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diy solar

Seplos and Deye reboot loop


New Member
Oct 15, 2021
Hi all,
I have Seplos v2 with fw29 that I have been using for almost 2 years.
Recently changed the inverter to Deye and wanted to connect Seplos 2 it but cannot seem to make it work when the battery is set to Lithium.
Once CAN cable is connected Seplos would run for 5 secs start discharging and then shutdown and reboot. It constantly keeps looping like that.
Deye can see Soc, Voltage, Amps etc. Battery mode is set to 00 SHEnergy on Battery Monitor the protocol is Sofar.
When inverter is set to time charge from grid everything works as expected.
If I disconnect CAN cable and do not use Lithium but V(dump mode) everything works as expected.
Anyone has any ideas what is going on?
If that is the case I would not expect it to work at all. In my case it works when charging also inverter does communicate with inverter as the data(soc, V, A etc) appear on inverter. It just that seplos keeps rebooting when in discharge mode.
Did you solve the problem? I did not find any specific instructions on which Lithium mode to use with the Seplos BMS. Seplos batteries are not included in the list of recommended batteries for Deye, why? I ended up using Lithium mode 12 because thats recommended for Pylontech batteries, which to my knowledge, use the same protocol. Am I wrong? Any comments?
Set with the Battery monitor software the protocol to Pylon ! Battery type in the Deye to 00

I have the same inverter and a Seplos Mason 280L battery with BMS V2 and it works fine.
First time when I got the SolarAsistant running I wanted all the data from cells and the inverter data in it. So I connected Deye to SA on one converter, and the Seplos v2 on another RS485 converter to SA. The packs went crazy - off-on-off-on, unusable.
Later confirmed with Seplos and SA - it is not a supported configuration on Seplos v2.

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diy solar