained what he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost. This was mid-September 2019.

Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John Paul Mac Issac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office–Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak–came to John Paul’s business. He offered immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device.

Eight months later, Isaac provided a copy to then-President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who provided a copy of the hard drive to The Post.

Last year, several FBI whistleblowers told Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) that agents investigating Hunter Biden "opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease," adding that his office received "a significant number of protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers" regarding the investigation.

Grassley added that "verified and verifiable derogatory information on Hunter Biden was falsely labeled as disinformation," according to the Washington Examiner.
We live in a clown world

Hunter Biden Sues Former Trump WH Aide Who Published Laptop Contents​

Hunter Biden is suing a former Trump White House aide for publishing the contents of his infamous 'laptop from hell,' which contains all sorts of evidence against the Biden family, along with private photos, emails and text messages between the first son and his associates.

Yes, the same laptop that 51 former intelligence officials said had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” and which Antony Blinken (then a top Biden campaign official) had a 'central role' in discrediting after the New York Post reported that Hunter Biden exploited his father's position as then-VP foer personal gain.

According to a Wednesday night filing, Hunter Biden's legal team is suing Garrett Ziegler, who operates the website Marco Polo.

In response, Ziegler told CBS News: "I nor the nonprofit, Marco Polo, have been served with a lawsuit — but the one I read this morning out of the Central District of California should embarrass Winston & Strawn LLP. It's not worth the paper it's written on," adding "Apart from the numerous state and federal laws and regulations which protect authors like me and the publishing that Marco Polo does, it's not lost on us that Joe's son filed this SLAPP one day after a so-called Impeachment Inquiry into his father was announced. The president's son is a disgrace to our great nation."

Earlier this year, Hunter Biden sued a Delaware-based computer repairman, John Paul Mac Issac, with whom Hunter abandoned his now-infamous laptop - the contents of which have been featured in multiple Congressional hearings.

Last year Mac Isaac recalled to the New York Post about how Hunter Biden arrived at his shop in Wilmington, Delaware, in April 2019.

Mac Issac maintains that he obtained the information from Hunter's laptop legally, and that Biden himself dropped it off in April 2019, never returning to claim it. In fact, says he walked into the Albuquerque FBI office, where he explained what he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost. This was mid-September 2019.

Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John Paul Mac Issac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office–Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak–came to John Paul’s business. He offered immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device.

Eight months later, Isaac provided a copy to then-President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who provided a copy of the hard drive to The Post.

Last year, several FBI whistleblowers told Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) that agents investigating Hunter Biden "opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease," adding that his office received "a significant number of protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers" regarding the investigation.

Grassley added that "verified and verifiable derogatory information on Hunter Biden was falsely labeled as disinformation," according to the Washington Examiner.

On the left we have a clown named "Donald Trump"

On the right we have a sex worker Trump paid.. her name is Stormy Daniels.

Hypocrisy is the tool of the evil and religious.

The Russian Troll is busy...
View attachment 167502

Expect him to trigger his little laughing emoji icon below (that's his thing)

Happy to oblige.

You're one of the idiots that believes its fake.

Go ahead and share with us how you thought the Russians would have planted a fake laptop and had all the above play out perfectly.

Give us a window into a libtard's schizophrenic mind.
On the left we have a clown named "Donald Trump"

On the right we have a sex worker Trump paid.. her name is Stormy Daniels.

Hypocrisy is the tool of the evil and religious.

View attachment 167510

Now Murphy in typical liberal fashion, thinks were concerned over the sexy stuff on Hunter's laptop and not all the evidence showing Joe taking bribes.

Ah libtards.
Lefties never explained and the 50 "intelligence officials" never explained what the backstory would look like if Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation so help me out here.

The Russians generated a bunch of photos, videos and emails of Hunter doing hookers, blow, crack etc and wrote tens of thousands of phony emails to Joe and other enablers and loaded them all onto a broken laptop. They were able to procure a Hunter Biden doppelganger who then took the laptop into a repair shop where upon diagnosis that the laptop was unrepairable, a repairman would then call Hunter who would acknowledge the laptop was his even though a Russian cyborg pretending to be him was the one that dropped it off, and he would say, no I'm not interested in coming to pick that up. The laptop repairman would notice and download all the nefarious things on there and then notify the FBI who would then come get the laptop.

The Russians did all this in hopes that it would hurt Joe Biden and keep him from being elected because they love Donald Trump.

And the leftists call others conspiracy theorists for Pizzagate even though Epstein literally had an Island that he flew government officials to where they could do pizzagate stuff. And that's just for starters.

Called others conspiracy theorists for saying covid came from a lab.

No, saying Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation is an example of actual conspiracy theory.

PS, Hunter is suing the laptop repairman for taking the info off his computer and yet leftist retards still say the laptop is fake.
I agree. It was most likely a bunch of TL’s like you who put the shit on the laprtop

"You Are The Epitome Of White Privilege": Chaos Ensues After Hunter Biden Crashes Contempt Hearing, Then Flees When MTG Speaks​

Hunter Biden received quite the earful after a surprise appearance at his Contempt of Congress hearing for defying a subpoena last month.

Hunter Biden just walked in our Oversight hearing to hold him in contempt.

Hunter can’t follow the law!

Showing up after he’s broken the law by violating his subpoena is not following the law, Hunter must follow the law!!

All Hunter has done is break the law.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) January 10, 2024

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) tore into the First Son, asking "who bribed Hunter Biden to be here?"

"You are the epitome of white privilege. Coming in to the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up here," she said, adding "I think that Hunter Biden should be arrested right here, right now, and go straight to jail."

? NANCY MACE: I think that Hunter Biden should be arrested right here, right now and go straight to jail
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 10, 2024
The Oversight and Judiciary Committees are moving to hold Hunter Biden in contempt after he skipped out on a closed-door deposition last month, where he would have faced serious questions over his business dealings in connection to their impeachment inquiry into his father, President Biden.

Instead, Hunter held an impromptu hearing on Capitol Hill, where he said he would only testify in a public setting, and suggesting (with maximum goalpost moving) that his father "was not financially involved in my business." (As opposed to involved in other ways, which is of course as opposed to the original 'not at all' claim Biden gave on the 2020 campaign trail).

Hilariously, Hunter fled the room when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) began to speak:

Hunter Biden traffics women for sex but ran away when I was recognized to speak to him.

The only women Hunter Biden likes to deal with are the women he hires for sex, flies across the country, films and photos his disgusting porn with, and post his nasty videos on porn sites.…
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) January 10, 2024
He was also asked by a hilarious reporter what type of crack he prefers:

A reporter asked Hunter the burning question on everyone's mind...

REPORTER: " What kind of crack do you normally smoke Mr. Biden?"
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 10, 2024
More questions followed:

REPORTER: "Why did you put your dad on speakerphone if he had nothing to do with your business!? You put him on speaker multiple times to talk to your business partners!"

HUNTER BIDEN: *keeps walking*
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 10, 2024
Aside from the Wednesday clown show, on Tuesday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer noted that the "vast majority" of Hunter Biden's artwork was purchased by wealthy Democratic party donors.

"The vast majority of Hunter Biden’s art has been purchased by Democrat donors, one of whom was appointed by President Biden to a prestigious commission after she purchased Hunter Biden’s art for tens of thousands of dollars shortly after Joe Biden’s inauguration. The White House has a lot of explaining to do about misleading the American people," said comer in a press release.

Hunter Biden’s friend and financial benefactor Kevin Morris purchased $875,000 worth of his art in January 2023, Bergès told lawmakers. Bergès said Morris only paid a 40% commission on the $875,000 purchase, a deal Hunter Biden and Morris knew the financial implications of.
Berges said he had never conducted a deal like it before. He admitted that Hunter Biden’s name influenced the prices of his art. -Daily Caller
Morris has been identified as the third party donor who paid off approximately $2 million in Hunter's backtaxes
truth is revealed in time.

hunter biden and the lap top. It was confirmed as Hunter’s laptop by his lawyer. Done.


the hard drive content was dumped by someone at a ROC website and it showed what was described as porn and maybe under age porn pictures by the viewers lured to see the content. Also confirmed by the computer repair shop as reason he turned it over to fbi.

some ppl over on a website called telegram were hosting the links to the laptop content. There were reports on telegram for a child as young as 6-8 years old involved …. Did not see the picture. Didn’t look at any of it other then the scenes of him whacked out on crack and Hunter missing all his teeth. Does anyone know why crack-meth heads lose their teeth? Did see some of the emails that have been reported by congress. I doubt congress can use those but they can look for bank accounts for their pay to play dates with foreign companies which Congress have done. Whoops. Now let’s see if the sergeant at arms for congress is used to arrest Hunter Biden and if it starts a civil war between the govt agencies.

Sadly 50+ TRUSTED intel agents still having security clearances denied the laptop and labeled it russia russia russia. When asked one confirmed he did it so Biden would win. Imagine Hunter Bidens lawyer saying someone tried to weapon Hunter Biden's laptop. ?????
truth is revealed in time.

hunter biden and the lap top. It was confirmed as Hunter’s laptop by his lawyer. Done.

View attachment 188159

the hard drive content was dumped by someone at a ROC website and it showed what was described as porn and maybe under age porn pictures by the viewers lured to see the content. Also confirmed by the computer repair shop as reason he turned it over to fbi.

some ppl over on a website called telegram were hosting the links to the laptop content. There were reports on telegram for a child as young as 6-8 years old involved …. Did not see the picture. Didn’t look at any of it other then the scenes of him whacked out on crack and Hunter missing all his teeth. Does anyone know why crack-meth heads lose their teeth? Did see some of the emails that have been reported by congress. I doubt congress can use those but they can look for bank accounts for their pay to play dates with foreign companies which Congress have done. Whoops. Now let’s see if the sergeant at arms for congress is used to arrest Hunter Biden and if it starts a civil war between the govt agencies.

Sadly 50+ TRUSTED intel agents still having security clearances denied the laptop and labeled it russia russia russia. When asked one confirmed he did it so Biden would win. Imagine Hunter Bidens lawyer saying someone tried to weapon Hunter Biden's laptop. ?????
View attachment 188164

Good summary!
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truth is revealed in time.

hunter biden and the lap top. It was confirmed as Hunter’s laptop by his lawyer. Done.

Sadly 50+ TRUSTED intel agents still having security clearances denied the laptop and labeled it russia russia russia. When asked one confirmed he did it so Biden would win. Imagine Hunter Bidens lawyer saying someone tried to weapon Hunter Biden's laptop. ?????

View attachment 188164
nothing will happen. and that is exactly why I will never live in the US anymore. i would be tempted... best i ever did was 900 meters.
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"You Are The Epitome Of White Privilege": Chaos Ensues After Hunter Biden Crashes Contempt Hearing, Then Flees When MTG Speaks​

Hunter Biden received quite the earful after a surprise appearance at his Contempt of Congress hearing for defying a subpoena last month.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) tore into the First Son, asking "who bribed Hunter Biden to be here?"

"You are the epitome of white privilege. Coming in to the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up here," she said, adding "I think that Hunter Biden should be arrested right here, right now, and go straight to jail."

The Oversight and Judiciary Committees are moving to hold Hunter Biden in contempt after he skipped out on a closed-door deposition last month, where he would have faced serious questions over his business dealings in connection to their impeachment inquiry into his father, President Biden.

Instead, Hunter held an impromptu hearing on Capitol Hill, where he said he would only testify in a public setting, and suggesting (with maximum goalpost moving) that his father "was not financially involved in my business." (As opposed to involved in other ways, which is of course as opposed to the original 'not at all' claim Biden gave on the 2020 campaign trail).

Hilariously, Hunter fled the room when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) began to speak:

He was also asked by a hilarious reporter what type of crack he prefers:

More questions followed:

Aside from the Wednesday clown show, on Tuesday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer noted that the "vast majority" of Hunter Biden's artwork was purchased by wealthy Democratic party donors.

"The vast majority of Hunter Biden’s art has been purchased by Democrat donors, one of whom was appointed by President Biden to a prestigious commission after she purchased Hunter Biden’s art for tens of thousands of dollars shortly after Joe Biden’s inauguration. The White House has a lot of explaining to do about misleading the American people," said comer in a press release.

Morris has been identified as the third party donor who paid off approximately $2 million in Hunter's backtaxes
He was there to testify.
The republicans didn’t have the guts to question him in a televised hearing
He was there to testify.
The republicans didn’t have the guts to question him in a televised hearing
First, He was scheduled to testify before congress and didn't show up ..... that's what the hearing was about. Contempt of congress for refusing to show up for his deposition.

So, he was just trying to create chaos the for the elite media to cover ... instead of the actual hearing.

3rd .... When they started to ask him questions ... He left. There is clear video evidence of this, but it won't be on your news sources.
His childish rich boy attitude just solidifies what is obvious ..... he has no respect for the law and still thinks his daddy can protect him.
Congress sets the time and date for questioning .... You can't just show up at a hearing and demand to testify ....Oh, and they DID vote to hold him in contempt of congress and that will be going to a full house vote.

When you post in support of a scumbag like Hunter, your viewpoint is warped beyond hope.
Remember Trump being criticized for not speaking well of the CIA and FBI? Schumer warned him.

Skip to 7:30 mark and will see why the 51 Intel ppl lied about the Hunter Biden Laptop. Getting even.
more Schumer
First, He was scheduled to testify before congress and didn't show up ..... that's what the hearing was about. Contempt of congress for refusing to show up for his deposition.

So, he was just trying to create chaos the for the elite media to cover ... instead of the actual hearing.

3rd .... When they started to ask him questions ... He left. There is clear video evidence of this, but it won't be on your news sources.
His childish rich boy attitude just solidifies what is obvious ..... he has no respect for the law and still thinks his daddy can protect him.
Congress sets the time and date for questioning .... You can't just show up at a hearing and demand to testify ....Oh, and they DID vote to hold him in contempt of congress and that will be going to a full house vote.

When you post in support of a scumbag like Hunter, your viewpoint is warped beyond hope.
What a bunch of horse shit
First, He was scheduled to testify before congress and didn't show up ..... that's what the hearing was about. Contempt of congress for refusing to show up for his deposition.

So, he was just trying to create chaos the for the elite media to cover ... instead of the actual hearing.

3rd .... When they started to ask him questions ... He left. There is clear video evidence of this, but it won't be on your news sources.
His childish rich boy attitude just solidifies what is obvious ..... he has no respect for the law and still thinks his daddy can protect him.
Congress sets the time and date for questioning .... You can't just show up at a hearing and demand to testify ....Oh, and they DID vote to hold him in contempt of congress and that will be going to a full house vote.

When you post in support of a scumbag like Hunter, your viewpoint is warped beyond hope.
For the ongoing Hunter saga .... He has now agreed to testify in a deposition format as originally subpoenaed. Too late, however, to keep the contempt of congress charges from going forward ..... He was already a no show for 2 subpoenas.

A snippet from the above linked article.



We'll have to wait and see what additional scumbaggery he has planned.

Even low life Fauci isn't stupid enough to defy a congressional subpoena ... He just sat for 17 hours of deposition.
For the ongoing Hunter saga .... He has now agreed to testify in a deposition format as originally subpoenaed. Too late, however, to keep the contempt of congress charges from going forward ..... He was already a no show for 2 subpoenas.

A snippet from the above linked article.

View attachment 188719

View attachment 188718

We'll have to wait and see what additional scumbaggery he has planned.

Even low life Fauci isn't stupid enough to defy a congressional subpoena ... He just sat for 17 hours of deposition.
I think Fauci said “Do Not Recall”….for most of his.
Remember Trump being criticized for not speaking well of the CIA and FBI? Schumer warned him.

Didn't read it but I assume you're talking about Schumer saying in reference to the FBI and CIA that you can't "mess" with them because "they have 6 ways from Sunday of getting back at ya" or something to that affect.

Schumer knows the deep state is in charge to the point that even congress can't control them.
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For the ongoing Hunter saga .... He has now agreed to testify in a deposition format as originally subpoenaed. Too late, however, to keep the contempt of congress charges from going forward ..... He was already a no show for 2 subpoenas.

A snippet from the above linked article.

View attachment 188719

View attachment 188718

We'll have to wait and see what additional scumbaggery he has planned.

Even low life Fauci isn't stupid enough to defy a congressional subpoena ... He just sat for 17 hours of deposition.

Fauci thinks he's the most interesting guy in the room.
Didn't read it but I assume you're talking about Schumer saying in reference to the FBI and CIA that you can't "mess" with them because "they have 6 ways from Sunday of getting back at ya" or something to that affect.

Schumer knows the deep state is in charge to the point that even congress can't control them.
Exactly These ppl are huge world wide organized criminals

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