diy solar

diy solar

Solar generators


Solar Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2019
Northeast Ohio
I believe these are misnamed because they don't really generate anything. They disburse stored energy, but they have to be charged by some external source, meaning they don't actually generate anything.

But that's not the point of the post.

These are now becoming popular for their portability. Thus we are seeing many more of them, all claiming to be "the best" (Just like every cellular carrier has a sign on their door that says "fastest". I literally drove to 5 of them and took pictures of their door sign that makes that claim. And I walk in and ask "When compared to what? Your speed relies on your proximity to the tower you are nearest to and how many people are on it. So none of you can honestly make that claim." And I hear crickets.) So we have Goal Zero, Jackery, Bluetti, Inergy and so many more I lost track. What is it that they do differently? I have a 400 watt lithium Goal Zero. Some jackass on a Facebook forum went on and on about how his Jackery lasts longer, etc.... I watched his rant for about 6 posts and finally I asked "What exactly are you powering, and what is the consumption of the device(s)?" And then he just went on with unfounded, factless, baseless claims based only on brand loyalty because it's what HE has, and quite likely took a unit as payola for his promotion.

Aside: I used to write a tech column for a local newspaper. I did it for 2 years. It got to where people were sending me routers, switches, software and tangent hardware to test. I tested, reviewed what I thought really needed to be reviewed (I mean, how many trackballs can there be? Other than form factor they are all exactly the same thing.), and then in EVERY case but one I sent the item back. In that one case, I sent them a check to buy the thing. I will never put any faith into reviews from shills like The Depreys and most of the other RV youtube assclowns because they give good reviews in exchange for free shit. I will never take anything free from anybody. Ever. If you are going to be a reviewer, you have to be absolutely above suspicion and free from payola or everything you review will be tainted by the suspicion that you are reviewing the item positively in exchange for the gift. That is the definition of payola, dating back to radio stations in the 50s when labels were buying programming directors cars and furniture for their homes to entice them into playing their artists more than the other label's artists. The Depreys in particular have NEVER given anything a bad review. Never. I have about 5 dozen youtube channels blocked because they are little more than shills for whoever gives them gifts. That shows a deep lack of integrity. I can only speak for me, but my ethics and integrity matters, and I can't be bought with a router or a switch.

So, off the soapbox and to actually state the question, how are any of these things different from the others? If you match them up with the same battery size, I fail to see how they can do anything different from another. Enlighten me please anybody who knows. I like my Goal Zero but I never owned another brand to know the difference.

This one is different... comes with an air compressor and is a DIY lithium project in a year.
Plus, starting out with a lead acid battery means your arms/legs/back will get better work
outs in that first year.

In all seriousness, I suspect the way to differentiate between them are $/Wh and what
you use them for. For example, they don't all charge and discharge at the same rate.
One that takes two days to recharge isn't as nice as one that recharges in 4 hours.
Weight might be a factor if you're hiking with it. Your ex-wives would probably want
it to look nice even if it was going to be buried under a tarp in the garage.

Will has a video that compares several of the brands that outlines his criteria.
Weight might be a factor if you're hiking with it. Your ex-wives would probably want
it to look nice even if it was going to be buried under a tarp in the garage.

Hiking. That is like some of that exercise stuff, right? What's that like? LOL!!!
These are just a combination battery pack with charge controller and invertor, and often some USB ports and other ports. They make good dumbbells though! :)

diy solar

diy solar