diy solar

diy solar


Guilt and innocence only apply to a criminal trial you moron.
oh explain to this moron the reasons why you would and wouldn't be held liable in a civil trial? There is no evidence allowed? Its just a coin toss? Clearly you have some alternative explanation since you are a brainiac
Gosh ..... wonder why they hid this report?

The most critical problem we found is an arbitrary-code-execution vulnerability that can be exploited to spread malware from a county’s central election management system (EMS) to every BMD in the jurisdiction. This makes it possible to attack the BMDs at scale, over a wide area, without needing physical access to any of them.

Trump: Overwhelming evidence of corruption
Biden: fake made up bull shit

You are truly a troll. I would take "They are both serving the "globalist scum" answer to at least give yourself some credibility (as you tried early in the thread).
But when you say Biden is not corrupt, you completely and totally discredit yourself.
It is clear that trolls like you are here to disrupt this thread.
I am no fan of anyone in power, but i find satisfaction when libbies go crazy over their TDS!

PS. Biden and his regime are the most openly corrupt in the history of the United States. They are OPENLY destroying what's left of the country.
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Excellent sourcing Bob. A twitter account. I bet you got straight A's in college with this kind of references.
Meanwhile exhibit A:
You are truly a troll. I would take "They are both serving the "globalist scum" answer to at least give yourself some credibility (as you tried early in the thread).
But when you say Biden is not corrupt, you completely and totally discredit yourself.
It is clear that trolls like you are here to disrupt this thread.
I am no fan of anyone in power, but i find satisfaction when libbies go crazy over their TDS!
Show me pics of Biden with Epstein.
Show me pics of Biden with Epstein.

Don't be an idiot.
Epstein is just a tiny part of it and as a typical libbie you ignore the forest for the trees.
While a vast majority of people in power were involved with the Epstein scandal (worldwide), what makes Biden notoriously bad and corrupt is his lifelong grift and bribe taking from pretty much anyone willing to pay.
His entire career is influence peddling.
The proof of this is too numerous to cite, but here is some

Ofcourse, today's Biden the man is already a controlled veggie, but the entire Biden as Obama's third term/Globalist Puppet continues his career of destruction.

Things like rejoining the WHO, the whole Climate Agenda, Destruction of American Self Sufficiency, the list is very long.
And then we get to the whole Biden Ukraine influence peddling that is responsible for the war of Slav on Slav in Ukraine that resulted in thousands dead on both sides with population of both Russia and Ukraine further impoverished and globalist agendas advancing in both places.

More links of Biden Corruption

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Don't be an idiot.
Epstein is just a tiny part of it and as a typical libbie you ignore the forest for the trees.
While a vast majority of people in power were involved with the Epstein scandal (worldwide), what makes Biden notoriously bad and corrupt is his lifelong grift and bribe taking from pretty much anyone willing to pay.
His entire career is influence peddling.
The proof of this is too numerous to cite, but here is some

Ofcourse, today's Biden the man is already a controlled veggie, but the entire Biden as Obama's third term/Globalist Puppet continues his career of destruction.

Things like rejoining the WHO, the whole Climate Agenda, Destruction of American Self Sufficiency, the list is very long.
And then we get to the whole Biden Ukraine influence peddling that is responsible for the war of Slav on Slav in Ukraine that resulted in thousands dead on both sides with population of both Russia and Ukraine further impoverished and globalist agendas advancing in both places.
Go back to the Biden impeachment thread.
this is the Trump thread, and it sounds like you are defending/justifying/ what abouting Trumps obvious friendship with Epstein.
Go back to the Biden impeachment thread.
this is the Trump thread, and it sounds like you are defending/justifying/ what abouting Trumps obvious friendship with Epstein.
Apparently you totally missed all the evidence that of Joe's pedophilia .... Check out his daughters diary where she talks about him taking showers with her

.... and Joe passed the pedophilia on to this scumbag.
Go back to the Biden impeachment thread.
this is the Trump thread, and it sounds like you are defending/justifying/ what abouting Trumps obvious friendship with Epstein.

Stop being a leftard. I said many times that I dont trust any of the candidates. Our issues are long way past voting our way out of it.

Still we need to remember that "Biden" administration is the most openly corrupt one ever. In under 3 years it has greatly accelerated the globalist agenda and destruction of America.

Then there's former Biden business associate, Tony Bobulinski - who flipped on the Bidens, confirmed that the "Big Guy" (of '10% for the Big Guy' fame) is Joe Biden, and that he met with Joe Biden twice in LA in 2017 as part of the vetting process for him to run a joint venture with Hunter and his Uncle Jim Biden, an a Chinese energy company (CEFC), which would end up netting them millions of dollars in exchange for no obvious products or services.

Then again, this is CNN we're talking about. Just admitting that Trump was right is a huge baby-step in the right direction.

Corporate Media claimed:

1) Russia-Collusion real
2) Steele Dossier credible
3) Trump a Putin puppet
4) Hunter Laptop was Russian disinfo
5) FBI acted fairly
6) Censorship by Govt a myth
7) Covid didn't come from lab
8) Biden wasn't involved w/Hunter

Leftists: Still trust media

If you dont see the destruction the collective Biden has unleashed on America in 2023, you are either a globalist shill or a naive useful idiot. There is no other. (And while i think Trump also plays for the globalist team, the amount of destruction that was done in 2020-2023 dwarfs ANYTHING that was done under Trump or even Obama (although Obama did a very significant amount in advancing the crazy)
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oh explain to this moron the reasons why you would and wouldn't be held liable in a civil trial? There is no evidence allowed? Its just a coin toss? Clearly you have some alternative explanation since you are a brainiac

Do you really need help understanding the difference between a civil case and a criminal case? If you bothered to research this sort of thing before you bloviate about it you wouldn't look so stupid.

For starters, a jury in a civil case either finds for the plaintiff or for the defendant based on a preponderance of the evidence. A jury in a criminal trial can only find a defendant guilty if the evidence proves so beyond a reasonable doubt. These are two entirely different standards with one being much higher and more difficult to reach than the other.

When you use the term "guilty" when referring to the outcome of a civil case you appear to have no idea what you are talking about. When you continue to try to defend your misuse of the term you look like you are incapable of understanding the difference.
Also, you are cool with Epstein's friends? pedophile supporter

I am simply pointing out the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about. I assumed it was ignorance, but based on the quoted post it is likely just plain stupidity.
I am simply pointing out the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about. I assumed it was ignorance, but based on the quoted post it is likely just plain stupidity.
this is you: "preponderance of the evidence"

Preponderance:1. : a superiority in weight, power, importance, or strength. 2. a. : a superiority or excess in number or quantity.

So how does that not tell you the civil court decided Trump is a rapist?

Or are you grasping at straws to defend your boy?
I have confirmed .... again .... that the 3 trolls are nothing but trolls .... back on ignore they go.
I have confirmed .... again .... that the 3 trolls are nothing but trolls .... back on ignore they go.
Running and you runnin and you running away, but you can't get away from yourself.
Bob B the bot blocking himself for being a pedophile defending troll?
this is you: "preponderance of the evidence"

Preponderance:1. : a superiority in weight, power, importance, or strength. 2. a. : a superiority or excess in number or quantity.

So how does that not tell you the civil court decided Trump is a rapist?

Or are you grasping at straws to defend your boy?

You seem to stray off the main point which if you go back to the beginning of my problem with your statements it was that you claimed Trump was "found guilty" of sexual assault; a crime.

My point throughout this discussion: no, he wasn't. He lost a civil case which is vastly different from being "found guilty", a term that only applies to a criminal case.

Once again, there is no such thing as "found guilty" in terms of the outcome of a civil matter in the legal world. Maybe there is in yours, and maybe that's the reason you are having such a difficult time understanding this concept.

You don't have to believe me. Look it up.

It's like you saying that the output power capability of your PV array is 400 ohms, and then trying to defend the statement when someone corrects you.
Or are you grasping at straws to defend your boy?

Once again, drifting off the point of our discussion which is simply your misuse of terms either out of ignorance or to purposely color something differently from what it is.

It has nothing to do with any person other than you. Correcting your mistake does not mean I am defending anyone.

"This Might Be The Biggest Lie Of The Year From Biden Regime"​

Had the Biden administration prioritized southern border security, significant efforts to resolve the crisis would likely have been completed by now instead of peddling blatant lies and half-truths to deflect the blame for their disastrous open border policies that have flooded the nation with millions of illegals (and individuals on the FBI's terror watch list) ahead the 2024 presidential election cycle.

A large chunk of corporate progressive media outlets have been spoonfed propaganda from the White House this year to distract Americans with southern border misinformation.

The clearest misinformation campaign from the White House was in May, when Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorka declared: "I want to be very clear, our borders are not open."

“I want to be very clear, our borders are not open” - @SecMayorkas, May 11th, 2023

This might be the biggest lie of the year from the Biden regime.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 27, 2023
"This might be the biggest lie of the year from the Biden regime," X user Libs of TikTok wrote in a post.

Responding to Libs of TikTok's post, X user RedWave Press said:

"This is a massive lie. The southern border is wide open and the Biden administration is funding the whole thing. Our country is going to be run into the ground by illegal immigrants if something doesn't change."
This is a massive lie. The southern border is wide open and the Biden administration is funding the whole thing. Our country is going to be run into the ground by illegal immigrants if something doesn't change. Follow if you agree.
— RedWave Press (@RedWave_Press) December 27, 2023
But the border lies don't stop with Mayorka. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been on the frontlines of spreading misinformation, saying President Biden has done "everything that he can" to secure the border.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "The president has done everything that he can on his own to try to figure out how do we deal with what's going on at the border"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 8, 2023
"It's just a blind spot for this entire White House, this entire administration, that would really prefer that they didn't have to deal with any of the ramifications of the policy choices that they've made when it comes to the border and that Alexander Mayorkas has been so terrible at and actually implementing when it comes to the DHS policy involved," Ben Domenech, the publisher and co-founder of The Federalist, recently told Fox Business' Ashley Webster.

Endless border misinformation injected into corporate media by the White House has been on full display in recent days when the US Customs and Border Protection released data indicating a quarter of a million migrant encounters at the southern border in November - the busiest November on record.

#BREAKING CBP sources confirm migrant encounters have surpassed 250k for the month of December—On pace to break the previous record set in September of 269,735.

The majority, 66k+ have entered through Arizona’s Tucson sector (Lukeville) this month—While 60k+ entered through…
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) December 26, 2023

Migrants are seen in a celebratory mood on top of a cargo train going through Chihuahua, Mexico, as others cheer and try to jump onboard.

Source: Police Frequency
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) December 26, 2023
These photos were sent to me yesterday from Coahuila, Mexico, showing hundreds of migrants climbing on trains to try to reach the US border. Mexico must immediately do two things to address this crisis:

— Rep. Henry Cuellar (@RepCuellar) December 19, 2023
Furthermore, the new website Muckraker revealed a treasure trove of "mass migration blueprints," handed out by NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, across South and Central America to illegals with details about their route to the US.


Muckraker has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the…
— (@realmuckraker) December 23, 2023
"A lot of NGOs are helping Biden open the border to unlimited illegal crossing. But none of this could happen without the president's approval," Byron York, the chief political correspondent at the Washington Examiner, said last week.

The breaking point for law-abiding and tax-paying Americans has arrived. They're tired of being lied to by radicals in the White House and corporate media. That's why Biden's polling data has plunged to record lows, and trust in media has imploded.
Bob B the bot blocking himself for being a pedophile defending troll?

You mean poopy joe that sniffs little kids hair and was showering with his own daughter?
(PS. A huge percentage of people in power are all guilty of this as shown in Epstein reveal)
Trump is no saint, that much is clear. In this coming election, if there is one, where you put your dot means little. Back when elections mattered people said, well it was a choice between two evils. Now you don't even get a choice, you may think you do, but you don't. And it does not matter where you put your dot, the outcome is already decided.

I do think Trump has the United States best interests behind his actions. Joe, you just can't say that with a straight face.

I highly doubt you will see Trump in the white house again, The first time was a mistake. They bought into their own polls. That mistake will not be allowed to happen again, and they have been testing it both in the US and around the world.

Oddly enough in places like Argentina that largely did away with electronic and mail in voting the election did not go the way people had figured.

It is a Trump thread, so I will end with don't worry about Trump, he will not be allowed to sit in the white house again.

diy solar

diy solar