diy solar

diy solar

Growatt settings


New Member
Jan 14, 2024
at home
Hello everyone
I'm new here and also my two Growatt SPF-6000t-DVM-G2 are brand new...

An that's the problem: I can't find anywhere how to change the settings at --> My Photovoltaic Devices --> Setting

and what the individual points mean...
Where can I find a description or instructions?

Thank you for your help!
I also have two Growatt, SPF 6000T and SPF 12000T I changed all settings locally when I powered up both units. I only use the Growatt server to monitor, The manual has a list of parameters and default settings, I believe a password is needed to change the setting via the server, and is kinda confusing because different verbiage is used for some parameters, I have used the password to test and found "growatt20240116" with current date used has worked "growattyyyymmdd"
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Hi bruceonlan
Thanks for your answer!
Can you also please tell me what all the settings and options mean or where I can find more information about each setting?

For example:
"Ac Input Model" hast the options "APL", "UPS" and "GEN"
What does this mean?

Also , in "Advanced settings" on the server it shows the following settings:

Screenshot from 2024-01-17 11-11-27.png

What can be registered here and how?
I do not use the server for settings as the language is different for many parameters, I set all parameters at the local device and step through the user manual that came with each device, do you have the user manuals?

available here:

I believe if you know the values you can push values into individual registers, not something I would try. The manual has good info on all the needed parameters to run the devices for my applications

diy solar

diy solar