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diy solar

Solar Assistant Automations and the EG4 6000XP

AZ Solar Junkie

Maricopa, AZ
Sep 26, 2023
Maricopa, AZ
I don't see the automation section in Solar Assistant when it is connected to my 6000XP. Am I missing something or does everyone else not see a way to use SA automations with the 6000XP?
You're not missing much, it sucks
Haven't played around with it yet ( still too beta for me), but does it ?

Intended to move much of my tarriff based automation from my HA to the SA..

Granted I'm using a different inverter
don’t have a XP but have moved about 1/2 my HA automations to SA. So far working well. Items where I use other APIs such a solar and weather forecasts for charging decisions/automation are still in HA.
You seem to be an outlier.
There are countless outliers. It’s highly dependent on which inverter is being used.

I’m using the Growatt MIN-11400-TL-XH-US inverter and there are NO automations for it. Additionally, quite a few data parameter displays are incorrect, misscaled , mislabeled or missing. There is little documentation on the website to indicate before you buy what is actually implemented for a specific inverter. Solar Assistant is not ready for prime time on this and many inverters.

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diy solar