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diy solar

diy solar
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General LiFePO4 (LFP) Voltage to SOC charts/tables 12/24/48V 2021-01-18

I've looked at several places for a simple, easy to read at a glance "chart document" for LFP. I could not find anything comprehensive. I discovered an XLS Worksheet in my stored file and took parts of that to create this chart, I did not create the worksheet and for the life of me, I can't remember where I found it in April of this year. So I am sorry, but I can't provide proper attribution for the info.

I hope this helps anyone looking for such a quick chart.
PS: If you download the image it is a larger format file than what shows.

LFP Voltage Chart.jpg


Latest reviews

this is nice information, but I've also been reading that relying on voltage to determine SoC is unreliable. Thoughts?
Essential numbers to have for a newbie like me, this is grand!!
Missing in the chart is one thing: at highest and lowest SOC (and all other columns) are values highlighted in pink. The pink is never defined. I suspect it denotes levels that might be harmful to the cells, but I don't like guessing.
Awesome, thank you. Any chance you could provide a copy of the excel file too ?
and for others "download the image" refers to the orange download link on the top right of this thread and not the web browser right click image options.
HUGE thanks for this! Printed and next to my batteries! J
This is brilliant, I'm scoping out my solar requirements for my RV and this has instantly answered a question I had. Thank you.
nice work who ever done it, easy to read
I spent hours trying to find a chart such as yours. I'm grateful. Thank you for providing it.
Excellent resource. Helps me get my head around this stuff.

diy solar

diy solar