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diy solar

Growatt SPF 6000T DVM Fan Noise Fix?


New Member
Jan 30, 2023
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to fix the obnoxiously loud fan noise from the Growatt SPF 6000T DVM Inverter? As people who own this unit knows, It will turn on to max (on and off switch) when it hits a certain load or temperature. I would rather have a quieter one that stays on all the time, or that isn't as loud. I understand the purpose for the fan to cool the internal components, however I usually use 10-25% load all the time and it usually stays on, but never puts out much heat. I think I would be willing to risk it and get a quieter inverter if it shortens the lifespan from overheating.

If anyone has a drop in solution for me, or a relatively easy solution, I would appreciate hearing about it, and likely trying it.
Thank you for any feedback!

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