diy solar

diy solar

Food Security Through Modern Chemistry- Hydroponics


Solar Addict
Sep 15, 2022
There are a few other threads discussing this mildly off-topic topic. But I suppose the same type of people that want to be energy independent might want some food security as well. We haven't seen nationwide or global energy shortages nearly as profound as the empty shelves of early 2020 (you know why) and near doubling of food prices since.
I have been playing with hydroponics for a little over a year now, mostly with poor results as the learning curve is steep.
Bottom line, the desert has no soil. Raised beds and permaculture are longer term goals, but more immediate and year-long food production is the concern. Few garden plants do well here. Although I am finding some exceptions and ways to keep the critters from eating my produce.
Typical to DIY, building as much of my grow system off the shelf as possible using a modified flood/drain approach. Most of my ideas come from a YT channel "Hoocho". Rain gutter (really downspout) grow systems
Found my first 🍅 fruits forming this week, which is exciting because it's winter and pollinating plants are tough indoors.20240202_122459.jpg
As stated, I pretty much suck at this. My grow area is a small part of the chicken house and totally solar powered. Lots to learn. All discussion welcome.


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I've played around with DWC and kratsky a bit. I need to start again in a month or so when I have plenty of excess solar.
PH and TDS were lots of fun keeping in check.
Good lights make a drastic difference.


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PH and TDS were lots of fun keeping in check.
I do have a PH and EC meter that I used a bunch when I first started. My water is very alkaline and the Master blend solution brings the PH right into the 6-6.5 zone without any additional PH balancing, so I stopped checking it mostly. I generally mix 5 gals at a time and let the plants drink it up before refilling. Today is refill day so it is on my mind.
Looks like you have gotten some good results.👍
My lights are just off the shelf T-8 LEDs. I think 5k color temp if I remember.
I've used Advanced Nutrients pH perfect, it's awesome. Made life so much easier.
I also found the tomatoes really liked some additional Cal Mag.
As far as lights, look for something with high PAR values, with Samsung diodes and Meanwell drivers.
You'll probably save some power over the T8s too.
Looks like you've got some nice healthy root going.
Soooo, question as this is something interesting to me, but I seem to recall a company trying to make hydroponics-in-a-box setups where everything was in a 40ft container. The interesting thing was that they had a fish tank involved and let the fish waste fertilize the water for the system.

Anyone else remember that? It seems to me a truly self sufficient renewable system shouldn't rely on chemical additives if you can find something in the back yard that does the trick.

That would be cool, especially if combined with the agrovoltaics that are coming out.
Soooo, question as this is something interesting to me, but I seem to recall a company trying to make hydroponics-in-a-box setups where everything was in a 40ft container. The interesting thing was that they had a fish tank involved and let the fish waste fertilize the water for the system.

Anyone else remember that? It seems to me a truly self sufficient renewable system shouldn't rely on chemical additives if you can find something in the back yard that does the trick.

That would be cool, especially if combined with the agrovoltaics that are coming out.
That is aquaponics. It is interesting. The systems are more complicated and delicate than hydroponics. They often use Talapia. The "chemicals" are still added to the system in raw form via the fish food. Although chemicals is a loaded word. Everything in hydroponic solution is naturally occurring in good soil. There was however, a report by the USDA in the nineteen twenties or thirties that most of the nutrients had already been depleted from US farmland due to poor land management.
Hydroponics can be a great solution in many instances BUT it is also dependent on the nutrients & solutions being available and not costing too much. If all of a sudden you are cutoff from supply or it becomes difficult / costly to get your holding the proverbial water bottle you can't use.

Aquaponics alternatively does not have that dependency as such as fish can be fed in various ways, they also provide "fish meat" too in the normal process. Of course there are trade-offs which need to be accounted for and depending on your needs, wants and personal take on the situation at large if you consider things like supply stability.

Fish farms & Aquaponics have roots through history going back a very long time and so many have no clue...
Aquaponics alternatively does not have that dependency...
All good points. My summers are far too hot for the fish At least that is what I'm told. Might need a few more kwh for refrigeration. You wouldn't suffer from that issue.
Others use urine diluted 8:1 in gardens although I don't know of anyone doing this with hydroponics.
Fish temps & management is not a huge deal, planning is required.
Urine ? Skip that nonsense !
I am NOT a prepper but know a few (I'm deep in the arboreal forest so) and they do a combo of fish-farming + aquaponics coupled to it, 1 fellow uses the "fish water" as to water his raised gardens in the greenhouse which also encompasses the fish pond & more. It's amazingly impressive !

Their views are that being completely independent and not reliant on "externals" while having good "clean" food readily available year round they don't have to worry about a lot of things.
As a side question, does anyone know the difference between bifacial panels and agrophotaic panels? Do the agro panels just have more space for light to come through between the cells?

Aquaponics in a box with solar power for pumps/climate control realistic?
Fish temps & management is not a huge deal, planning is required.
Urine ? Skip that nonsense !
I am NOT a prepper but know a few (I'm deep in the arboreal forest so) and they do a combo of fish-farming + aquaponics coupled to it, 1 fellow uses the "fish water" as to water his raised gardens in the greenhouse which also encompasses the fish pond & more. It's amazingly impressive !

Their views are that being completely independent and not reliant on "externals" while having good "clean" food readily available year round they don't have to worry about a lot of things.
Ooohhh!!! Pics? 😁
No idea when I'll be going up there again, might be a couple of weeks, it's out of my way & I drop in when up in that nook. Life in the wilds and on unbeaten paths. ;-)
I would like to see that set up as well. Especially if they are growing food there at this time of year.
Someday, when I win the lotto and can afford it, I'd love to get a chunk of land in a nice enough spot and set up a aqua/agro-ponics setup... sigh...

I'm not a prepper, but paranoia IS a healthy thing and I think it would be nice when I can't sail anymore.
As a side question, does anyone know the difference between bifacial panels and agrophotaic panels? Do the agro panels just have more space for light to come through between the cells?

Aquaponics in a box with solar power for pumps/climate control realistic?
From Wikipedia: Doesn't seem like special panels.

There are three basic types of agrivoltaics that are being actively researched:

  • Solar arrays with space between for crops.
  • Stilted solar arrays above crops
  • Greenhouse solar arrays.[1]
Someday, when I win the lotto and can afford it, I'd love to get a chunk of land in a nice enough spot and set up a aqua/agro-ponics setup... sigh...

I'm not a prepper, but paranoia IS a healthy thing and I think it would be nice when I can't sail anymore.
If you win a big one just get land with a big lake
Someday, when I win the lotto and can afford it, I'd love to get a chunk of land in a nice enough spot and set up a aqua/agro-ponics setup... sigh...

I'm not a prepper, but paranoia IS a healthy thing and I think it would be nice when I can't sail anymore.
This rolled into my feed today. Learned a few things.

diy solar

diy solar