diy solar

diy solar

2024 YouTube Video Ideas

The fact Will is looking for new ideas for content goes to show how over saturated the solar market has become. Every topic and use case has been well covered by Will and others on the Internet.
Sometimes it’s not the story but how you tell it.
Testing disconnect switches, knife switches, Terminal lug crimps v/s current capacity,
Resistance of installations.. Each terminal lug is resistance. In my little 200 ah system, from the converter/charger to the + battery terminal there are 8 terminal connections and the negative 5.. Along with a 25' + run to the batteries and back. 1/0 wire...
Several tubers have done fuses but no one does temp tests during near max spec current... Fun!
Enjoy your channel!
I like the torture test idea.

Some reliability testing of inverters and charge controllers would be cool. Max out components (amperage, voltage, temps high and low) see what fails. See what brands will truly last.

This could be done along side checking advertised ratings of components to compare what manufacturers are rating at.
There's still plenty to cover. I just want to hear your guys's opinions

I think the biggest thing we need is ballast mount ground arrays. It's the hardest aspect of the DIY install. And also has the most regulation.
Nuance Energy Osprey is gaining traction on the market. My company I work for is installing about 10 a week across the country right now. Doesn't require concrete or giant drills. Fairly affordable as well. Check it out, unless of course. You already know.
I am interested in a topic on how to connect a Generac Home back-up generator with a automatic transfer switch, up to my off grid BluePower SP6548 240v split phase setup, so as to be able to charge my 48v/48kW battery pack. The way the generator is wired, if I apply the generator to the Inverter and set the inverter to shut down the batteries the transfer switch will start the generator which takes the load but sends the power back to the panel which drops the generator back off and the transfer switch just keeps recycling. I have reached out to Generac and SunGold Power on the subject and none of the techs can help. The problem is I can't get any info on the SP6548's Dry Contact set-up that works in conjunction with the Generac auto tranfer switch. I was able to install a toggle switch on the transfer switch wire that will open the normaly closed transfer switch manually, allowing the generator to start, warm up and send power to the inverter to charge the batteries. But it has to be turned on & off manually. If you or any of your followers have any ideas or if there are any others that are interested in this subject, I would be greatful for any help on the issue.
One thing we've never seen, and may be a good video for a "Slow Product Day" or the like, is a blooper reel. I'm sure there have been times that you've dropped a wrench or wired up something wrong or cut the wrong wire on the bomb. Something in the realm of a "Don't Do This!!" video.
Will, If you have "time of use" metering and billing in your area, I think it would be very useful to do a long term cost savings study to see if this is a viable strategy.Here in Maine it is supposedly going to come into play some time in 2024.
A walkthrough video of a safe, simple solar set up.
Panels, batteries, charge controller and inverter as well as any safety features such as fuses etc.
The videos where all the equipment talks to each other and could run the lights on an airport runway are very interesting and good entertainment but not relatable for most people.
What would you like to see? This thread will be seen by myself and a few other YouTubers, so let us know what you guys want :)
In depth technical discussion of different inverter bios with flowcharts. eg What causes the system to move between hybrid, solar/battery etc and what each of the settings do and how they impact operation.