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"This Might Be The Biggest Lie Of The Year From Biden Regime"​

Had the Biden administration prioritized southern border security, significant efforts to resolve the crisis would likely have been completed by now instead of peddling blatant lies and half-truths to deflect the blame for their disastrous open border policies that have flooded the nation with millions of illegals (and individuals on the FBI's terror watch list) ahead the 2024 presidential election cycle.

A large chunk of corporate progressive media outlets have been spoonfed propaganda from the White House this year to distract Americans with southern border misinformation.

The clearest misinformation campaign from the White House was in May, when Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorka declared: "I want to be very clear, our borders are not open."

"This might be the biggest lie of the year from the Biden regime," X user Libs of TikTok wrote in a post.

Responding to Libs of TikTok's post, X user RedWave Press said:

But the border lies don't stop with Mayorka. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been on the frontlines of spreading misinformation, saying President Biden has done "everything that he can" to secure the border.

"It's just a blind spot for this entire White House, this entire administration, that would really prefer that they didn't have to deal with any of the ramifications of the policy choices that they've made when it comes to the border and that Alexander Mayorkas has been so terrible at and actually implementing when it comes to the DHS policy involved," Ben Domenech, the publisher and co-founder of The Federalist, recently told Fox Business' Ashley Webster.

Endless border misinformation injected into corporate media by the White House has been on full display in recent days when the US Customs and Border Protection released data indicating a quarter of a million migrant encounters at the southern border in November - the busiest November on record.

Furthermore, the new website Muckraker revealed a treasure trove of "mass migration blueprints," handed out by NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, across South and Central America to illegals with details about their route to the US.

"A lot of NGOs are helping Biden open the border to unlimited illegal crossing. But none of this could happen without the president's approval," Byron York, the chief political correspondent at the Washington Examiner, said last week.

The breaking point for law-abiding and tax-paying Americans has arrived. They're tired of being lied to by radicals in the White House and corporate media. That's why Biden's polling data has plunged to record lows, and trust in media has imploded.
I agree with everything you are saying.
I just want to add that it shouldn’t be an excuse to get your news from political trolls, especially Russians like Bob b.
Two wrongs don’t make a right and one wrong doesn’t make you right.
Great point and for now we can even speak what we want.
Remenber rthat after trump silences free speach.
Thats hilarious and another example of democrats accusing the other side of something they arent doing, but the democrats themselves are doing in droves.
The Biden administration is under a federal court order to stop working with social media companies to silence american citizens. Biden even appealed the ruling to try and continue it but was denied.
Trump never did anything of the sort even to fake news outlets like CNN.
We can only hope Trump is reelected, maybe he van save the country.
710,000 illegal migrant encounters since october 1st, less than three months. And that doesnt include "gotaways". Its estimated that over 10 million illegal, unvetted invaders have entered the country under Bidens watch. At the same time he is allied with and encourages Israels destruction of Gaza. I can imagine a dozen more 9/11s.
Theres reports of thousands of these illegals being young military age Chinese nationals, very well dressed. Whats gonna happen if we get in a conflict with China over Taiwan? Oh wait thats not gonna happen. Biden will cave and not lift a finger. 10% for the big guy on top of being a typical milquetoast democrat commander in chief.
If you bothered to read my past postings on this forum, you'd know I am all for the border wall.

I'm probably just wasting my time because you'll just ignore this post.
Youre all for the border wall but vote for the guy that immediately stopped building it, doesnt let the border patrol do its job, and invited illegals to come here while campaigning. Right.
I agree with everything you are saying.
I just want to add that it shouldn’t be an excuse to get your news from political trolls, especially Russians like Bob b.
Two wrongs don’t make a right and one wrong doesn’t make you right.
This troll still thinks he can get away with his lie ..... It's reminiscent of the lies he was wrong about with his other forum name that he brought up over and over again just to torture himself.
No .... I haven't ignored this one yet. I was pretty sure he wasn't done with his desire to harm himself.

I decided to look it up on Wikipedia and this is what I found .... I think it is too late .... The damage is already permanent.

The motivations for self-harm vary. Some use it as a coping mechanism to provide temporary relief of intense feelings such as anxiety, depression, stress, emotional numbness, or a sense of failure. Self-harm is often associated with a history of trauma, including emotional and sexual abuse.[11][12] There are a number of different methods that can be used to treat self-harm, which concentrate on either treating the underlying causes or on treating the behavior itself. Other approaches involve avoidance techniques, which focus on keeping the individual occupied with other activities, or replacing the act of self-harm with safer methods that do not lead to permanent damage.[13]
Now, Maine can be added to the list of states trying to keep Trump off the ballot ..... In this case, it is the Maine Secretary of State who thinks he has the power to do this.
So ... who are the ones who are trying to destroy democracy?

The good news is that the states and prosecutors engaging in this kind of lunacy is shining a light on where the greatest corruption resides ..... People living in these states need to get involved get these people out of positions of authority.

Hopefully this will speed up the US Supreme Courts decision about whether to weigh in on this craziness

I'm sure, however, that there is going to be more and more of this kind of lunacy since everything else they have done isn't working ..... and every time the pull this kind of crap Trump's poll numbers go up.
The dems are hell bent on increasing out banana republic status.
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I agree with everything you are saying.
I just want to add that it shouldn’t be an excuse to get your news from political trolls, especially Russians like Bob b.
Two wrongs don’t make a right and one wrong doesn’t make you right.
I guess you don't realize that you have already destroyed all credibility of your new forum name .... Your going to have to go back to the drawing board and try to reinvent yourself .... again.
I guess you don't realize that you have already destroyed all credibility of your new forum name .... Your going to have to go back to the drawing board and try to reinvent yourself .... again.
I take it your thinking MurphyGuy?
I take it your thinking MurphyGuy?
If not .... He's a clone ..... All the same techniques ..... always trying to label someone as a Russian .... Keeps bringing up the same things over and over in spite of being totally discredited.
This thread is a collage of Epstein supporting Magats.
Show us one single example of a post promoting Epstein.
All youve done is proven yourself incapable of progressive discourse, and a propensity for introducing irrelevent issues intent on slandering those with opposing views.
Is this where youre going to claim Trump is a divisive force in America?
The person youre supporting, one Joseph Biden, is overseeing the destruction of our country, and you want nothing more than 4 more years of it. 10 million unvetted illegals let loose in the streets of our cities in 3 years. Why would you support this? Please explain.
It's trump brainwashing. If you disagree with trump in any small way, you are demonized and threatened by trump. And those who worship trump follow suite

Take Bob Barr for example. He defended trump vigorously during his presidency.
Barr couldn’t find any evidence of wide spread voter fraud when asked to.

For that honest opinion, trump called him a gutless pig and intends to indict him when he’s reelected.
The fact is Bill Barr claimed his justice dept investigated claims of voter fraud and found none.
A number of FOIA requests were later made looking for evidence of this investigation Barr claimed happened, and they all turned up empty.
Barr lied, simple as that. Hes a Swamp Monster.
Worse, its been reported that Barrs office blocked the Philadrlphia FBI field office from investigating allegations of fraud.

Democrats like to bring out Swamp Monsters like Barr to discredit Trump. Its amazing how Democrats readily ally with these people whose sole intent is to perpetuate Washington DC status quo of corruption and working against the will of American citizens.

How bout Liz Cheney. Hows her career going now.
Now, Maine can be added to the list of states trying to keep Trump off the ballot ..... In this case, it is the Maine Secretary of State who thinks he has the power to do this.
So ... who are the ones who are trying to destroy democracy?

The good news is that the states and prosecutors engaging in this kind of lunacy is shining a light on where the greatest corruption resides ..... People living in these states need to get involved get these people out of positions of authority.

Hopefully this will speed up the US Supreme Courts decision about whether to weigh in on this craziness

I'm sure, however, that there is going to be more and more of this kind of lunacy since everything else they have done isn't working ..... and every time the pull this kind of crap Trump's poll numbers go up.
The dems are hell bent on increasing out banana republic status.

All I have to say is with these guys trying to destroy democracy, it is a darn good thing that is not the system of .gov we have in the US.

The answers I would accept Alex are.

Constitutional Republic
Constitutional Representative Republic.

See we have this pesky out of date hunk of paper that is called the Constitution and that LIMITS the power of the .gov. They can't do anything they want. Some things are a hard no because the final say so is that moldy scrap of paper that so many want to get rid of.

So you see years of what we have today, bending twisting words don't mean that. Till no one really knows how the hell anything works around here. Thanks Jimmy Carter for destroying the american education system......sorry, did I say destroy, I wanted to say improve it to produce good little consumers, and worker bees. Not thinkers. We can't have that.

And if you think the R's are any better you are kidding yourself. They are worse, say just what you want to hear and then do nothing. Repeal Obama care.....remember that....yea right. They are all on the same side, and it IS NOT YOURS.

The only thing with Trump is both sides HATE him. R's hate him, that is clear as day, D's hate him, also clear as day.....only issue is we the people like him. And that is one real problem. It really is a larger issue then anyone thinks, they are VERY AFRAID of that man. And not for any of the BS things they say.

Term 1 was a shock to all, and I don't think Trump was ready for what he was walking into, he has said so his self. Term 2 you will see a smoke trail of what he is going to do within the powers of the Pres of the US, and they all know it. And they fear it. There will never be a Trump 2. It will not be allowed to happen.

But I will also say I will be quite happy if I am wrong.
Excellent sourcing Bob. A twitter account. I bet you got straight A's in college with this kind of references.
Meanwhile exhibit A:
Youve proven what? Both Epstein and Trump were at parties where people had cameras? Wow slam dunk case.
Trump: Overwhelming evidence of corruption
Biden: fake made up bull shit
Wow one trick pony here.
"Its all lies!"
So all those bank statements and suspicious money transfer flags the FBI had were fake made up bullshit? Is that why Hunter has been indicted? That testimony his former partner gave to congress is all fake made up bullshit?
Joes back pedaling lies, all fake made up bullshit?
Never spoke to his son about his business. Oh darn that was a lie.
Never met Burisma bosses. Oops that was a lie too.
The world bank wanted the prosecuter fired.
Oh darn that was Joes decision alone. Another lie. In fact just two months prior John Kerry commended Shokin for doing a great job. Until he went after Bidens sons employer.
The Biden crime family.
December 2023 isnt even over yet, and over 250,000 illegal migrants entered since Dec 1. Defend that, please.
Wow one trick pony here.
"Its all lies!"
So all those bank statements and suspicious money transfer flags the FBI had were fake made up bullshit? Is that why Hunter has been indicted? That testimony his former partner gave to congress is all fake made up bullshit?
According to most TL’s the FBI is corrupt.
Joes back pedaling lies, all fake made up bullshit?
Never spoke to his son about his business. Oh darn that was a lie.
Never met Burisma bosses. Oops that was a lie too.
The world bank wanted the prosecuter fired.
Oh darn that was Joes decision alone. Another lie.
In fact just two months prior John Kerry commended Shokin for doing a great job. Until he went after Bidens son’s employer.
The Biden crime family.
December 2023 isnt even over yet, and over 250,000 illegal migrants entered since Dec 1. Defend that, please.
How many times do I have to post that I am in favor of the border wall.
You just don’t give up.
This troll still thinks he can get away with his lie ..... It's reminiscent of the lies he was wrong about with his other forum name that he brought up over and over again just to torture himself.
No .... I haven't ignored this one yet. I was pretty sure he wasn't done with his desire to harm himself.

I decided to look it up on Wikipedia and this is what I found .... I think it is too late .... The damage is already permanent.

The motivations for self-harm vary. Some use it as a coping mechanism to provide temporary relief of intense feelings such as anxiety, depression, stress, emotional numbness, or a sense of failure. Self-harm is often associated with a history of trauma, including emotional and sexual abuse.[11][12] There are a number of different methods that can be used to treat self-harm, which concentrate on either treating the underlying causes or on treating the behavior itself. Other approaches involve avoidance techniques, which focus on keeping the individual occupied with other activities, or replacing the act of self-harm with safer methods that do not lead to permanent damage.[13]
Give me your address, I’ll send you a sympathy card.
According to most TL’s the FBI is corrupt. How many times do I have to post that I am in favor of the border wall.

There is absolutely no doubt about that. The evidence is numerous and is staring in front of your lying eyes if you look hard enough.
Ofcourse, you would have to define corruption - which i usually do as serving the unelected "globalist scum" against the people of United States.
Are there are "good" rank-and-file? Probably, but most are just following orders (or they will quickly be denied their fat govt paycheck and fat govt pension), and those who defy them are quickly shown their place.

The border wall is a symptom. It will achieve nothing. I am for removing the free shit that is the lure for all the illegals, which would be actually attacking the real cause. I am not holding my breath, noone in power will do it, as it does not benefit them as it directly serves "globalist scum" wants:

1. Generation of Chaos (Always always an excuse to tighten the bolts and limit personal liberties)
2. Universal Biometric Digital ID (you will need one to enter the stores because "looting"). This opens the path to CBDC which will be used for absolute control over everyone if allowed to manifest
3. US Army replacement (The vaxx/dei crisis in armed forces was intentional) who will be ordered to fire on American Citizens (Ever notice that vast majority of illegals are prime age males?)
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Give me your address, I’ll send you a sympathy card.

Looks like an admission that you are just here to troll .... and don't really care that you have zero credibility going forward.

Time to create a new forum name and see how long it takes people to figure out you are nothing but a troll.
Looks like an admission that you are just here to troll .... and don't really care that you have zero credibility going forward.

Time to create a new forum name and see how long it takes people to figure out you are nothing but a troll.
You sound like an expert

Historians of the future, flash-frying peccary testicles and mesquite pods over their campfires, will wonder at how the archetypal Shining City on a Hill of America’s storied yesteryear got transformed into the roach motel that our country has become on the threshold of 2024 CE. Will they be as stupidly bewildered as, in our time, the faculty at Harvard, the editors of The New York Times, or the directorate of the CDC? Or will they figure out the score by then?

Which is: the nauseating state-of-the-nation is being driven by a cohort of our own fellow citizens lost in an evil crypto-religious salvation rapture that veils their own self-disgust, moral failure, peevish discontents, petty hatreds, willful profanations, compulsive lying, sexual depravity, fraudulence, venality, cupidity, and all-around want of boundaries. They are wrecking the country on-purpose, led by their chosen figurehead avatar, “Joe Biden,” and the horses of many different colors he rode in on.

The people running things, yanking the levers of power, managing the malign weapon they have made of government (and the law, and schooling, and medicine, etc.), have got to be turned out, and hard. Not a few should find themselves in the courts and, with proper and fair adjudication, be conducted to prison, perhaps even to the special room there where the lives of the wicked are ceremonially concluded.

You may legitimately ask: Does America deserve what it’s getting? Well, you know the old maxim about hard times make strong men. . . strong men bring good times. . . good times make weak men. . . . Our national quandary is certainly a case of that, plus the manifestation of well-known terrestrial cycles (e.g., Fourth Turnings), plus the workings of emergence as the dynamics involved in all this sort themselves out. . . topped off by the “secret sauce” of Globalist wickedness, with the aim of severe population reduction and the asset stripping of Western Civ for the benefit of the that moneygrubbing Globalist transhuman technocrat rat-pack.

My natural inclination, you know, is a kind of allergy to paranoid schemes, but one does survey the scene with wonder at how superbly coordinated the fuckery has been — much of the world locking down simultaneously for the Covid-19 op. . . the global mass vaxx campaign. . . the fiscal lunacy and accompanying central bank shenanigans. . . the broad-based censorship operations. . . the capture of the news media. . . and the war-mongering.

So, the country is in the toilet and it is our job in 2024 to make sure it doesn’t get flushed all the way down the pipe. That’s all the throat-clearing you will hear before we get to the meat of this broadside: predictions for the year ahead.

The Great Race

Mystery Mutts on the Loose

The Energy Picture

Economy and Money

Civil Strife and the Election

The Covid 19 Hangover

The Demon in a Server

How did that Ukraine War Go?

The Rest of the World

Final Cautionary Note

You might not know it, because predictions are fun to read — and I enjoy reading other people’s efforts — but, really, forecasting is an exercise in futility. I don’t have much going besides a nose for news, a pretty long list of correspondents and informants, and my own heuristics. Take all this for what it actually is: a whole lot of spaghetti thrown at the wall to see what sticks. Only time will tell. In all, it looks like 2024 is going to be a rough ride and I’m not the only person who sees that.

Clusterfuck Nation will be here for you every Monday and Friday before ten in the morning, eastern US time. Gird your loins. Stay healthy. And stay sane.

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