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Issues with EG4 18kpv system when batteries are powered on.


New Member
Dec 7, 2023
Princeton, TX
I have a couple of issues with my new system, which Signature hasn't been able to resolve yet. Looking for some outside assistance:
1) with batteries on, our house has many weird electrical issues.
a) GFCI outlet in a bathroom randomly clicks repeatedly, very loudly. (I've never heard a GFCI click more than once before this).
b) we have 2 UPS battery backups that also click, randomly
c) we have a fancy toilet that it’s built-in breaker in the plug trips.
None of these happen if I simply turn off the batteries.

2) My solar panels make nearly zero power with the batteries turned off. If I turn on the batteries, they operate normally. I then have the issues reported in #1.
Within 5 minutes of each other, batteries off PV output PV1 24W, PV2 23W. Batteries on, PV output PV1 1376W, PV2 1295W. We have two strings of 11 390W panels each.

I've attached my wiring diagram for reference, though it's pretty standard I think. Issues in #1 began before installing the PV panels, so I don't think the the PV is to blame.
Signature seems to be eager to help, but are stuck on the thought that I must have a wiring issue. I've checked it many, many times, and the system runs fine when batteries aren't involved. I have verified that none of the sub-panels have the bonding screw installed.

I'm a new member here, located in Princeton, TX. I hope I posted in the correct section. Thanks in advance.


  • EG4 18kV wiring - DULANEY.png
    EG4 18kV wiring - DULANEY.png
    195.5 KB · Views: 37
Try removing the PV ground from the PE bus. Having your DC ground will cause all sorts of issues if it's grounded to the same BUS as your AC ground. The two PE BUSES are common in this inverter, and that could resolve a lot of the issues you are having.

If that doesn't work, send me or @EG4_Jared a DM with you station name and S/N and we can take a look at the inverter to see if there is something going on with the settings.
Hmm. That doesn't seem right and I really don't think it should be needed to isolate your PV ground, but i'm not an EE.

It sounds like fundamentally the inverter is broken - i don't know why the PV only works when the batteries are "on" (i assume you mean the breakers on the powerpros), and the clicking and bizarre symptoms smell like it's injecting something weird into the ac side.

Are you backfeeding the grid? What firmware are you running? If the grid is disconnected from the inverter do you still get weird stuff? (maybe the inverter is having trouble syncing to the waveform or something?)

Also, pictures of all the settings on the 18kpv and pictures of your panels and wiring inside the 18kpv would probably help.
I also think the inverter is broken, but Signature keeps giving me the run-around. By battery off, I'm referring to pressing the tiny on/off button. I have also tried flipping the breaker on the battery, with the same result - the house runs fine with no battery, and like garbage with battery on.
My problems began before I installed the PV, so the ground seems unlikely. Also, Signature had me move it to earth.

I upgraded to the latest firmware last week, and now have a new issue, where the inverter has quit outputting power 5 times in the last 3 days. We have grid power, but no output. After a few minutes, it resumes output.

I would happily share pictures of the settings, if I thought there was even a remote possibility that a setting was causing my issue. Also, there are a lot of settings, so I wouldn't know which to share.
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I also think the inverter is broken, but Signature keeps giving me the run-around. By battery off, I'm referring to pressing the tiny on/off button. I have also tried flipping the breaker on the battery, with the same result - the house runs fine with no battery, and like garbage with battery on.
My problems began before I installed the PV, so the ground seems unlikely. Also, Signature had me move it to earth.

I upgraded to the latest firmware last week, and now have a new issue, where the inverter has quit outputting power 5 times in the last 3 days. We have grid power, but no output. After a few minutes, it resumes output.

I would happily share pictures of the settings, if I thought there was even a remote possibility that a setting was causing my issue. Also, there are a lot of settings, so I wouldn't know which to share.
Yeah none of this feels normal. Sorry, it's probably soured you on the product which for many of us has been a good experience. If Signature Solar could send you an advanced replacement unit, swapping it wouldn't be that hard. Kind of annoying but a 1 for 1 swap of the inverter isn't the worst job in the world
With the PV ground going the the PE Bus, it could be causing EMI to occur in the box due to landing on the same bus as the AC ground. I would recommend moving the PV ground to a separate ground. However, if you would like to send me a DM, I will give you my email to help get this resolved as soon as possible.
With the PV ground going the the PE Bus, it could be causing EMI to occur in the box due to landing on the same bus as the AC ground. I would recommend moving the PV ground to a separate ground. However, if you would like to send me a DM, I will give you my email to help get this resolved as soon as possible.
He said this was happening before PV even entered the story
I also think the inverter is broken, but Signature keeps giving me the run-around. By battery off, I'm referring to pressing the tiny on/off button. I have also tried flipping the breaker on the battery, with the same result - the house runs fine with no battery, and like garbage with battery on.
My problems began before I installed the PV, so the ground seems unlikely. Also, Signature had me move it to earth.

I upgraded to the latest firmware last week, and now have a new issue, where the inverter has quit outputting power 5 times in the last 3 days. We have grid power, but no output. After a few minutes, it resumes output.

I would happily share pictures of the settings, if I thought there was even a remote possibility that a setting was causing my issue. Also, there are a lot of settings, so I wouldn't know which to share.
I'm so sorry you're feeling this way! If you'd like to reach out to me at, I can look into your ticket and see what we can do to speed up the process!
If anyone out there cares, it's been another two weeks. I still cuss at my EG4 system multiple times a day. No one but me seems to care though.
If anyone out there cares, it's been another two weeks. I still cuss at my EG4 system multiple times a day. No one but me seems to care though.
We care @rocktman! - If you could DM me your email address, I'd like to look up your correspondence and find out what the issue is here! Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at any time. I'm here to help!
Yes, the PV grounding has been moved to the ground rod. Also, this issue existed long before we installed the PV.

Yes, my issues still exist.
What is connected to your PE ground?? That should be tied to a ground rod. So tying your PV ground to a ground rod as well should be the same "ground". Actually it should be the same ground rod! Sounds like your inverter has settings issues or hardware issues. If SS cant see any settings issues, the inverter should be returned for testing, repair or replacement.
Are you up and running now?

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