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diy solar

Strange issue with JBD AP21S001 with first cell voltage


New Member
Nov 11, 2023
Phoenix, AZ
Hi all - I've purchased the JBD AP21S001 BMS and am trying to us it in an 8s configuration. I following their funky wiring diagram, so I've joined leads 6-19 together on cell 6, and when I plug in the BMS it shows 8 cells as expected, but the voltage on cell 1 is lower than it should be - it reports ~2.7v and the rest of the cells all show ~3.3v. I went through with my multimeter and double checked all the connections, so confirmed all the batteries are 3.3v, confirmed that the probe ends are all 3.3v between eachother, and also confirmed that the voltage on the JST connector reads as expected. I have bough to of the BMS's, so I even tried swapping between the two, and they both show the same lower than expected voltage on cell 1. I'm assuming there must be something I'm missing from the wiring perspective, but I'm at a loss for what it could be. Here's how I have it setup:

BC0 -> most negative
BC1 -> cell 1
BC2 -> cell 2
BC3 -> cell 3
BC4 -> cell 4
BC5 -> cell 5
BC6 thru BC19 -> cell 6
BC20 -> cell 6
BC21 -> most positive

Anyone else run into this issue, or is there something I'm doing wrong that I missed? Thanks!
Not familiar with your specific model JBD, but our 4s JBD BMS supports calibration of the individual cell voltages. Since you're reading the correct voltage at the cell 1 BMS JST connector, it's possible the cell 1 voltage simply needs to be calibrated.
Yes i have.
I am guessing you have not yet connected the B- to the battery. Just a small wire with alligator clips will fix that first cell voltage while testing it.
You're right - I haven't, I was just trying the battery by itself, I'll go try this right now and report back. Thanks for the suggestion!

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