diy solar

diy solar

turds of this here forum

Daddy Tanuki

Solar Wizard
May 11, 2021
Flanks of Mount Fuji
I am starting this thread so we can collectivley post some of the stupid things said on this forum. rules no screen names or screen shots which would reveal names. just quotes only. I'll start

"If you going to bash a product, be prepared to back it up and I expect videos of everything, same SCC's, VOC, wire, same tilt and distance side by side, the only difference would be the actual panels. Are you game to actually prove it or is what you are stating just your opinion?"

my answer about this twat: words of wisdom from a nobody. I do not know who he thinks he is, but i could care less who or what he expects online or in real life.
I am starting this thread so we can collectivley post some of the stupid things said on this forum. rules no screen names or screen shots which would reveal names. just quotes only. I'll start

"If you going to bash a product, be prepared to back it up and I expect videos of everything, same SCC's, VOC, wire, same tilt and distance side by side, the only difference would be the actual panels. Are you game to actually prove it or is what you are stating just your opinion?"

my answer about this twat: words of wisdom from a nobody. I do not know who he thinks he is, but i could care less who or what he expects online or in real life.
Well on one hand its never been a requirement to have a laboratory analysis to qualify an opinion on a product. Most people arent set up to do such things.
On the other hand if hes saying that its only fair to remove all the variables in a review and make it "with all else being equal" I see where he is coming from.
I guess it depends on a lot of things.
Sounds like he is being unecessarily confrontational and unreasonably demanding. You can bash a product all you like if youre being honest about your experience, readers can take it or leave it. Honesty would include a disclaimer about test conditions. It probably wont have the weight of say, a Project Farm test on Youtube.
Well on one hand its never been a requirement to have a laboratory analysis to qualify an opinion on a product. Most people arent set up to do such things.
On the other hand if hes saying that its only fair to remove all the variables in a review and make it "with all else being equal" I see where he is coming from.
I guess it depends on a lot of things.
Sounds like he is being unecessarily confrontational and unreasonably demanding. You can bash a product all you like if youre being honest about your experience, readers can take it or leave it. Honesty would include a disclaimer about test conditions. It probably wont have the weight of say, a Project Farm test on Youtube.
I could have filmed the two solar controllers side by side and I could have shown him the difference, i could have climbed up on the roof with a IR gun and measured all the joints to show that they none of them were any higher no lower in temp to show good connections.... could have done a lot of things, however this was not his thread anymore then it was mine, i gave my opinion on what I observed with gear i own and am using and he lost his shit. when i let him know he was not being polite he went crying to our newest moderator and got my comments deleted and it went downhill form there. this forum is rapidly turning into little nazi germany.

this thread here is a prefect example....

as soon as this person posted it he was jumped on and repeatedly attacked by several of the stalwarts here on the forum aided by several of their yappy dogs. turns out guy is an engineer and while not necessarily an electrical engineer we both know how pretty much worthless those degrees are when aimed at DC and solar. (when you take the age of the poster and when their degree was issued) especially when most of the people attacking him are "past their prime"
It appears he is young and still keen to investigate on his own vice simply following Wills thoughts as the holy writ. Was he a little chuffed with himself? Yeah most youngsters are. does this mean he is wrong? nope. However you would have thought he had kicked and then curb stomped a puppy or kitten the way the other members of this forum acted. some of them you could smell the disdain when they saw he was from india.... so add racism to some of their resumes.
I now count several of them as some of the turds on this forum... give a person a little power and they all turn into nazi's sooner or later.
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I could have filmed the two solar controllers side by side and I could have shown him the difference, i could have climbed up on the roof with a IR gun and measured all the joints to show that they none of them were any higher no lower in temp to show good connections.... could have done a lot of things, however this was not his thread anymore then it was mine, i gave my opinion on what I observed with gear i own and am using and he lost his shit. when i let him know he was not being polite he went crying to our newest moderator and got my comments deleted and it went downhill form there. this forum is rapidly turning into little nazi germany.

this thread here is a prefect example....

as soon as this person posted it he was jumped on and repeatedly attacked by several of the stalwarts here on the forum aided by several of their yappy dogs. turns out guy is an engineer and while not necessarily an electrical engineer we both know how pretty much worthless those degrees are when aimed at DC and solar. (when you take the age of the poster and when their degree was issued) especially when most of the people attacking him are "past their prime"
It appears he is young and still keen to investigate on his own vice simply following Wills thoughts as the holy writ. Was he a little chuffed with himself? Yeah most youngsters are. does this mean he is wrong? nope. However you would have thought he had kicked and then curb stomped a puppy or kitten the way the other members of this forum acted. some of them you could smell the disdain when they saw he was from india.... so add racism to some of their resumes.
I now count several of them as some of the turds on this forum... give a person a little power and they all turn into nazi's sooner or later.
Sad to say we see this behavior all over the internet.
I could have filmed the two solar controllers side by side and I could have shown him the difference, i could have climbed up on the roof with a IR gun and measured all the joints to show that they none of them were any higher no lower in temp to show good connections.... could have done a lot of things, however this was not his thread anymore then it was mine, i gave my opinion on what I observed with gear i own and am using and he lost his shit. when i let him know he was not being polite he went crying to our newest moderator and got my comments deleted and it went downhill form there. this forum is rapidly turning into little nazi germany.

this thread here is a prefect example....

as soon as this person posted it he was jumped on and repeatedly attacked by several of the stalwarts here on the forum aided by several of their yappy dogs. turns out guy is an engineer and while not necessarily an electrical engineer we both know how pretty much worthless those degrees are when aimed at DC and solar. (when you take the age of the poster and when their degree was issued) especially when most of the people attacking him are "past their prime"
It appears he is young and still keen to investigate on his own vice simply following Wills thoughts as the holy writ. Was he a little chuffed with himself? Yeah most youngsters are. does this mean he is wrong? nope. However you would have thought he had kicked and then curb stomped a puppy or kitten the way the other members of this forum acted. some of them you could smell the disdain when they saw he was from india.... so add racism to some of their resumes.
I now count several of them as some of the turds on this forum... give a person a little power and they all turn into nazi's sooner or later.
I hadn’t seen this thread before.

Some folks are a bit rigid including myself sometimes..
Well, they could have started the thread by trying to have a conversation about what they thought.
Instead of walking into the gymnasium (forum), and screaming "you're all wrong and everyone here is an idiot". lol
gents that was just one thread. we have a lot of threads where some of the earlier members (by what a year or two) go hog wild acting like they are the gods of electricity... denigrating others to the point that If I was your typical 15-40 year old US citizen, I would need years of mental counseling to recover. I am just saying some of the members here are entirely to full of themselves and they chase of others with their absolute quest to be right...In a field where the actual experts are not sure whats right on a regular basis.

something to ponder
gents that was just one thread. we have a lot of threads where some of the earlier members (by what a year or two) go hog wild acting like they are the gods of electricity... denigrating others to the point that If I was your typical 15-40 year old US citizen, I would need years of mental counseling to recover. I am just saying some of the members here are entirely to full of themselves and they chase of others with their absolute quest to be right...In a field where the actual experts are not sure whats right on a regular basis.

something to ponder
It is ironic for a diy forum to have so many real and claimed experts. More the latter. Not uncommon internet behavior though. I piddle with PLCs, electronics, and arduino. This place is tame compared to the arduino forums.
Most of it comes from cerebral types with no social skills that have never been punched in the mouth. There are consequences outside of office spaces that are less civilized where people learn manners in memorable ways.
it is childish to chastise and belittle a new user for not using the proper technical jargon, but it happens on the regular here like a pack of dogs on a bone.
It is ironic for a diy forum to have so many real and claimed experts. More the latter. Not uncommon internet behavior though. I piddle with PLCs, electronics, and arduino. This place is tame compared to the arduino forums.
Most of it comes from cerebral types with no social skills that have never been punched in the mouth. There are consequences outside of office spaces that are less civilized where people learn manners in memorable ways.
it is childish to chastise and belittle a new user for not using the proper technical jargon, but it happens on the regular here like a pack of dogs on a bone.
It’s amazing how polite people are when your standing in front of them and not a keyboard.
What they do here is draw you into a conversation then cry to the mods to ban you for reacting exact ways they have been treating ppl. Same as they would do on the street….. run up hit you ….. then scream out in pain while dialing 911.… to save them Remember after you are sitting in jail they will scream defund the Police. So…. Community of double standards.

it is kind of obvious that some ppl on this here forum have more then 1 account. Which is suppose to be a no no. …. I do wonder if 2 names are gone for that reason after coming back from my last 6 month vacation.

if you don't conform and sit around playing patty cake bakers man then some mods will ban you. With me it has been 1 in particular.

A poster by name of ryujin posted a turd on my profile page, wrote something else …. I responded and got a 30 day ban. Cited: For fighting on someone’s profile page. Hahaha It was on my on profile page and ryujin had attacked me. Again I got a ban for 30 days. Ryujin got nothing. I even left it alone for a day. On my profile. ??
They - mods read messages too.
What they do here is draw you into a conversation then cry to the mods to ban you for reacting exact ways they have been treating ppl. Same as they would do on the street….. run up hit you ….. then scream out in pain while dialing 911.… to save them Remember after you are sitting in jail they will scream defund the Police. So…. Community of double standards.

it is kind of obvious that some ppl on this here forum have more then 1 account. Which is suppose to be a no no. …. I do wonder if 2 names are gone for that reason after coming back from my last 6 month vacation.

if you don't conform and sit around playing patty cake bakers man then some mods will ban you. With me it has been 1 in particular.

A poster by name of ryujin posted a turd on my profile page, wrote something else …. I responded and got a 30 day ban. Cited: For fighting on someone’s profile page. Hahaha It was on my on profile page and ryujin had attacked me. Again I got a ban for 30 days. Ryujin got nothing. I even left it alone for a day. On my profile. ??
They - mods read messages too.
View attachment 188978
Pretty much hit nail on the head.

Got to wear a body cam anymore just to deal with the BS..
Don't really get it. This thread I mean. Unless Will starts requiring everyone passes a personality test to join, you are going to get a representation of the real world here. But in fact, I think this place already reflects the better part of society.

The ignore button works well for flushing turds if one can't do it mentally.

I’ve always thought the OP should have control over their post and content in it. ?? Be kind of hard to do though. Most of us did not want any one banned for say….. look at some members SUSPECT nothing but multiple accounts. Two names disappeared while I myself was banned for 6 months. I’m so pretty so so pretty. haha
when Ryujim attacked my profile page and replied back …. I got banned. Hahaha


Not sure but me toxic….. homophobic …. bigotry …. They asked me to go queer dating and said no.

The t shirt is nice … ?? just remember we must conform to their world….. if someone wants anal then you must comply ….


diy solar

diy solar