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diy solar

EG4_6.5 use with low amp hook up


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
I have a EG4_6.5 inverter in an RV. I am trying to figure out how to set it if I show up to a friends house and they only have a small extension cord (15 amps) to give me. I have enough battery power to run the rv but would like to take advantage of the grid when available. I may get a 30 amp connection,(which is not enough to run the rv) or a 50 amp connection. Do I just adjust the battery charge current to the max current available or is there a way to get the inverter to feed the grid to the output and supplement the output with battery power?

I have 2 48v 280ah packs with a solar assistant pii talking to the batteries via the overkill bms usb connectors. Thanks in advance.
I’m trying to understand what you’re asking. You want to throttle you battery charging when using a lower amperage circuit for grid connection. Is that correct?
awesome, responses! I was getting worried. I was surfing, which I do alot of but dont really post much. I remember reading that someone was using a small connection to support his solution to run his rv. I couldnt find that post as it was a long time ago. I didnt know if you manage it from battery charging or there was some inverter setting you could adjust. But I couldnt figure out how the inverter would know the max capacity of the grid power. If its all handled via the charger part of the inverter, that makes sense. Not sure how a battery would work with an input of 15 amps charging and 40 amps of discharging at the same time but I guess thats how you do it?

Thanks for the suggestions on page 40 and 43.
Not sure how a battery would work with an input of 15 amps charging and 40 amps of discharging at the same time but I guess thats how you do it?
It's impossible to charge and discharge batteries simultaneously; it can switch back and forth quickly, but it can't do both simultaneously. If you were supplying your loads and charging, then your loads would be getting their supply from the grid, if you had a limitation set for how much you can sip from the grid, and the loads demanded more, the inverter would either stop charging and combine the power from the grid and batteries to supply the load, or possibly shut off the charging from the grid, then pull all the power demanded for load from the batteries if it exceeded what was grid limited.

I'm not as familiar with the EG4 inverters but multi-source AC/DC combining either from Solar, Grid, or Batteries is available on some inverters.
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This inverter has solar, I just haven't invested in solar yet. The space vs return is a little disappointing from my calculations right now. I am working to determine actual draw on different components vs RV park electricity. The goal is to stay at RV parks, charge my banks so I can go away off grid and use the stored energy I managed to get. its all a little disappointing right now just with quantity of energy needed vs storage capability. little space heaters use 1500 watts, the heat pump uses 2000 watts, the oil filled uses 1750 watts so my batteries will only last a day, 12-18 hours. Last charge took 12ish hours at 30 amps and that wasn't from 10 percent, power level was higher. Im in Texas, so it gets real hot, fast. so using fans is not an option. I went to a 30 amp park where i learned I did not have my inverter working correctly and had to go home 2 hours later. It was 109 degrees, not the best day for an RV. If I have my equipment right this time, I should be able to use the batteries to drive 2 air conditioners and use the 30 amp grid to slow the battery drain. I appreciate your information on this topic, I am just trying to identify my energy boundaries.

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