diy solar

diy solar

Solar Assistant Automation and SRNE 10K Inverters

Lighthouse Beacon

Following the Light
Sep 8, 2023
I have a strong feeling nooone is going to interact with this post, as it appears many users are not big fans of Automation Rules in Solar Assistant Beta. I have been working with a few other users on some things and have decided to run Solar Assistant Beta, and attempt abit more granual control (based on my equipment setup, and needs)

I was curious if anyone else has ran SA beta automation and what was experience like? Is anyone using SA Automation? I know that @42OhmsPA is. My focus right now will be setting "Output source priority" inverter setting based on a schedule, additionally adding "Battery state of charge" as a second condition. Something like:

Curious if anyone has messed around with this? I am on a SRNE 10k (Sungold SPH10K48SP) and wall batts with BMS Comms. I will update this thread with my findings regardless.
Have you actually checked Menu Item #1 (AC Output source priority) on the Inverter to see if SA has changed the item from UTI to SBU and back as scheduled. In other words is SA able to change the setting at all. This only affects the source for inverter output.

To affect battery charging you would also have to change menu item #6 (Battery charging mode).

And finally, the manual does not mention it and I have never looked at it but does the inverter need to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Have you actually checked Menu Item #1 (AC Output source priority) on the Inverter to see if SA has changed the item from UTI to SBU and back as scheduled. In other words is SA able to change the setting at all. This only affects the source for inverter output.

To affect battery charging you would also have to change menu item #6 (Battery charging mode).

And finally, the manual does not mention it and I have never looked at it but does the inverter need to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
I have requested beta and am waiting for the upgrade version to appear in SA.
I would think it wouldn't have a problem changing the inverter outputs as I already send that command manually in power output source priority and it usually changes instantly.


I'd basically be just issuing that command on a timer with the automation. The second condition can be read by SA already be listening to what the BMS states SOC is, so this basic logic would ensure the automation always has an intentional "Output source priority" set and there isn't any point during the day where it simply remains on whichever value was last set.

The param 6 won't really matter much because I'd still top up on solar with PV then go back SBU based on SOC. Right?

Im really looking to cut those "Twilight" hours out in the morning and late evening as my PV is almost null but detectable, and I am bouncing back and forth a few times between grid and pv before it's plausible.

I'd rather miss alittle early morning PV and kick into SOL mode with hotter panels.

That's the theory at least
I think it is working after all.
We'll find out tomorrow if I start charging with max output.
Cool, looks good. Those success commands are promising. I think this could be a huge gamechanger for these SRNE units. Help close the class gap between us and some of these higher priced units. Where did your update version option appear @42OhmsPA ? Is it under Configuration at the bottom, the website says it could take 24 hours? @Kenny_ have you played with this any? Kind of neat
Cool, looks good. Those success commands are promising. I think this could be a huge gamechanger for these SRNE units. Help close the class gap between us and some of these higher priced units. Where did your update version option appear @42OhmsPA ? Is it under Configuration at the bottom, the website says it could take 24 hours? @Kenny_ have you played with this any? Kind of neat
Nope. No real need at the moment. All is working as expected based on inverter and battery settings.
Log is showing errors on command receives, but the unit is receiving the commands accurately for my output source changes based on SOC, all solid switch overs im excited for the automation tables I plan to do more 7972FBB3-4DEE-4AB6-98F5-27036751DB9A.jpeg
I’ve been running like this for a week or so, I absolutely love the SA automation, it’s smoothed my grid/batt/solar transitions up tremendously and allowed me to control my switch off battery without changing BMS info or relying on voltages. Still able to use inverter/batt comms but maintain my own control parameters, absolutely intrinsic to my setup at this point
All I'm playing with, so far, is charge current but it doesn't appear to be working.
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This is the automation I'm looking for...not all batteries reach full together so to be able to open it up during the start of charging and then throttle it back to meet the BMS settings as it reaches a closer voltage is great... Thanks!
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diy solar