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Congressional 'Cronies' Saddle The US With NATO Forever​

Nobody in their right mind wants to be obliged to send their kid off to war in Eastern Europe if Romania and Moldova start bombing each other. Yet NATO membership requires just that.
And courtesy of the best congress money can buy, now power to withdraw from NATO has been removed from the U.S. president and enshrined in the well-greased palms of our legislators.
More specifically, on December 16 congress approved a bill barring the president from unilaterally exiting NATO without legislative approval. This is a disaster. It’s aimed at Trump and one of the few decent things he might do if elected president, namely ditch that trouble-making albatross, NATO. Naturally president Joe Biden did not delay signing the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes this new NATO provision; so we’re stuck with it.

You doubt this is bad news?

Just look at NATO’s track record: bombing Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya and currently the abattoir NATO has made of Ukraine – or rather the disaster caused by NATO’s promise to absorb Ukraine. In Afghanistan, NATO performed with its usual, incomparable mediocrity, so the U.S. withdrew, convinced its puppet regime could hold off the Taliban for months. After all, the U.S. and NATO had bombed the country and the Taliban to smithereens – right? Well, it turned out our puppet couldn’t restrain the Taliban long enough for retreating U.S. jets to lift off from the tarmac. And what was NATO doing in Afghanistan for 20 years anyway? Don’t ask any of our military geniuses like David Petraeus, who kept telling us victory was just around the corner, and who even argued in the Atlantic, August 8 2022, that “we could have won.” Ha!

As for NATO’s 2011 military intervention in Libya, that was a debacle that transformed Africa’s most prosperous nation into a stone-age pit with open-air slave markets. The NATO 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia wasn’t much better, in that it should never have happened and arguably the only reason it did was so then President Bill “NATO Uber Alles” Clinton could distract the public from the lurid details of a sex scandal and impeachment. Thus the noble enterprises in which NATO has engaged, spreading mayhem, misery and murder across the globe in the name of freedom and democracy. What has NATO learned from these fiascos, seriatim? Arguably nothing.

Take NATO’s plans for the South China Sea and for Finland, plans which slate Taiwan for the cemetery and leave Finland bristling with U.S. bases from Helsinki in the south to Utsjoki in the north. You disagree that Taiwan’s headed for the grave? Well, numerous U.S. bigwigs have bandied about the notion of bombing Taiwan’s computer chip industry, rather than letting it fall into China’s hands. That’s American homicidal love for Taiwan. Meanwhile, back in July, NATO infuriated Beijing by portraying China as a major challenge to…you got it, NATO!

What is NATO doing in the China Sea, you ask? Whatever Washington tells it to do.

Lately, that means stirring up trouble and painting Beijing in the garish colors of a supervillain. NATO did so by announcing, according to Al Jazeera July 12, that China “challenged the alliance’s interests, security and values with its ‘stated ambitions and coercive policies.’”

“The PRC’s malicious hybrid and cyber operations and its confrontational rhetoric and disinformation target Allies and harm Alliance security,” NATO proclaimed.
Welp, your accusations can’t get much more heatedly bellicose than that. Or maybe they can: NATO went on to decry the Moscow-Beijing strategic partnership, recriminating that those two superpowers undercut the sacred rules-based international order. That’s the order Washington cooks up on the fly to serve its interests of the moment. Those are the rules the Empire hands down that everyone, except Washington, must follow. And yes, Russia and China DO undercut this so-called rules-based order – because they follow, instead, international law. Especially as it’s enunciated in United Nations documents.

Then there is Finland, whose recent entrance into NATO president Biden no doubt regards as quite a coup. But it’ll likely turn out the way his other coup, sanctions – “the ruble will be rubble” – did. Which is to say it could backfire bigly. Finland enjoyed decades of peace with Russia, and the two nations had no problems. Now disputes will proliferate, all because the Finns believed the NATO propaganda lie that Moscow intends to conquer many neighboring countries. It does not. It intends to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and murdering its Russian population. It will likely succeed at both.

But now, as the Kremlin has warned, things have changed. Previously when Moscow regarded Helsinki, it saw a peaceful neighbor. Now it sees an enemy. You think not? Then explain Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent order recreating the Leningrad Military District on Finland’s borders. That district began to be demilitarized in November 1990 and was completely disbanded in 2010. Now it’s back. And it covers the entire Russian-Finish border. Suffice it to say if Finland eventually goes up in flames, it will be NATO, with its military bases coating that nation, that lit the match.

More accurately the United States, not NATO. For, as AP reported on December 14, Finland will sign a defense pact with the U.S., which will permit “U.S. soldiers access to 15 military areas and facilities covering the entire Nordic nation all the way from a key southern naval base and inland airbases to a vast remote army training area in Lapland, in the Arctic north.” These American bases in Finland include some directly on the Russian border. Fortunately, the U.S. probably lacks sufficient troops and equipment to pack its new Finnish bases with boots on the ground, as military expert Will Schryver has tweeted. But still, no wonder Putin reactivated the Leningrad Military District. His adversary, Biden, who allegedly gave the order to blow up the Nordstream pipelines, doubtless smirks with success and doing everything possible to goad Russia into World War III.

You think that’s too unkind? Then explain Biden’s outburst in early December, when he threatened congressional Republicans, skeptical of more aid to Ukraine, with sending troops to fight Russia.

“If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there,” Biden claimed, falsely, from all the evidence so far. Then Joe “Bring on Armageddon” Biden added, “We’ll have…American troops fighting Russian troops.”
Yes, thanks to an organization called NATO and a jingoistic war president named Biden.

"Biden, who allegedly gave the order to blow up the Nordstream pipelines"
The motivations for self-harm vary. Some use it as a coping mechanism to provide temporary relief of intense feelings such as anxiety, depression, stress, emotional numbness, or a sense of failure. Self-harm is often associated with a history of trauma, including emotional and sexual abuse.[11][12] There are a number of different methods that can be used to treat self-harm, which concentrate on either treating the underlying causes or on treating the behavior itself. Other approaches involve avoidance techniques, which focus on keeping the individual occupied with other activities, or replacing the act of self-harm with safer methods that do not lead to permanent damage.[13]
That's right out of the Russian state approved psychology 101 course.

If someone disapprove of Putin, they are branded mentally ill, ordered to be confined to a mental hospital for several years and brainwashed.
If you get your way it'll be that way in the USA soon.
The problem trump is going to face is that the number of people confined to mental hospitals will exceed the number of his supporters.

I guess he’ll just go Hitler on us.
Youre all for the border wall but vote for the guy that immediately stopped building it, doesnt let the border patrol do its job, and invited illegals to come here while campaigning. Right.
If you read my postings you'd know that I am not voting for biden.
What's the problem? Why are you so determined to make up reasons to hate people?
Thats hilarious and another example of democrats accusing the other side of something they arent doing, but the democrats themselves are doing in droves.
The Biden administration is under a federal court order to stop working with social media companies to silence american citizens. Biden even appealed the ruling to try and continue it but was denied.
Trump never did anything of the sort even to fake news outlets like CNN.
We can only hope Trump is reelected, maybe he van save the country.
710,000 illegal migrant encounters since october 1st, less than three months. And that doesnt include "gotaways". Its estimated that over 10 million illegal, unvetted invaders have entered the country under Bidens watch. At the same time he is allied with and encourages Israels destruction of Gaza. I can imagine a dozen more 9/11s.
Theres reports of thousands of these illegals being young military age Chinese nationals, very well dressed. Whats gonna happen if we get in a conflict with China over Taiwan? Oh wait thats not gonna happen. Biden will cave and not lift a finger. 10% for the big guy on top of being a typical milquetoast democrat commander in chief.

This troll still thinks he can get away with his lie ..... It's reminiscent of the lies he was wrong about with his other forum name that he brought up over and over again just to torture himself.
No .... I haven't ignored this one yet. I was pretty sure he wasn't done with his desire to harm himself.

I decided to look it up on Wikipedia and this is what I found .... I think it is too late .... The damage is already permanent.

The motivations for self-harm vary. Some use it as a coping mechanism to provide temporary relief of intense feelings such as anxiety, depression, stress, emotional numbness, or a sense of failure. Self-harm is often associated with a history of trauma, including emotional and sexual abuse.[11][12] There are a number of different methods that can be used to treat self-harm, which concentrate on either treating the underlying causes or on treating the behavior itself. Other approaches involve avoidance techniques, which focus on keeping the individual occupied with other activities, or replacing the act of self-harm with safer methods that do not lead to permanent damage.[13]

Give me your address, I’ll send you a sympathy card.

Give me your address, I’ll send you a sympathy card.

If you read my postings you'd know that I am not voting for biden.
What's the problem? Why are you so determined to make up reasons to hate people?
Batvette is under the care of that discredited Russian psychologist Bob b.
Batvette is under the care of that discredited Russian psychologist Bob b.
If the russians susceed in making the US into a dictartoship, where will they get their technology?
Right now they steal our technology. There hasn't been any new tech coming out of russia in centuries, with the possible exception of computer hacking which they need to steal tech.
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump
Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia

You guys are laughable.
You should start looking at our own government and its puppeteers screwing us at every opportunity.

Civil Strife and the Election

Doesn’t it look like the Democratic Party wants to start Civil War Two? They may get their wish. It appears that they will stop at nothing to keep voters from re-electing their nemesis, Donald Trump. In the process, they’ve managed to turn Mr. Trump into the biggest underdog in US history. The court cases in New York, Washington, Atlanta, and Florida could not be more obviously fake confections, insults to every custom and order of Anglo-American law. I doubt the cases will survive their chains of review, and it is looking like special counsel Jack Smith may not even survive his appointment (being in breach of the rules — he was not confirmed by the Senate. . . whoopsie).

WashPo op-ed scribbler Robert Kagan, husband of State Department warmonger Victoria Nuland, has suggested that some extra-legal removal method may be needed to solve the Trump problem if the idiotic indictment barrage falls short. Everybody who read his piece thought: Oh, they’re actually proposing to whack him. That would set things off nicely.

You’d suppose the Party of Chaos might loose its Antifa / BLM mobs, and other shock troops onto the streets well before November on some George Floyd type pretext in order to invoke a “national emergency,” giving “JB” & Co. license to declare martial law and perhaps postpone the election. Everybody will see through the play. Try it and see what happens.

But, if the election actually happens and Mr. Trump wins, I’d expect the Dems to unleash holy hell on the country post election day just for the sheer sadistic pleasure of watching whatever is left of America burn down. This time, proponents of the 2nd Amendment may not stand idly by, especially with the big city police forces decimated. There will be ten-thousand Kyle Rittenhouses out there defending the streets from the ragtag and bobtail of diseased imbeciles in their black bloc uniforms cringing behind their sissy umbrellas.

Somewhere in this farrago of national discord there’s room for Robert F Kennedy, Jr. to appeal to the many who all just want this insanity to stop. He’s the only one on the scene who even remembers the better angels of America’s nature, and he represents that well in speech and action. Even the degenerate newspapers and cable networks may notice as events get strange, hot, and dark.

It’s absurd to imagine that “Joe Biden” can actually run. The current charade, with the Biden / Harris email campaign and few other trappings, is just a game of pretend. The focus just now, even on some blob-captive news sites, is on his unmistakable mental decline. Come January of ’24, though, Mr. Comer, chair of the House Oversight Committee, will unload hard evidence of bribery and treason against the phantom of the White House, and that will really be the end of him. Let him pardon himself and his whole family five minutes before he signs his resignation and be gone. The USA has never endured such a perfect wretch at that level of politics, not even Aaron Burr was this bad. “Joe Biden” was elected in a massive fraud, and he proceeded to just about wreck the country. The massive exertions of the Intel blob managed to induce a psychotic spell on half the country, mostly to evade prosecution for their own misdeeds, but millions of victims of that psy-op are about to snap out of it. The Democratic Party might not survive the dreadful unmasking of its seditious machinations. By November, the “Joe Biden” regime may even try to involve us in another foreign war as the last desperate distraction. Aside from the demons in the State Department and the Raytheon /Lockheed Martin nexus, the whole country has no appetite left for war, and probably little ability to prosecute one.

As a last gasp, the Party of Chaos may attempt to insert Hillary Clinton back into the picture. They have nothing and no one else; a hail Mary on the theory that they can rev up every angry “Karen” in the land, and their nose-ring daughters, and simply make the election about the oppression of women, leading with abortion. It won’t work. The party will also have to answer for the weaponization of law, the humiliating defeat of the ill-conceived Ukraine project, the millions-fold invasion of illegal aliens, the shattered economy, and the after-effects of the evil vaccine program. If the blob manages to remove Mr. Trump Kagan-style, and the traitorous Republicans run their donor’s favorite, Nikki Haley, I’d look to Bobby Kennedy winning that three-way race not unlike Abe Lincoln winning the fractious election of 1860.

I doubt that even the enmities of 1861 – 1865 between one group of Americans and another were as vicious as they are now. “Joe Biden” was right about one thing: this is a battle over the soul of the nation. The catch is, he and the party behind him are a gang of lost souls who sold out their country and their culture, and took something precious from all of us that will be very hard to get back. We will be wildly lucky if blood does not spill over it.
It's kind of incredulous that the trolls are still clinging to the fake Russia, Russia, Russia narrative that was long ago proven to be totally made up.
The only ones who actually colluded with Russia was the Clinton campaign and the FBI .... I already posted the FBI agent at the center of the fake investigation who is now in jail for colluding with Russia.

I've had the trolls on ignore for most of the time ... has anyone seen any substantive post from any of them ... anything other than name calling and unfounded hysteria?

I'm going to keep the trolls off ignore for a couple of days just to see if they can actually come up with anything of substance.

That's right out of the Russian state approved psychology 101 course.
Ummmm .... That was a clip from one of your favorite information sources ... Wikipedia.
If someone disapprove of Putin, they are branded mentally ill, ordered to be confined to a mental hospital for several years and brainwashed.
If you get your way it'll be that way in the USA soon.
The thread isn't about Putin.
The problem trump is going to face is that the number of people confined to mental hospitals will exceed the number of his supporters.
Is incarceration of Trump supporters the next desperate Dem plan?
I guess he’ll just go Hitler on us.
? ? ? ?
Russia, Russia, Russia .... Then throw in a little Hitler .... You missed the favorite racist smears somehow.

Lets see if you can post a little substance instead of non stop hyperbole.
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump
Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia

You guys are laughable.
You should start looking at our own government and its puppeteers screwing us at every opportunity.

Civil Strife and the Election

Doesn’t it look like the Democratic Party wants to start Civil War Two? They may get their wish. It appears that they will stop at nothing to keep voters from re-electing their nemesis, Donald Trump. In the process, they’ve managed to turn Mr. Trump into the biggest underdog in US history. The court cases in New York, Washington, Atlanta, and Florida could not be more obviously fake confections, insults to every custom and order of Anglo-American law. I doubt the cases will survive their chains of review, and it is looking like special counsel Jack Smith may not even survive his appointment (being in breach of the rules — he was not confirmed by the Senate. . . whoopsie).

WashPo op-ed scribbler Robert Kagan, husband of State Department warmonger Victoria Nuland, has suggested that some extra-legal removal method may be needed to solve the Trump problem if the idiotic indictment barrage falls short. Everybody who read his piece thought: Oh, they’re actually proposing to whack him. That would set things off nicely.

You’d suppose the Party of Chaos might loose its Antifa / BLM mobs, and other shock troops onto the streets well before November on some George Floyd type pretext in order to invoke a “national emergency,” giving “JB” & Co. license to declare martial law and perhaps postpone the election. Everybody will see through the play. Try it and see what happens.

But, if the election actually happens and Mr. Trump wins, I’d expect the Dems to unleash holy hell on the country post election day just for the sheer sadistic pleasure of watching whatever is left of America burn down. This time, proponents of the 2nd Amendment may not stand idly by, especially with the big city police forces decimated. There will be ten-thousand Kyle Rittenhouses out there defending the streets from the ragtag and bobtail of diseased imbeciles in their black bloc uniforms cringing behind their sissy umbrellas.

Somewhere in this farrago of national discord there’s room for Robert F Kennedy, Jr. to appeal to the many who all just want this insanity to stop. He’s the only one on the scene who even remembers the better angels of America’s nature, and he represents that well in speech and action. Even the degenerate newspapers and cable networks may notice as events get strange, hot, and dark.

It’s absurd to imagine that “Joe Biden” can actually run. The current charade, with the Biden / Harris email campaign and few other trappings, is just a game of pretend. The focus just now, even on some blob-captive news sites, is on his unmistakable mental decline. Come January of ’24, though, Mr. Comer, chair of the House Oversight Committee, will unload hard evidence of bribery and treason against the phantom of the White House, and that will really be the end of him. Let him pardon himself and his whole family five minutes before he signs his resignation and be gone. The USA has never endured such a perfect wretch at that level of politics, not even Aaron Burr was this bad. “Joe Biden” was elected in a massive fraud, and he proceeded to just about wreck the country. The massive exertions of the Intel blob managed to induce a psychotic spell on half the country, mostly to evade prosecution for their own misdeeds, but millions of victims of that psy-op are about to snap out of it. The Democratic Party might not survive the dreadful unmasking of its seditious machinations. By November, the “Joe Biden” regime may even try to involve us in another foreign war as the last desperate distraction. Aside from the demons in the State Department and the Raytheon /Lockheed Martin nexus, the whole country has no appetite left for war, and probably little ability to prosecute one.

As a last gasp, the Party of Chaos may attempt to insert Hillary Clinton back into the picture. They have nothing and no one else; a hail Mary on the theory that they can rev up every angry “Karen” in the land, and their nose-ring daughters, and simply make the election about the oppression of women, leading with abortion. It won’t work. The party will also have to answer for the weaponization of law, the humiliating defeat of the ill-conceived Ukraine project, the millions-fold invasion of illegal aliens, the shattered economy, and the after-effects of the evil vaccine program. If the blob manages to remove Mr. Trump Kagan-style, and the traitorous Republicans run their donor’s favorite, Nikki Haley, I’d look to Bobby Kennedy winning that three-way race not unlike Abe Lincoln winning the fractious election of 1860.

I doubt that even the enmities of 1861 – 1865 between one group of Americans and another were as vicious as they are now. “Joe Biden” was right about one thing: this is a battle over the soul of the nation. The catch is, he and the party behind him are a gang of lost souls who sold out their country and their culture, and took something precious from all of us that will be very hard to get back. We will be wildly lucky if blood does not spill over it.
You guys are making Putin very happy by falling for so many lies.

The Continuing Plot To Silence Trump's 2024 Comeback​

Each time a news reporter, media commentator, or judge refers to Trump as an “insurrectionist,” or claims he’s guilty of “insurrection,” it’s another blatant case of defamation. Same with the other January 6 attendees and participants.

Insurrection is a serious federal crime punishable by up to ten years in prison under Title 18 U.S. Code 2383. Even with Trump’s enemies in charge at the Department of Justice and other law enforcement bodies, and with all of the scheming and operations they’ve mounted against him, nobody has convicted him of “insurrection.” Under our system of governing, no judge or election authority has the power to unilaterally accuse and convict any American of a crime, let alone with the accused denied any opportunity to present a defense or to appeal. Yet that’s just what’s happening when courts and officials in Maine and Colorado remove Trump from presidential election primary ballots for “insurrection.” It’s the ultimate defamation. And many are supporting it because, well, they don’t like Trump.

Looking at the evidence today, it is reasonable to hypotheisize that, among all the other consipracies Trump’s enemies have proven to devise, they also conspired in advance to set up his January 6, 2021 rally as an “insurrection” that could serve as their insurance policy to provide grounds to keep him from ever running for president again.

Such hypotheses might have once far-fetched, but no more. Let’s not forget that then-FBI agent Peter Strzok and his alleged lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, texted each other in 2016 that they could not permit Trump to be elected president. According to their messages, discussions about the threat of a Trump presidency had taken place with the FBI’s then-assistant director, Andrew “Andy” McCabe. “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office - that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected,” texted Page, “but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before 40.”

The theory that Trump’s enemies set the stage for January 6 to be called “an insurrection” as a spoiler for his 2024 run could help explain why all of the law enforcement agents and informants planted in advance and among Trump supporters on January 6 didn’t serve their usual purpose of preventing crimes and de-escalating events. Instead, by many accounts, they observed and even took part, let crimes happen, and declined to separate the instigators and organizers as they would ordinarily do to defuse tensions and control the crowd. The agents and informants served the odd role of standing down during the event, and identifying alleged perpetrators after-the-fact.

Yet, in the end, there was no insurrection - at least according to prosecutors, who would be the ones to charge such crimes and haven’t.

And Trump helped destroy the chance to officially charge him with insurrection by specifically directing his followers that day to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Trump’s opponents, found in both the Democrat and Republican ranks, are so delighted to see him persecuted, they are so utterly threatened by a repeat performance of a Trump presidency outside the traditional power and money interests, they are encouraging of the defamation and other acts against him. With few exceptions, like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., those who would normally criticize actions like the ones being mounted against Trump, remain silent for fear of being called a Trump supporter in an environment where that opens them to ostracization and worse. The media and those who control our information are so conflicted by their respective biases, nobody is left to stop the madness.

The real meaning of what’s being done to Trump is: They think he’s going to win.

He’s like Christmas and his enemies are like The Grinch.

Despite the impeachments, improper wiretapping, censorship, intel agency conspiracies, criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and turncoats operating against him on the inside - Trump’s popularity increased.

They haven’t stopped Trump from coming to the fore in 2024. He came! He came without Twitter. He came without Facebook. He came without Snapchat or Discord or Stripe. Somehow or other, he came just the same!

Pulling Trump off ballots is the establishment’s latest attempt to censor a candidate that they clearly believe will win - if the people are left to decide. We’ve reached a dangerous and scary point when so many are willing to look the other way because their preferred candidate isn’t the one under attack.

To end where we began - Trump potentially has actionable defamation claims against all those who continue label him an insurrectionist.

That includes judges on the Colorado Supreme Court and Maine’s Secretary of State Shenna Bellows.

But it’s likely not a battle he could win. The 2024 race? That’s another matter.
To end where we began - Trump potentially has actionable defamation claims against all those who continue label him an insurrectionist.
No, because to pursue defamation lawsuit, the claims must be false. Trump is an insurrectionist, he fought to not transfer power, and just because you keyboard warriors believe different doesn't make it true.
No, because to pursue defamation lawsuit, the claims must be false. Trump is an insurrectionist, he fought to not transfer power, and just because you keyboard warriors believe different doesn't make it true.
As you well know he has not been charged with insurrection. Not one person that participated in the " January 7th riot " were charged with "insurrection". So why do you participate in this what I call a "living Lie". It is communistic to think "guilty" tell proven innocent
No, because to pursue defamation lawsuit, the claims must be false. Trump is an insurrectionist, he fought to not transfer power, and just because you keyboard warriors believe different doesn't make it true.
Challenging the results of a clearly shady election is not a crime.

And it was shady as hell.
If you read my postings you'd know that I am not voting for biden.
What's the problem? Why are you so determined to make up reasons to hate people?
So who did you vote for in 2020, and who in 2024. If not Trump then Biden, if youre not voting then get out of the discussion, youre too weak to participate in democracy.
Youve been attacking Trump consistently. You just say you dont support biden to avoid association with his disatrous policies. But in a 2 party system with such close election results you dont get that luxury. You support one party or you support the other by attacking them.
Never Trump republicans are biden supporters by default. Certainly not republicans, and this is why party candidates take an unwritten agreement to support the official nominee if it isnt them. You dont get to be a spoiler and make the party lose it you dont get nominated.
On that, Chris Christie needs his ass kicked but we dont have to worry about his career. Its over.
Republicans wont trust him and Dems wont vote for him. They just used him to annoy Trump. Like Liz Cheney. Hows her career going! Cant get elected dogcatcher.

You pick your party based on platform. Its stupid to vote based upon likeability of a candidate and thats why Trump haters are a bunch of dopes. Hes as charming as a porcupine sometimes but his policy actions were sound and effective and the country was running splendidly.

Secretary Of State That Kicked Trump From Maine Ballot Wants 'Better Leaders' In Power To Prevent 'Election Sabotage'​

The precedent being set by states like Colorado and Maine could change the political landscape of America forever if allowed to go unchallenged. Removing presidential candidates from the ballot based on unilateral opinion rather than any kind of legally arbitrated decision or criminal conviction is the most slippery of slopes for a number of reasons. The most dangerous implication being that a handful of officials can decide for the entire population of their states (or the entire population of the country) what leaders they are allowed to vote for based on a "guilty until proven innocent" ideology.

Meaning, all they have to do is make accusations of criminal behavior or criminal intent and then remove a candidate based on those accusations alone

No person or group should have that power.

One could argue that this is already the case and that the two party system filters out candidates on a regular basis. However, the notion of state ballot removal is a decidedly leftist/Democrat affair clearly engineered to benefit the progressive power structure for many years to come.

It's not only about Donald Trump - Woke bureaucrats could use this trend in the future to deny ballot access to any conservative candidate on the grounds that they "might" represent a "threat to Democracy."

This is essentially the message conveyed by Secretary of State Sheena Bellows, now well known as the person responsible for single-handedly removing Trump from the 2024 election ballot in Maine.

BREAKING: Sheena Bellows admits it is a group of ACLU and SPLC alumni working together to remove Trump from the ballots in key states
— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) December 29, 2023
She argues "better leaders" must be put in positions of power to prevent "election sabotage" and the end of Democracy. The hypocrisy is mind blowing, and of course we have to ask: Isn't it the job of the American public to decide what leaders are "better leaders?"

Bellows laces her argument with social justice platitudes about protecting minority voting rights, which she insinuates are under threat from "white supremacy." This is a common claim among Democrats when referencing Republican efforts to require proof of citizenship for voters, which has nothing to do with "intimidation" or race.

The diatribes of woke officials are not as random as they seem. Each buzzword is carefully chosen to elicit an emotional knee-jerk response and to create false associations. In this case, Bellows is falsely associating voter suppression with Republicans while Democrats are, in fact, engaging in voter suppression. Not only that, but she is connecting Republican election suppression (which isn't happening) to racial motivations (that don't exist).

It's not surprising to discover that this effort is being headed by people with career ties to far-left organizations like the SPLC and ACLU. It has become exceedingly obvious in recent years that progressive institutions are a driving force behind national division, but they are also directly attempting to manipulate election outcomes. It's no longer a matter of influencing citizens with arguments or propaganda, they want to dictate the mechanics of the system; elevating themselves as the arbiters of who is acceptable as a candidate and who is not.
Challenging the results of a clearly shady election is not a crime.
There were some 60 completely legal cases made by Trumps team in various states. They were all rejected except one, which had no outcome on the election. Challenging them in courts is completely legal and cool.

Challenging them by getting a mob of people like yourself angry to march on the capitol because you are a sore loser, is a crime.

"It’s unfortunate that about 90% of the people in this country, on both sides, have fully embraced the divide and conquer strategies being used by the elites to divide us and keep us divided. That is what is allowing this so-called “fourth turning”, which I call corruption and collapse, to occur. People are so busy hating on each other they don’t bother to look at what the elites and their politician hatchet men are doing. You think the elites are gonna let any of their own kids pretend to change sex? You think the elites let any of their kids take the Vax? You think the elites really support Black Lives Matter when they’ve shown repeatedly they don’t give a damn about anyone’s life than their own.? They’re using all these wedge issues to hopelessly divide people because a divided population is too busy trying to kill the other guy to pay attention to rampant corruption."

An man-made banker created economic disaster ignited this powder keg of debt in 2008, and the “solutions” rolled out by the ruling elites since have been designed to extend, pretend, and bend the minds of the masses, while fostering the perpetual pillaging campaign by the billionaire oligarchs who really run this world. The plebs have been destroyed by the relentless inflation purposefully created by Powell and his fellow central banker puppets of the Deep State, while the lords of finance have reaped billions in ill-gotten riches.

The “Haves”, who control the financial markets, media, and politicians, are ecstatic with the current paradigm, as the stock market hits new highs every day, while average Americans go deeper into debt to keep up with the Joneses, pay the rent, and put some food on the table. The U.S. is nothing more than a sophisticated technological looting operation at this point, as we await the Great Taking to be initiated by the oligarchs as their final solution.

The Great Taking is David Rogers Webb’s warning to those not on the inside about the coming seizure of all your assets (stocks, bonds, savings) by your own government in the name of some new contrived national emergency. You will sacrifice your life savings for the good of the country (aka Deep State). At this point it’s just a matter of which comes first, The Taking, Global war, or Civil chaos caused by the ongoing election fraud. They are all coming and will merge into a category 5 hurricane of hell for the nation and the world.

The Deep State continues its complete control over who gets “elected”/selected in this country, as they use the captured judicial system as a cudgel to crush the rule of law and our Constitutional rights. The Soros selected District Attorneys, Mayors, Governors, Judges, Secretaries of States, and various other low-level captured bureaucrats, are doing what they were selected to do – destroy the country’s social fabric and create a chaotic disintegration of our community norms.

A populace propagandized into a woke communist ideology and prodded into a buy now, pay later mentality, is unwilling or unable to accept that LATER has arrived. They will pay, one way or another. Multiple bubbles in stocks, bonds and real estate are all poised to pop, with the slightest provocation from a global and/or domestic blunder. We have now positioned our naval forces in the highly dangerous waters in the Middle East. Militarily supporting Israel and Ukraine has done wonders for our GDP, but it seems we are running out of ammo to defend our own country, as the invasion of our southern border accelerates. We are currently provoking armed conflict in Yemen, Syria, Gaza, Iraq, Ukraine, and Russia.

Ex-President Bill Clinton will allegedly be among dozens of Epstein ‘s high profile associates named in documents set to be released in the first days of 2024. The Mail has more.

The pedophile’s powerful friends and acquaintances are set to be exposed as part of a vast unsealing that a judge ordered just before the New Year. …
Some 177 people will be identified across hundreds of files which will shed new light on the late financier’s sex trafficking operation and his network of influence.
According to ABC News, former President Clinton is ‘Doe 36’ and is mentioned in more than fifty of the redacted filings.
Many of the legal filings connected to his name are surrounding the effort by Virginia Giuffre’s lawyers to subpoena Clinton for deposition testimony about his relationship with Epstein.
There is no indication the sealed records contain evidence of illegal conduct by Clinton – and equally, Virginia Giuffre made no allegations of wrongdoing against him.
Giuffre said she met Clinton on Epstein’s private Caribbean island, but Ghislaine Maxwell said Clinton had never been to Little St. James. Personal flight logs kept by one of Epstein’s pilots did not show Clinton at Epstein’s island.
According to ABC, Giuffre’s reps contacted Clinton’s attorneys at the time in 2016, and they responded by saying his testimony would not be helpful to because he had never been on Epstein’s island.
The request was ultimately denied by U.S. District Judge Robert Sweet.
ABC reports that Clinton’s name is expected to be unsealed in filings surrounding efforts by Maxwell and Giuffre to get Jeffrey Epstein to answer questions – after he frequently invoked his constitutional rights against self-incrimination.
Worth reading in full.
So who did you vote for in 2020, and who in 2024. If not Trump then Biden, if youre not voting then get out of the discussion, youre too weak to participate in democracy.
Youve been attacking Trump consistently. You just say you dont support biden to avoid association with his disatrous policies. But in a 2 party system with such close election results you dont get that luxury. You support one party or you support the other by attacking them.
Never Trump republicans are biden supporters by default. Certainly not republicans, and this is why party candidates take an unwritten agreement to support the official nominee if it isnt them. You dont get to be a spoiler and make the party lose it you dont get nominated.
On that, Chris Christie needs his ass kicked but we dont have to worry about his career. Its over.
Republicans wont trust him and Dems wont vote for him. They just used him to annoy Trump. Like Liz Cheney. Hows her career going! Cant get elected dogcatcher.

You pick your party based on platform. Its stupid to vote based upon likeability of a candidate and thats why Trump haters are a bunch of dopes. Hes as charming as a porcupine sometimes but his policy actions were sound and effective and the country was running splendidly.

One thing I think we might be forgetting is how big of shysters Republicans are. They are just democrats who don't believe in abortion.

With Trump, we are forgetting this. Trump is not liked by the Republican party either.

Republicans are not conservatives.

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