diy solar

diy solar


No, I'm not a single issue LGBT+ voter, I just have to push back against all the blatant homophobia and bigotry put forth by people in this forum, mainly CheckedOut and Bozo Bob.

I am however a single issue voter when it comes to retaining democracy. Trump said before the election even happened that he wouldn't accept the results if he lost. He then followed through with that threat and did everything in his power to stay in power. I am a single issue voter when it comes to fighting against such obvious dictator aspirations.

Its not like I liked voting for Biden. But just like Hillary was probably the only candidate that would have lost to Trump in 2016, Trump is the only candidate that would have lost to Biden in 2020 (and likely 2024). So if people wanna bitch about Biden- put forward a better option besides Trump.

If you voted for Biden (or Hillary) to save democracy you are like Bush - "In order to save democracy we have to destroy it".
To be completely fair, they are all advancing globalist agenda, but under Biden, things went into overdrive. (Antifa/BLM/Illegal Immigration/Forced Vaxx/Forced Wokism in schools, etc)
No, I'm not a single issue LGBT+ voter, I just have to push back against all the blatant homophobia and bigotry put forth by people in this forum, mainly CheckedOut and Bochanged.

Yeah I bet you like getting pushed in the back. ??
I am however a single issue voter when it comes to retaining democracy. Trump said before the election even happened that he wouldn't accept the results if he lost. He then followed through with that threat and did everything in his power to stay in power. I am a single issue voter when it comes to fighting against such obvious dictator aspirations.

Its not like I liked voting for Biden. But just like Hillary was probably the only candidate that would have lost to Trump in 2016, Trump is the only candidate that would have lost to Biden in 2020 (and likely 2024). So if people wanna bitch about Biden- put forward a better option besides Trump.

Blah blah blah.

What are you afraid of? We all know Joe Biden will win. FB_IMG_1698231520772.jpg
The trolls are derailing the thread every time something is posted that exposes the real agenda. Same strategy always.
Notice the overload of "junk" posts every time something of importance is posted.

Ryujin i dont think is a troll, but seems like a single issue voter (lgbtxxx agenda). Probably sees the country being ruined but puts lgbt agenda above that. Big mistake to make as the entire woke movement will be the first one to be absolutely steamrolled when they swing the pendulum in other other direction.

Yeah. Ryujin is mad that homosexuality is so widely accepted now.

For him it's not as fun if it's not "taboo". Having to sneak around so his parents didn't find out is what made it fun for him.
I have absolutely been convinced there was a huge conspiracy to get Biden elected by the deep state. In fact, I along with 82 million people who voted for Biden, are all in the deep state and in on the conspiracy to get him

Like all libtards, you are cannon fodder that thinks they are in the club.
Yeah. Ryujin is mad that homosexuality is so widely accepted now.

For him it's not as fun if it's not "taboo". Having to sneak around so his parents didn't find out is what made it fun for him.
Thanks for proving my point about your homophobia and bigotry. Based on some of you comments about big cocks and receiving anal I think you think about penises a lot. You are probably one of those repressed gay people. Relax dude, you can accept yourself as well as others. I got your back if you wanna come out of the closet.
The Deep State continues its complete control over who gets “elected”/selected in this country, as they use the captured judicial system as a cudgel to crush the rule of law and our Constitutional rights. The Soros selected District Attorneys, Mayors, Governors, Judges, Secretaries of States, and various other low-level captured bureaucrats, are doing what they were selected to do – destroy the country’s social fabric and create a chaotic disintegration of our community norms.

America’s judiciary is quietly receiving ‘training’ from leftwing climate group​

With Enlightenment came secularism, with secularism came relativism, with relativism came leftism, and with leftism comes judicial activism. No longer are Western courts viewed as a place of arbitration based upon absolute Judeo-Christian morality and standards of justice, but a vehicle to enact revolutionary change, where fairness and righteousness are in the eye of the executor.

According to a new report published by Fox News today, America’s judiciary has been quietly receiving climate change arbitration “training” from a “little-known judicial advocacy organization” financed by “left-wing nonprofits.” Here are the details, from the article itself:

The Washington, D.C.-based Environmental Law Institute (ELI) created the Climate Judiciary Project (CJP) in 2018, establishing a first-of-its-kind resource to provide ‘reliable, up-to-date information’ about climate change litigation, according to the group. The project’s reach has extended to various state and federal courts, including powerful appellate courts….
When you have a group of people who don’t believe in the foundational values of America, this is what you get—a covert operation to transform what ought to be an unbiased and nonpartisan apparatus into a biased and partisan one. When the courts become an instrument to advance an agenda, it is a serious infringement on the right of a person or party to an impartial arbiter and the development is, naturally, alarming. When judicial minds receive “quiet training” in pseudo-science to ensure “climate justice” and “equity” are taken into consideration the threat of prejudiced decisions increases, and unconstitutional laws, and bureaucratic rules and mandates become “legal” despite any fact, reason, or authority to support their implementation.

Fox also reports that in just five years, the CJP “has crafted 13 curriculum modules” and hosted dozens of events—all in all, “more than 1,700 judges” have participated in CJP’s “training” scheme.

From ELI’s website on its CJP, we find this:

As the body of climate litigation grows, judges must consider complex scientific and legal questions, many of which are developing rapidly. To address these issues, the Climate Judiciary Project of the Environmental Law Institute is collaborating with leading national judicial education institutions to meet judges’ need for basic familiarity with climate science methods and concepts.
Now this isn’t a great analogy because certain sciences are settled—embryology establishes that life begins at conception, ultrasounds unequivocally determine that babies in the womb are actually living human beings, and biological reality aligns with the real reality of two sexes (everything else is mental illness), etc.—but how would the left handle a pro-life nonprofit being a very real presence in law schools, presenting its curriculum as objective (even though it actually would be) and the institution requiring its students to take the course? Or, a Christian outfit, asserting that humans are not gendered but sexed? Obviously, the useful idiots would lose their collective mind.

I wonder how we can expect those gas stove rulings to go? What about when the tyrannical government imposes a “carbon emissions” limit on all American subjects? And when the federal bureaucracy takes away the heating and cooling elements in our home? What happens if legislators dictate that grocery store chains can only sell a limited amount of beef—or, none at all? Will these illegal actions be upheld? Well, presumably yes, because a “trained” judiciary will be right there to rule the “right” way.
If you think rationally at all you are a member of the deep state.
Since all the news is fake, it is hard to think rationally.
But somehow you claim to have done it. Please tell us all how.
Be on the receiving end of lots of Anal. You liberal males are already used to that though.

Heck, you even enjoy it.
That would be a funny and believable answer if you didn't have to add the last two sentances.
Ex-President Bill Clinton will allegedly be among dozens of Epstein ‘s high profile associates named in documents set to be released in the first days of 2024. The Mail has more.

A lot of names being dropped on Twitter ..... but there is a TON of evidence from Epstein island that has totally disappeared after the FBI took a saw to the safe. We can be absolutely sure there is nothing reflecting badly on Trump or they would have leaked it a long time ago ... They are keeping this evidence hidden so they can blackmail the a huge list of billionaires and politicians.

How come so many republican judges including Trump appointed judges, don’t agree with you?
You only like the system of government we have when it works to your advantage.
If it doesn’t, you threaten violence.
BTW; that stupid site doesn’t even load.
It was obviously made by an idiot.
When did any of these judges rule on the overall validity of the election? What kind of stupid useless point are you trying to make?

America’s judiciary is quietly receiving ‘training’ from leftwing climate group​

With Enlightenment came secularism, with secularism came relativism, with relativism came leftism, and with leftism comes judicial activism. No longer are Western courts viewed as a place of arbitration based upon absolute Judeo-Christian morality and standards of justice, but a vehicle to enact revolutionary change, where fairness and righteousness are in the eye of the executor.

According to a new report published by Fox News today, America’s judiciary has been quietly receiving climate change arbitration “training” from a “little-known judicial advocacy organization” financed by “left-wing nonprofits.” Here are the details, from the article itself:

When you have a group of people who don’t believe in the foundational values of America, this is what you get—a covert operation to transform what ought to be an unbiased and nonpartisan apparatus into a biased and partisan one. When the courts become an instrument to advance an agenda, it is a serious infringement on the right of a person or party to an impartial arbiter and the development is, naturally, alarming. When judicial minds receive “quiet training” in pseudo-science to ensure “climate justice” and “equity” are taken into consideration the threat of prejudiced decisions increases, and unconstitutional laws, and bureaucratic rules and mandates become “legal” despite any fact, reason, or authority to support their implementation.

Fox also reports that in just five years, the CJP “has crafted 13 curriculum modules” and hosted dozens of events—all in all, “more than 1,700 judges” have participated in CJP’s “training” scheme.

From ELI’s website on its CJP, we find this:

Now this isn’t a great analogy because certain sciences are settled—embryology establishes that life begins at conception, ultrasounds unequivocally determine that babies in the womb are actually living human beings, and biological reality aligns with the real reality of two sexes (everything else is mental illness), etc.—but how would the left handle a pro-life nonprofit being a very real presence in law schools, presenting its curriculum as objective (even though it actually would be) and the institution requiring its students to take the course? Or, a Christian outfit, asserting that humans are not gendered but sexed? Obviously, the useful idiots would lose their collective mind.

I wonder how we can expect those gas stove rulings to go? What about when the tyrannical government imposes a “carbon emissions” limit on all American subjects? And when the federal bureaucracy takes away the heating and cooling elements in our home? What happens if legislators dictate that grocery store chains can only sell a limited amount of beef—or, none at all? Will these illegal actions be upheld? Well, presumably yes, because a “trained” judiciary will be right there to rule the “right” way.
You cant say analogy without saying ANAL.
A lot of names being dropped on Twitter ..... but there is a TON of evidence from Epstein island that has totally disappeared after the FBI took a saw to the safe. We can be absolutely sure there is nothing reflecting badly on Trump or they would have leaked it a long time ago ... They are keeping this evidence hidden so they can blackmail the a huge list of billionaires and politicians.

View attachment 186833
I understand a key part of this story is a then underage girl is seeking damages for sexual abuse at 4 different locations and times.
Well excuse the fuck out me but if I got sexually abused once I sure as hell aint going to stay on with these people for a month or so and go to 3 other cities and let it happen again.
If these girls were 17 they knew exactly what they were doing. This is a money grab.
Most of the people named didnt do a fucking thing. Its all a distraction by the media.
Clown world wants compromised people in positions of power so they can be controlled! It is not an accident. Known "bad" scientists in prominent positions are there for a reason, just like corrupt/pedo/homo/perverted politicians.

Most people surging to power in public institutions have "dossiers" about them held by various "parties". Can you surge without stakeholders having ways to bind your loyalty? I doubt it.

When a "party" isn't happy of how these persons behave, one "dossier" might slip into the hands of (social) media.
Clown world wants compromised people in positions of power so they can be controlled! It is not an accident. Known "bad" scientists in prominent positions are there for a reason, just like corrupt/pedo/homo/perverted politicians.

Most people surging to power in public institutions have "dossiers" about them held by various "parties". Can you surge without stakeholders having ways to bind your loyalty? I doubt it.

When a "party" isn't happy of how these persons behave, one "dossier" might slip into the hands of (social) media.

I think this was Epsteins role.

Lay fruit in front of certain people and get video of them eating it.

He tried to blackmail bill gates over his affair. This would be in line with such behavior.
I think this was Epsteins role.

Lay fruit in front of certain people and get video of them eating it.

He tried to blackmail bill gates over his affair. This would be in line with such behavior.
Billy G is most certainly guilty.
But the fact that his name was not released tells you all you need to know
Billy G is most certainly guilty.
But the fact that his name was not released tells you all you need to know
Agreed. This release is all about cannon "fodder". Nothing has been released that was not already known. Keeps the "Real" news out of the for- front. And the great reset continues on. And Biden's destruction of the way of life out of the news...... Remember.... Chaos rules.....
Agreed. This release is all about cannon "fodder". Nothing has been released that was not already known. Keeps the "Real" news out of the for- front. And the great reset continues on. And Biden's destruction of the way of life out of the news...... Remember.... Chaos rules.....

I'm guessing the reason they went after Trump for having "classified" documents is because those documents contain a lot of "gotchas" on deep-state actors.
you all keep worshiping you idiot idol in here its hilarious...
Other than the warning from germany....
you all keep worshiping you idiot idol in here its hilarious...
Other than the warning from germany....

The competent people who work for a living like Trump.

Males who work in software and toxic liberal females who live off the alimony they collect from their ex, software geek husband hate Trump. (On the voting side)

diy solar

diy solar