diy solar

diy solar

Totally confused Noob


New Member
Jan 20, 2024
PNW, Washington state not DC.
I am just getting started with getting a back up system for my house. I think I have narrowed it down to getting a packaged deal from EG4, but I’m stuck on deciding which inverter to get; either one 18Kpv or two 6000XP. I think I have searched the internet/YouTube to the point that I am more undecided now than when I started.
To me the 6000XP sounds too good to be a better choice, or would running the two units be like running a new and improved single 18Kpv?
Just for more information, I am looking at a bundle of six Life Power 4 batteries and either the single 18Kpv inverter or the two 6000XP inverters.
Any help would be great, and thank you.
if you want to be in off-grid mode (no selling power back to grid) then the 6000XP is the way to go. They will accept grid input, but no selling back
6000XP also cannot pass inspection (no UL9540) in probably 50% or more of states and cannot be installed outdoors

You also pay for the 200A pass through capability on the 18kpv
On the UL certification the eg4 battery (powerpro) has a 9540A thermal runaway test so it should meet most inspections. This doesn't have anything to do with the inverter, the inverter doesn't need to pass that test it is the battery that has to pass it.

The 6000xp passes the test of ul 1973 which is the main test inverters need to pass -- to not back feed to the grid

The confusion here is that the 9540 test is a UL test that involves a battery and inverter together. I think that EG4 paid for the test to be conducted on the combination of their larger inveter with their battery, but not the smaller inverter with their battery. I may be wrong on that but perhaps Markus or someone from EG4 is listening and can clarify. In any case the battery you would use the 6000xp with passes a 9540A thermal runaway test, which is the portion of 9540 that deals with safety of the battery primarily.

The testing certificates posted by EG4 show the test was performed by Intertek, I think in September 2023.
PowerPro looks like a nice package, and it can be put outside the house, at least in some climates. Paired with 18kpv as UL listed ESS, as mentioned above.

There is also SolArk; I'm not sure where they stand in terms of UL listed ESS, but they seem to have a following happy with their support. These products have a lot of algorithms, communications, and updates, so I think support is important.

(I prefer products that work just fine on firmware they were shipped with 15 years ago. But then I'm a Luddite.)
Thank you everyone for their help. Because it is looking like I won’t be generating much extra power for now, I don’t need the capabilities of the 18Kvp. Maybe I’ll be allowed to upgrade in the future or next house.
Heck, I figure the “The big one” will hit and the west coast will be shaken into the stone age and I won’t have a house that needs power… LOL

diy solar

diy solar