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diy solar

Inverters reporting without internet ?


New Member
May 26, 2021
Mideast U.S.A.
What inverter brands/models can report their history and live performance direct to my nearby smart phone without any internet intervention ?
SMA comes with built in Wifi. Thats whats used to commission/configure inverter. And I connect with phone and computer for stats. Live in the country and do not have internet.

When traveling and want to confirm inverter and solar is working I log into PGE website and it displays solar production per day, month or year.
History is usually not saved on any device. An inverter that has Bluetooth should be able to report live performance. e.g. a Victron inverter with VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongle or VE.Bus Smart Dongle (depending on what port the inverter has).
A Victron Cerbo can create its own wifi hotspot, but you don’t get all the bells and whistles of their remote monitoring software.

Solar Assistant can also work off its own wifi signal, but in this case you have access to everything.
I use a Solar-log to collect and store the data, it also backs the data up to a USB stick every night. So data is in 2 places.

They die every 8 to 10 years, 9 out of 10 that fail can be recovered by replacing the SD card with the right alternative SD card as not all are accepted. No need for internet just a LAN and RS485.
What inverter brands/models can report their history and live performance direct to my nearby smart phone without any internet intervention ?
inverter not sure, but solar assistant ( which is compatible with a lot of inverters, bms's etc ) is perfectly happy running just on you local network
Hi. Searching forum looking for threads that may help. I also travel a great deal. I am looking for a way to connect a wifi device to (for example) the input to my alarm light on the inverter panel that would trigger a push notification to my phone via text. Anyone have any thoughts on this? For me it is not practical to check output of system regularly. Even if I checked it monthly? The true up charges could be significant. Regards Todd

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